Andy - Lotus Field edition

I hadn’t thought of it extending your early game advantage. That’s a good point. I’m sure there are a lot of games where an early parasite let you continue to harass the corp and keep them broken early game. I guess I like being more dominant in the late game so I value RDI more. Another thing is that corps these days have so many ways to make money it’s quite easy to survive to the mid game even vs Andy/Gabe. NEXT Silver doesn’t concern me so much, Korrigan. HB FA is still potent but easier to deal with than NBN FA or RP glacier. I’ll agree that parasite is very similar in strength to RDI and it’s really just a preference choice.

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Legwork makes Parasite much more justifiable. Parasite forces the corp to respond by setting up more ice (hopefully digging for it) during which time agendas pool up in HQ. Then you go fetch them with a timely legwork.

RDI is great as well, and I think losing it all together with the inclusion of Knight is a big hit to Andy’s late game so I can see your desire to keep it if it works well with your play style.

Maybe play a few games keeping Parasite in mind every time you see an RDI and then try to think about what having a Parasite would do for you at that point in the game.

The Canadian Nationals winner was running 3 RDI so I don’t feel so crazy. I think spending influence on RDI is better vs NEH but significantly worse vs RP. Does anyone feel like John Masanori could make a come back? I’m going to start running x2 John because there are always open remotes vs NEH and your runner deck needs be extremely fast getting all your breakers out. John is risky early game but sometimes to need to take risks and get lucky vs this amazing nbn ID.

personally I like 2x rdi and a makers eye since you’re already running same old thing, makers is really nice on turn 1 if you happen to have it.

I’ve got a bit of tech in my Andy right now, what do you guys think?

3 Dataleak Reversal
3 Fall Guy
2 John Masanori

There seems to be far less tag punishment right now so I’m embracing it. John Masanori is one of the strongest potential components of a run economy and now he’s got open remotes and lower risk. The DLRs are like mini vamps with an R&D access attached. Generally run, drop it and mill 2. On the corp’s turn they’ll trash it (if they have experience against DLR) but that’s not always easy as they might have to try it multiple times because of Fall Guy. The corp’s turns can pretty quickly become ‘credit, credit, trash’. What I like is it’s such a flexible combo, if you draw Fall Guy but no DLR or DLR but no tagging you can still just play them out, keep drawing and running and it’ll be even harder to get rid of when you get the missing piece. It also doesn’t really cut into the core of the deck since Andy has some flex slots and influence. Here’s how I’m spending the influence right now:
2 Quality Time
3 Datasucker
1 Corroder
1 Gordian Blade

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Is Femme your 9 cost mimic? How’s that working out early?

fairie and alias are in faction.

@willlt I’ve been toying around with a similar idea, although with 3 parasites and 2 deja vu, just making the anarch siphon deck in criminal

Yeah triple Faerie + Femme

Resurrecting this old thread to ask how people approach Jonny Mas in opening hand against Blue sun?

I have wavered between installing him, holding on to him and only installing him when I have full rig, and just not bothering and discard.

I always ditch JM against Blue Sun, personally. They are the faction most likely to win because you have a tag, and they play a good assortment of ICE types. Caduc can end the run, Enigma and Datapike can end the run, and of course all their barriers. BS also generally isn’t a super fast deck. They want to money up, ice up, and get some Oversights before they start building a scoring remote, in my experience. I don’t think the additional tempo JM gives you is worth the risk in the match-up.