Flashpoint Cycle!

Scavenging clippy for Gordian Blade feels pretty good too, and using the Sahasrara’s to re-install Clippy later just feels dirty.


I like the way you think:grinning:

Standard money and ice deck with a 24/7 + Boom kill combo. TWIY makes Boom slightly harder for the runner to trash. The money and ice could probably use some work.

Shake, Shake, Shake the Room

NBN: The World is Yours*

Agenda (11)
1x AstroScript Pilot Program
3x Breaking News ☆☆☆
3x Explode-a-palooza
3x Project Beale
1x 15 Minutes

Asset (6)
3x Jackson Howard
3x Marked Accounts

Operation (12)
3x BOOM! ●●●●● ●●●●
3x Hedge Fund
3x Sweeps Week
3x 24/7 News Cycle

Barrier (3)
3x Wraparound

Code Gate (9)
3x Little Engine
3x Pop-up Window
3x Tollbooth

Sentry (3)
3x Cobra

The best use for 2 cards of the jankest magnitude. Also, Prisec.

3 Prisec, tutored with Localized Product Line and installed with Shipment From Mirrormorph.

Obviously, to be used with Enhanced Login Protocol in Custom Biotics of course. Or ETF, with a nice chance of winning, and the money to pay for 3 Prisecs, and maybe a Snare!

That’s a tight lock on whatever server you don’t want the runner to hit.

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Suddenly, Singularity.

Wow I didn’t notice Prisec was an upgrade, I guess that makes much more sense than an asset. Are you using Casting Call in this jank?

In HB? I haven’t even made a deck yet, but I bet I can make a server that will totally make the runner win on centrals. (By this, Imean ignore it completely) That’ll be my choice. I’ll do it with Ruhr Valley, and ELP and sheer ballz. Yes, with a z, that’s an important distinction.

Had to remind myself what Mausolus does today. I’ll be damned if that ain’t one of the best pieces of ICE in the game.


Ice wall @4 str / rez 1 / inf 1 is better to me :slight_smile:
Don’t forget the thing will cost you 2-3 turns to play…

[quote=“Syntax, post:995, topic:7403”]
Don’t forget the thing will cost you 2-3 turns to play…

you can just install and rez it normally and just never advance it at all. it’s still a 5str code gate for 4c that has 3 baller subs the runner does NOT want to fire, regardless of whether or not it’s been advanced.
you only really advance it if you absolutely need it to have an etr, cos it’s the same to break for the runner either way. if the runner has their decoder and is paying to break it, no reason to advance it. if the runner decides they’re going to go tag me, keep taking the ping damage, and give you 1c every time, then you might think about advancing it, but as the corp, that’s the kind of decision you’d generally be happy with the runner making anyway


This seems to be the theme of this cycle and almost a hallmark of Damon’s design so far.

NBN have become the tagging faction now, expect tags, tags are your win condition. Jinteki are being pushed hard into net damage and shell games now that Rumour Mill kills any chance they had of scoring out of a remote. HB are the go to glacier ID now that they can rez ice on the cheap, and Weyland meat damage is back.

Damon seems to be creating IDs with this intention, to push the factions very obviously into one direction and one direction only.


I don’t agree. Not every ID forces you down a specific path. Especially not the runners. Some examples; Null is good with any breaker suite, not just fixed the fixed breaker suite, and his plan for winning is wide-opened. Omars ability is really just built in archive pressure, so he can use his cards on other things. Khans ability earns you click and money for something you want to do anyway.

On the corp-side we don’t have the same flexibility. But on the other hand it is more important to have flexibility on the runner side, since the runner needs to be able to attack any corp. So specialized corps is better than specialized runners.


For recaps:

Weyland ICE: Codegate - AP
4 rez - 5 str - inf 3
=> the corp gains 1c
=> do 1 net
=> give a tag

=> the corp gains 3c
=> 3 net
=> tag + etr

This is nice but will you rez an ice for 4 that only tag, gains 1c and do a net ? Do you expect after rez it to triple adv and see the runner never break it ?

Either you rez it adv, or not.

