~300k OCTGN game stats

I think I just used SSCI in my title, no brackets

Everyone put SSCI / [SSCI] in a way or another in their room name.

I’ve been working on using a TrueSkill implementation to work on the data. My main objective right know is to analyze how skill affect the outcome of the matches between the different Corp-Runner match-ups. When I group them by the result of the games I get this:

AgendaDefeat | 184346
DeckVictory | 1
AgendaVictory | 132282
Flatlined | 3
FlatlineVictory | 70442
Conceded | 7902
ConcedeVictory | 9945
DeckDefeat | 1902
(8 rows)

Is there a difference between: Flatlined and FlatlineVictory, DeckDefeat and DeckVictory?
Which sides wins with ConcedeVictory and Conceded.

I know I could exclude these, and right know I’m doing that, but it would be nice to know.
also if anyone is interested on an specific report, or the raw data with the ratings added just send me a message.


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DeckDefeat= Corp decked
DeckVictory= Runner decked the corp.
FlatlineVictory= Runner killed
Flatlined: Runner Killed

think your safe to discount flatlined and deckdefeat.

looking at the code both sides submit there results. DeckDefeat is the same as DeckVictory, corp decked, so there should be the same number. Would imagine the single DeckVictory slipped through dbo’s formatting.

@db0 is your man for more info.

‘Victory’ is defined with reference to the Corp:

if result == 'Flatlined' or result == 'Conceded' or result == 'DeckDefeat' or result == 'AgendaDefeat': WIN = 0
   else: WIN = 1

This means DeckVictory is a win for the Corp, not the Runner. And Flatlined is a loss for the Corp, which actually means there’s a bug in my code (I rate players with Glicko and look at ID matchups).

You can also see the definition at work in the enemy reporting a little further down:

   # The victorious player also reports for their enemy
   enemyPL = ofwhom('-ofOpponent')
   ENEMY = enemyPL.name
   enemyIdent = getSpecial('Identity',enemyPL)
   E_IDENTITY = enemyIdent.Subtitle.replace(',','').replace('.','').replace('#','').replace('@','').replace('#','')
   debugNotify("Enemy Identity Name: {}".format(E_IDENTITY), 2) #Debug
   if result == 'FlatlineVictory': 
      E_RESULT = 'Flatlined'
      E_WIN = 0
   elif result == 'Flatlined': 
      E_RESULT = 'FlatlineVictory'
      E_WIN = 1
   elif result == 'Conceded': 
      E_RESULT = 'ConcedeVictory'
      E_WIN = 1  
   elif result == 'DeckDefeat': 
      E_RESULT = 'DeckVictory'
      E_WIN = 1  
   elif result == 'AgendaVictory': 
      E_RESULT = 'AgendaDefeat'
      E_WIN = 0
   elif result == 'AgendaDefeat': 
      E_RESULT = 'AgendaVictory'
      E_WIN = 1
      E_RESULT = 'Unknown'
      E_WIN = 0

think this is wrong.

if currentHandSize(me) < 0 and ds == 'runner': notify(":::Warning:::{} goes to sleep, never to wake up again (flatlined due to excessive brain damage.)".format(me)) #If the target does not have any more cards in their hand, inform they've flatlined. reportGame('Flatlined')

deckDefeat is definitely corp decked.

if confirm("You do not have enough cards in your R&D to draw. Continuing with this action will lose you the game. Proceed?"): notify(":::ATTENTION::: {} cannot draw the full amount of cards. {} loses the game!".format(me,me)) reportGame('DeckDefeat')

The only point DeckVictory is reported is when the enemy has reported deckdefeat.

FlatlineVictory is the same as Flatlined a corp win.
DeckVictory is the same as DeckDefeat a runner win

It appears dbo just filters one side out.


Oh good, so I was right the first time and don’t have to change my code. Woo!

Edit: Python is definitely not my native tongue.

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Did you ever do anything with these would be cool to see.

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thanks, I changed my code to reflect that, I excluded them in the initial run using all matches, that one takes a while, in the mean time I’m applying it to the matches marked SHL2, the first thing I’m trying is assigning a match quality to the matches to see what happens to the corp-runner match ups when players have similar skill


I still have it, but I wanted to look at longer term trends beyond week to week and month to month, and then tournament season started. I’ll probably pick it up again soon, though.

Bit of a thread bump - but I offloaded the data to 2014 today and started graphing some of it out (some of the graphs are likely still on slack#general) - are there any more recent data available?

400k is the latest dataset, but it only goes up to O&C. We don’t have anything more recent than that, since the community didn’t do enough with the last data dump to make it worth db0’s time to extract another one. (At least, not publicly. I have a bunch of results and a half-written article.)

I’ve asked about the upload API a couple of times, but I don’t think he wants other people mirroring it – which is kind of too bad, since the place where it goes, Slaghund, only keeps the last ~6 months.

db0 is also moved on to doomtown. I really appreciate that he still does the octgn work for ANR and various other games. But I assume netrunner is in maintenance mode.