[Completed] OFFICIAL Stimhack OCTGN League #1

The opposite is what seems clear to me. :stuck_out_tongue: Guess Iā€™ll have to ask Lukas.

Yeah, Iā€™d have to disagree with you as well, Nord. Overwriting an asset with an agenda is not ā€œcreating a new serverā€.

This came up a while back in a local tournament and the TO ruled that it wasnā€™t a new server-- that said, Iā€™m not sure if he had seekrit Lukas knowledge or just favored that interpretation. FWIW I agree that it shouldnā€™t be, but Iā€™ve been wrong on these things before.

How so? In this case a PAD campaign is at least one other card in or on that server. That rule is to clarify that you canā€™t trash servers outside of the one you installed in. Am I wrong?

Managed to fit it into 140 characters. Hate to bug him on a Friday night, but at the same time experience has shown that heā€™ll answer when heā€™s ready, so hopefully it isnā€™t an intrusion.

(What? Iā€™m Canadian!)

I would have just waited until Monday and asked him at the FFG tourney, but itā€™s Labour Day so the tourney isnā€™t happening this Monday.

I could easily have read that wrong. Thanks for checking with Lukas.

Itā€™s a good thing the tourney isnā€™t happening this Monday. I havenā€™t played a single game since Nats and I have zero Runner decks that are ready for NEH. I donā€™t even own The Spaces Between yet!

Not really. The previous turn I had only 4 creds, so couldnā€™t bio-ship-astro - one cred short. Last turn I draw BN and then itā€™s not important if I bio-ship-astro or score BN, however the pad replacement question still applies. Iā€™m interested in the official ruling, but I actually replaced naked servers with astro-biotic in many games before to prevent unwanted card draw, when my HQ was insecure. It was pretty clear to me that replacing is not creating a new server, also my opponents always agreed with it.

Doesnā€™t matter in my particular game, cause if necessary by the ruling I can always do this:

  1. biotic
  2. install san san onto the pad
  3. trash a pad and install BN avoiding the card draw
  4. score

1800 on the nose. The bus is parked. I hate to do it, but I said I would.


Thatā€™s a knockout Nord. Iā€™ve got 100 points to catch upā€¦
Although itā€™s possible that 1800 will be much easier to achieve in 2 weeks than now (more ppl with better ratings = more gain and smaller loss after a game). I wonder if parking is the right call :wink:.

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Lukas says itā€™s the same server (no NEH trigger).


I guess Iā€™m not gonna whine about how broken NEH is anymore, but I still have to say:
It is so boring to play with and against. It has severly hurt diversity (at least in stimhack league). It is high variance.

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Stimhack league is where you go to get your playtesting against NEH in. The vast majority of my opponents played NEH+andy. Sadly stimhack league is just to cutthroat for fun decks like HB bioriod efficency research glacier, oh well at least I can run noise into NEH all day

Why are people upset about players wanting to play their best stuff in what is supposed to be a competitive league? You are welcome to play any legal decks. Some people are using the league for fun, some like myself want as close to tourney competition as possible for practice. Either way I have never cared what my opponents bring to the table.


My rating disagrees. :slight_smile:


Yeah, I agree. Itā€™s a great gauntlet for testing decks. My rating will probably end up being pretty awful, but Iā€™ll learn a lot about the decks I try out.


And you will, only because the majority of league players bring their best stuff to the table.

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  1. Is there any interest in running a bracket based on the standings at the end of the league? Something like the top 16 players with seeded by standing?
  2. Are there any more details about what the prize pool will look like? If I were to end up 18th and then it turned out that prizes were for top 16 then I would be sad.

Isnā€™t internet glory the ultimate prize?

Several prizes were donated for the league. I think @SneakySly said he wants to do a top 8 elimination round after the league. I think top 16 would be optimal, but my experience of trying to pin down individual matchups on OCTGN is that it can be challenging. A top 16 double elimination round from a BGG league took almost 3 months IIRC.