If you rez it non-adv, then adv then you lost 4 clicks + 7c to make it “got to break”.
If you rez it adv, then you lost 4 clicks + 7c.
If you let it non-adv, then you got yourself a costly Yagura or a Shiro-like ice ?

i don’t actually see it that way.

i won’t repeat the discussion that already happened about whether, how much, stealth you really need in Smoke, but i’ll bring up other points:

they always have been the tagging faction. ever since the core. it’s just that you had Closed Accounts (not a win condition per se), Psychographics (really difficult in the core to use as a win condition), and Scorched Earth, which you had to import.
if NBN tags, and Weyland has the only true tag punishment (meat damage flatline), that put tagging decks into a very small hole, regardless of whether they were out of NBN or Weyland. now, and starting way before Damon took the lead, NBN has more tools to leverage tags: trash programs (Keegan Lane), cut out resources (All-Seeing I), operation tutor (Lily Lockwell), economic leverage (Reality Threedee), exchange agendas (Exchange of Information), have the runner score agendas for you (Quantum Predictive Model)

all of these were designed before Damon took the helm. the game has been going in a direction of allowing the corp to leverage tags with more than just a big meat damage flatline win, and the game in general has given more impact to being tagged. for a long time, some decks exploited Siphon spam with 3 Plascrete Carapaces and ran without fear of ever being scorched because that was, sadly, the only thing you’d ever really expect to see from the corp if you were tagged

but let’s look at the things Damon has added so far this cycle

Sherlock 2.0: an ICE that can give the runner a tag

NBN - Controlling the Message: reliable way to push out tags if the runner is trashing your stuff
Watchdog: ICE discount based on the number of tags the runner has
Hard-Hitting News: SEA Source on steroids but also ends your action phase, giving the runner a chance to respond before you can do anything
Observe and Destroy: trash any installed card if the runner is poor and has a tag. hit them while they’re down

Door to Door: tagging + meat damage in Weyland
Boom!: massive new meat damage punishment that isn’t strictly better or worse than previous cards
Mausolus: ICE that tags, in Weyland (and, incidentally, does net damage)

tagging isn’t just for NBN, and tagging punishment has just been explored a lot more, but that exploration started quite a while ago and isn’t really going away any time soon. sure, NBN still has the best cards to place and leverage tags on the runner (they should, it’s definitely part of their colour pie), but other corps have ways of tagging as well. Hunter has existed since the core, and now every corp has access to Prisec, which is a huge tagging option

with cards like Potential Unleashed and Aiki, it’s clear that net damage can be leveraged in new an interesting ways that are not strictly going for the flatline or forcing the runner to draw up after taking ping damage

these kinds of punishments throw how runners perceive net damage flat on its face and force them to consider it differently

i talked about Weyland meat damage, but i don’t think that’s absolutely where you have to go with them. Builder of Nations can essentially be played like a Jinteki ping deck with no real flatline goal (per se). i mean sure, you have a very obvious interaction of needing advanceable ICE, but where you go with that isn’t strictly determined

as far as glacier goes, Weyland has some strong economy options again like Stock Buy-Back and Liquidation

i don’t think of it as forcing corps into one specific direction but rather going back-to-basics with what the corps are all about, HB has bio-roids and brain damage, Jinteki has net damage and psi games, NBN has tagging and credit taxing, Weyland murders people and also makes a shitload of credits, and this cycle gives all of those basic archetypes a shot in the arm to how you leverage and play around them. i think there’s a lot more options


i’m honestly not sure what you’re trying to say with this post, since i literally answered every question you asked already in the post you’re replying to

oh, except this one: but since when can Yagura give tags?
and another edit cos you keep editing, how is this at all like Shiro (except that they’re both code gates)?

and as an honest analysis of your post, you are seriously downplaying what it means to walk through this ICE and take a tag, especially against Weyland


Would you splash it in non-weyland for 3 inf ? (aka would you design a deck on it + 3 jacksons + 3x MWLed stuff or GFIs)
=> This is limiting the awesomeness factor of this ice to one “non-awesome” faction :slight_smile:

how many times are you going to edit your posts?

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I agree with you on everything here, I just think 2 months ago NBNs win condition was Astro-SanSan, not tags.

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