[Official] Streaming Announcement Thread

Gonna stream a bit starting in 10min, playing reg-ass and some jank on the corp side (either shell game nonsense or 9/6 shutdown combo)

twitch bblum0 etc


streaming a little bit more right now


Streaming tonight with Jesse Vandover starting now! Twitch

Currently streaming

going to start a stream up

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Streaming some more HB FA+rush right now.


Twitch SC stream


as some sort of afterparty for the TC stream, gonna play some HB and valencia with dan heckling me

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going to stream tonight around 2045 EST, it’s been too long

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Anybody wanna test some post-clot fast advance matchups with me on stream later this eve? Kate and Max vs NEH and HB.

is clot out or would it be proxied?

We’d proxy it.

Would happily test this.

You have to build a 2-3x sfss NEH list. I would also try to build a Midseasons deck and see how that one does.

trick of light versions seems decent as well against clot

Plan exposed

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I was thinking something like these for the “new meta” decks, in addition to just old standard builds (calimsha kate and biotics) with a few tweaks.

Thoughts? I’m not entirely happy with the kit build, doesn’t really have enough MU or econs.

NEH one looks fine, no clue on the Kit one. For some reason I’d been thinking clot was only 1 influence.

I believe it was thought that it would be 1 inf originally, but the latest spoilers seem to point to 2 inf as the actual cost.

2100 EST? Do you have skype? duh, of course I know you have skype