How many credits does it take to win a game?

I take back my words @dapperatchik , you revived the discussion. I guess miracles do exist.

Fact is though, runners can win the game with 0 credits gained/spend, where corps cannot. But we all know from experience a runner has to run between 9-15 economy cards, of which at least 1 has to have some renewable value. Credits spend per game don’t tell anything, even if you cluster all the data

thats sorta what the wildfaustcakes engine does right ? granted the engine takes time and money to set up but once its up you are in the datasucker/desperado territory of netrunner perpetual motion.

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@ajar think you could do something with this?

I’m not sure there’s enough knowledge to be gained to justify the effort. If the data existed, it would be easy to compute the average credits per turn for both sides in a given matchup and check if there are differences between the wins and losses.

Bringing the data into existence is the hard part. For one thing, we don’t have it for the 400,000+ games that have already been played on OCTGN, so even if db0 added it tomorrow, we’d have to wait probably a year to get enough data to do anything useful. For another, db0 doesn’t have a strong incentive to do data extracts for us since we – the community – haven’t produced anything from his last extract. Nor did we use the SHL tags for anything of note.

I’m looking at the game reporting mechanism in the ANR OCTGN project to see if I could scrape the delta between the last extract and the slaghund data in order to maintain my own complete database, but I’m not a web programmer or particularly knowledgeable in Python, so it’s a bit pie-in-the-sky at the moment.

Or use this to watch your games.

My personnal average is 65-75 credit on runner, more or less with the corp.