Great Lakes Circuit - a series of upper Middle West tournaments

Whizzard isn’t a terrible meta call for an asset heavy meta. I’ve been playing against a lot of him with Turtlesponsor NEH and he definitely gets a lot of econ from the ID. I think the key is just making sure that the runs are profitable as well as cheap. Desperado or Dirty Laundry seems like a really good idea, and I’d avoid click intensive econ and draw (Wyldside without Chronotype will make Whizzard fall behind really fast, even if he’s only losing 1 credit for every turtleback and sponsor).

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If you’re looking for wi-fi, Dice Dojo has it but their connection isn’t great, bring yr hotspot


Shoot me your builds - maybe I’ll pop those on Sunday if I make it. I’m pretty locked into my Saturday decks.

Just a reminder and request to make sure you archive the games so those of us that can’t watch it live on Saturday can still watch. Thanks!


On the one hand, I’m pretty tired this week, my wife is about to leave on a business trip, and I’m looking forward to a lazy weekend at home before she heads out.

On the other hand, I would have qualified if I’d taken a moment to do some mental math on the standings going into my very time-compressed last game. A timed win would have done it (which I had in the bag, up 4-1 vs IG as Kate), but I thought I needed a full win, so I went hyper aggro even though I knew the risk of flatline, and lost. Ended up in 5th instead of 3rd, and it sounds like many good times will be had in my absence. Alas! Represent us well, Minnesotans! :slight_smile:

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Any chance they’d let us hook straight into the router instead of using Wi-Fi?

And I’m still carrying your razor around with your cards in the back of my car.

To the rest of you, best of luck and kick ass!


That’s like Peaky Blinders in Netrunner form.

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I’ve got an announcer pack ready for you, being inspired by Fashion. See you this weekend! Oh, bring a collared shirt.


Unfortunately the connection at the store isn’t stable enough for us to stream. I will be recording the games today and then post them up later. Sorry guys :frowning:


Update! We’ve worked with the store to let us run a 100 ft cable to the router for tomorrow’s finals! Today’s qualifier will be recorded but we should be live tomorrow.



Excellent. Please be sure to post up links when you are up and running, we have a GNK tourney here, but the store has a cool TV setup, we can play and watch your event while we play/between rounds.

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New update! We have a working setup so we are looking to go live for the top 8 cut in a couple hours!

You’re doing a cut for the LCQ?

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Since this is being built into normal Chilo City Grudge match they are doing a top 8 cut.

We are live for the final round of swiss, however there will be no commentary for this round. Appologies but I couldnt find anything off the table to set the tripod on. Streaming live at Twitch

Is this event over?

Unfortunately the stores connection isn’t stable so we won’t be able to live stream. Tomorrow’s GLC finals will be recorded and then rebroadcasted throughout the week.

Yeah, was also wondering who won/qualified.

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