[Completed] OFFICIAL Stimhack OCTGN League #1

Is Red Coats covered by HB-FA, or has it stopped being a thing? I’d’ve thought Dead Coats (Punitive Counterstrike splash) would’ve loved the chance to grab a Domestic Sleeper or two and move over to 5/3s instead. Or is that not really a thing?

Problem is that going up to 9/10 agendas (6x 5/3s plus 2/3 Sleepers plus a 3/2 or NAPD) squeezes either the econ or the ICE. Both of those are already on a knife-edge of what you can get away with in the Punitive builds. You also lose Vitruvius, which is basicly game if you can double overadvance it as your first agenda.

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This would be due to my current Warframe addiction, further worsened by my wife’s current Warframe addiction. Just wait for me to have some Netrunner time and you’ll have plenty of easy games :stuck_out_tongue:

Always interested in Sam’s innovative insanities. Any details you (two) can share?

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Niseis, Lotus Fields, Inazumas, Archers, Grims and Corporate Troubleshooter. A criminals nightmare - I litterally had only Mimic left at the end of the game (sitting at 6 AP)
P.S.: In retrospect I discovered some mistakes I made so I guess I could have won.

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Ah, so you’re basically just whining that the one corp that’s supposed to be a weak matchup for your runner faction is now actually viable, gotcha :stuck_out_tongue:

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PE isnt a weak matchup against Criminals :slight_smile:

Sure it is. Funnily enough, Criminals’ biggest problem (in that particular matchup) has always been that they have too many good cards, and as a result have both less redundancy (because deckspace) and can get more disrupted by losing a single card from hand to net damage, relatively speaking.

If you take a look at underlying design principles, Jinteki is probably the best-positioned to work against Criminals - ICE that’s either super cheap and unignorable or cheap-ish and unfacecheck-able, successful runs that hurt you (sometimes a LOT), various forms of traps that make digging a risky proposition (particularly in HQ), and so on.

Whether that is (and/or has been) the reality of the current state of the game is another discussion, though :stuck_out_tongue:


Just popping in to say that I joined the Stimhack League today. I’m a pretty new player with a few games under my belt, both on OCTGN and in paper. Ill try to get in my first games for the league tonight.

I think it’s still a good deck, I don’t see it that much anymore, but it might as well be the same as HB-FA since they play practically the same ice now. Rather, HB-FA decks have been heavy on taxing ice lately.


anyone having problems with starting new games?

after i hit ‘start’ button of a creating game popup it’s kinda frozen. i can see game is added to the list, but no new game window where i wait for an opponent appear.

Achievement unlocked: Inazuma’ing someone into a Janus.

Then they later ran into a snare in R&D, which was a bit unlucky.

Still, this has restored faith in my HB deck, as up until this flatline win, I was losing badly. Enjoying it thoroughly though!

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I am starting a stream so if anyone is interested to join me. You are welcome!

Here is the vid from today Twitch went 3W, 1L so that’s a bit better than normally, but I still have miles to improve I think. Games against @SamRS was really intense for me!

And here is another vid from another day… if anyone is interested in what I am playing and how Twitch

Gonna be streaming for a while tonight. Join me. Hop in the chat. Say Hello.

@steve_houston to the moon or bust!

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Read in this thread that international participants are welcome, registered right away. Timezone might be quite troublesome though, am at GMT+7.

Will try to get a game in tonight, which probably translates to morning/near morning for most of you guys. Looking to have a great time!

I’d hold off on league games for a while, octgn shuffler has been acting weird lately. (either insane flood or no agendas in the first 30 cards). probably best to wait on a fix or something

I haven’t had shuffling problems; just never find a league opponent on at the same time as me :).

OCTGN’s shuffling has always been subpar, as far as I can tell.

I am usually the first to defend OCTGN, and I still doubt there is any real issue with the shuffling, however, I am literally taking a break for a couple days because of the amount of straight up B.S. I have seen recently. It’s been uncanny the amount of flooding and losses I have had due to RNG. I recorded like 7 games today to try and find one that had any value to share on my channel, and all 7 were just garbage RNG crap games.