How do we make Weyland good?

Yeah, any discussion of this idea should cover the clear fact that the initial numbers on this card are way, way out of whack.

I like the general concept of the public support style countdown asset, though, so I can see a balanced version being printed. it’s a great way for bad-at-bluffing weyland to force some runs without risking agendas.

Oh, I’ll definitely admit that the numbers were more-or-less pulled from thin air. The only reason I chose a bigger-than-scorch number is because scorch is generally a possibility, but an uncertainty. The idea of Timebomb was that it does more damage, but it gives the runner time to prepare or to trash it. A lower trash cost is definitely a possibility, but I definitely would want it to do at least 5 damage. That way the runner can survive it no matter what, as long as they play to have a full hand at the “detonation.”

The problem as written is that you can play it as a tax card and have it be great. Public Support gives the runner a choice: take an econ hit to trash it or let the Corp get a point. If you make Time Bomb deal lethal damage then the runner doesn’t have a choice – they must trash it. And at 1 rez to 7 trash you can even play it naked for the econ pressure which seems too good and stepping on Public Support’s toes.

I’d say let the runner add it to their score area for 1 point when they trash it. This leaves room for Public Support since it’s lower risk, lower reward, and moving towards a different win condition. I’d also drop the damage to at most 4. Even 4 damage can be comboed into something like Tech Startup -> Contract Killer -> Kill.

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Time bomb would definitely need to be 4 damage, or maybe 5. If it was over that, just splash 3 Caprice and 3 Recruiting Trip, and run 3 Startups. Sure way to get 2-3 Plascretes back in every deck. I suppose Convenience Shop has already done that though…

Recruiting Trip can’t get Caprice. But yep, lethal damage would be too much.

This deck should not work. There is not a reasonable bone in its body. It runs horrible ice. it runs too much econ. There are some cards you look at, and you don’t understand why they are there. Expo Grid. Space Camp.

And yet, for some god forsaken reason that I can’t quite figure out, it does work. It works very very very well. It is not tier 1. Don’t be fooled into thinking you’ve found a tier 1 deck. Because it might make you think that. Because you’ll do this weird thing and win games that you shouldn’t. But don’t be fooled. I’m pretty sure this is bad. But, there’s maybe something here and if you like weyland you should probably investigate it? Maybe? Probably Not?

As near as I can tell, and I’m the one who built this monstrosity, it uses click compression to win. It constructs, slowly, servers that are really really expensive to run. And then, suddenly, without much warning, it just starts scoring points or destroying everything it looks at. It demands running a remote or the remote gets really big. And it demands that the runner do this for about 7 turns in a row, which most runners simply can’t do.

I’m pretty sure that melange mining corp is bad. I’m partially sure that the Expo Grids could just be something else. And I might believe that space camp only occasionally pays dividends.

But the thing is, I’m not 100% certain at all. I made this joke as an exercise in putting archangel in a faction other than NBN, and Archangel is fine in the deck but the rest of it is fine too. I don’t know. I wish I did. I’m confused.

Here, you figure it out.

Because We Accidentally The Whole Thing

Titan Transnational: Investing In Your Future (Order and Chaos)

Agenda (10)

Asset (12)

Upgrade (2)

Operation (7)

Barrier (6)

Code Gate (5)

Sentry (6)

Multi (1)

  • 1x Orion (Order and Chaos)

17 influence spent (max 17)
20 agenda points (between 20 and 21)
49 cards (min 45)
Cards up to Data and Destiny

Decklist published on NetrunnerDB.


I can’t even understand how this deck is supposed to win. I guess gain money via Refinery/Melange on bigice remote until you can score? And hope they never run centrals?

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It’s amazing how taxing Weyland can be with only a few decent code gates thrown into the mix. I’ve been partial to supermodernism splashing Archangel. It gives you insane acoring windows or you just threaten to win via damage.

Everything gets pretty taxing, pretty quickly.

