My car didn’t start, so I took leave of absence. I guess the last day of league is a good day for it, I’m hoping I’ll find some players in the next 8h. :slight_smile:

Sure wish I’d have known this before last night’s games :stuck_out_tongue:

Me too, would have saved me some work :slight_smile:

We have finished. The apocalypse (aka Dan) is upon us!

“This challenge board has ended.” when I tried to report.
So I guess it’s [*] for SHL2.
Congratulations to top 4!


Damn. Rotom won 2 games when I was sleeping last night and he robbed me of my fourth place :(. Should have played one more game yesterday to put myself above lpoulter.

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Weird, we tested the timing,but apparently we did it wrong.

I apologize, I’m used to a 24 hours clock, not a 12 hours.

Unlucky dude. It was extremely tense watching the games last night I must have clicked refresh on challenge 100 times!


Damn! I was going to play my last ditch effort just now!!

I was away on field work today morning, i just entered the office… damn… 5th (6th after Calimsha’s correction) …really?

Congrats for a nice league!

Hope that we still get a Top 8 badge on the forums :smiley:

Guess this teaches a valuable lesson: don’t do stuff last minute :slight_smile: My hopes for a last ditch Top 4 are dead, but thanks for all the cool games I’ve played. And congrats to top 4!

PS: When is there gonna be another league? :wink:


Sixth in fact. There is a couple of games that I’ve won and who aren’t validated yet. I’m above you by something like 10 pts.

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Congrats to the top 4.

Fuck Caprice for knocking me out :stuck_out_tongue:


DAMN YOU! You are right again! :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry, @calimsha, I tried to help you as much as I could. :wink:

Good to know that all it takes to finish above @Nordrunner is play 2 league games against Calimsha, lose both, and then call it good. :smiley: Final record: 0-2.


Thanks for organising this league, it was a lot of fun again.

Congrats to the top 4!

I still think top 4 cut is silly. Shout out to everyone who made it within 50 or so elo of the top cut; given the way the challenge board works, I think that’s about how uncertain the ratings are. All of you are world-class players, cut or no.


A computer cannot fully randomize. I’ve read a few articles on it.

Which I can’t seem to find and I’m at work so I can’t devote too much time. I’ll record my friend, a physics/calc professor next time he tries to explain it to me :stuck_out_tongue: (He’s mostly used it to “poopoo” Hearthstone, but the concept stands regardless).

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Top 4 makes sense logistically - we want to get the playoffs done with in a reasonable amount of time. Then we can start league #3 so everyone can continue to enjoy playing league.

For the third league we need someone to look into changes to the ranking system IMO. At the very least, the existing K-value is brutal.

Ideally we could use a system that factors in how many games someone has played, since many players on the league haven’t played enough games for their ELO to approximate their true skill.

As an example, @mediohxcore went 7-2 for a ELO of 1576. When I was ranked 1713, the worst possible thing I could do is even attempt to play against him because he’s ~200 points undervalued and certainly favoured against me. In the best case, he’s not wearing his lucky wife beater and I manage to split, which still loses me a ton of points.

It would be far better for me to gradually inflate my ranking and try to squeak into the cut by sweeping some 1500 player who is actually a 1400 but didn’t play enough games yet for that to be reflected.

ChallengeBoards is open source - there has to be a .NET coder on these forums that could have a look?


While I’m willing to believe octgn/hearthstone/mtgo use a crappy PRNG instead of a cryptographically secure one, you can definitely get truly random numbers if you care enough.


I mean, this is technically true, but beside the point: computers can generate distributions of numbers where the correlations are weak enough for all practical purposes. Certainly for a card game.:You don’t need to hook up your computer to a Gieger counter or something, even if it’s cool to do so.

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Every single discussion I’ve ever had on this topic eventually degenerates into debating the definition of ‘random’.