Here’s the final view of a game I played:


That is insane. I would also love to Apocalypse it.

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I experimented with Archangel in Weyland Rush for awhile. The issue is the anti-synergy between trace and both bad publicity and gear checking. Archangel isn’t a true gear check, and your worst match-up (Kate) has one link. Add Hostile into the mix and I frequently ran into situations where it wasn’t worthwhile to rez Archangel. It also doesn’t help versus D4v1d. Taxing D4v1d tokens isn’t really a thing versus Anarch right now, between Deja Vu and Clone Chip. I’ve yet to see a Rush build that doesn’t rely pretty hard on Hostile, and 2 or even 1 BP makes Archangel suboptimal IMO.

I understand that you can threaten kill if they pay through Archangel, but you can’t kill decent Anarch players without Traffic; Criminals always run Plascrete and sometimes NACH; you’re never rich enough to beat PPVP on SEA trace and other Shaper shells run Plas and/or NACH.

This is all my experience, and the short version is that Archangel might be worth the painful 4 splash if it wasn’t effectively blanked by Hostile Takeover (Fracking notwithstanding, which is still a reasonable agenda in Weyland Rush).

why… is… this… so good? Been clowning ppl all night on jinteki with this…people I know, who aren’t random trash people on the internet…

I don’t understand it at all, but it’s fun. It’s just greatest hits of Real ™ Netrunner - money, ice, bluffs, and agendas. I sure I’ll figure out why it’s terrible soon.

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Is it possible that Weyland isn’t as bad as the groupthink thinks? I mean, if … this … manages to win, maybe we’ve just been playing Weyland wrong this whole time.

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Quetzal Faust d4v1d e3 tears it apart, but that deck is anomilous.

I think that it’s more likely that the current meta is weak to Realtm money and ice netrunner. Weyland has the best ICE as a whole for unconditional etr, with generally reasonable strength. If one can force the runner to run every turn, through reasonably deep servers (3 ice) most runners that are geared for Kate-style meaningful runs will be pressured on econ, and their disposable breakers opening scoring windows.

Of course this will work best when the runner meta is geared against FA. If runners start running full rigs again (like in Nexus Kate, stealth decks, or yes Quetzal shenanigans) this style deck will be weaker than an ETF with high strength ICE that punishes facechecking more consistently.

Also I would think this deck would rough against the CT Litmus Test.

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I think the always-advance bluff is underrated in Weyland. I never regretted GRDNL Refinery when I found room for it in Blue Sun. They’re going to assume anything you advance is an agenda.

CT Litmus pretty much annihilates any non-rush Weyland deck, especially those without Crisium Grid.

I don’t doubt that for a second. My main runner deck is a CT stimshop so I know the power of those decks. What I was trying to say is that I think the runner meta is too tricksy right now and that is why solid classic netrunner with money, assets, etr, and agendas might be strong right now, such as the deck posted above.

yeah, I think that’s all this deck boils down to. The meta’s in a weird place, and honestly CT litmus test isn’t a great representative of any threat that runners present right now. It’s more of a lurking meta-in-waiting, like, “If you ever abandon FA too much this is what runners will do to you.” the litmus test is useful only really for ensuring that you don’t make yourself vulnerable to a single extremely simple strategy.

I guess the TLDR is that I would never take this to a tournament but it’s a bit funny how solid it feels. It definitely makes me feel like Weyland could have legs with just 2 or 3 more solid cards.

How does this do against the RegAss builds of Anarch? Between D4v1d, Parasite and Mimic, with added help from Datasucker and other breakers, it doesn’t look to robust. Add in MaxX’s speed or Valencia’s Blackmail and I can see trouble at’t’mill.

Did Space Camp do work? I want it to. Largely so I can shout SPACECAMP! in a parody of the Lego movie every time someone access it.

Also, no Crisium? How do you cope against the Siphon spam, Apocalypse, big R&D blasts with Maker’s etc.?