Red Sand Cycle: We're finally going to Mars!

I was talking specifically in the context of agendas, since people thought you could do a new thing with it by importing into other factions. By the way, it’s not triggered by effects that place advancement counters like matrix analyser or dedication ceremony.

Right, missed that (which should have been obvious, placing is not advancing).

I hope the clan resources are good…
Mars for Martians only gets you one card for each one and hope there are many to choose from.

I will False Lead into Junebugs there.
Because, well, pulp runners and stuff.

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False lead 3x
high risk 1x
vanity 2x
Government takeover 1x

The best part of this agenda spread is that it doesn’t cost more than 2 influence, letting you pack SanSan, 2 trick of light and three Jackson.

You play corporate town and public support and oberth. Oberth isn’t a region, so you can play it WITH SanSan. Then you just score 5/3s from hand. If you ever score vanity project, then you can fast advance a government takeover. But likely, the strongest thing you’ll be able to do is score 4/2s in Weyland like they were 3/2s. Also, matrix analyser and plan B seem fun with this combination as well.


The HB ‘Tracker’ card looks scary - an upgrade that says “if you trash any cards from this server, I can trace to make you trash two of your own cards”. Is that worth letting the runner have a Director Haas for? Or do we just use it to guard Jeeves, SSCG etc?

Signal Jamming causes something to happen “until the end” of turn or of the run? I assume the cost to use it is “Trash me” and it can only be activated during a run. So kind of like Marcus Batty et al, but it’s a zero cost neutral upgrade, what could it do? Set runner’s link to zero?

For the love of God, NO

I’m guessing that card is called ‘Bioroid Tracker’ and reads:
Bioroid Tracker
(Anytime?) the runner trashes 1 or more cards in or protecting this server (including Bioroid Tracker) , trace4 - If successful the runner must trash 2 of his or her installed cards

The ‘Anytime’ can be any description of a trigger condition , but I’m guessing it’s something along those lines.

The potential for the Signal Jamming card to reset link to 0 (or some other similar effect) for a turn is an interesting silver bullet to keep tracer-based decks in a match against high-link runners. Right now it’s basically gg once a runner gets 5+ link ant temujin on the board.

The preview page mentions warroids, so I think it’s a “Warroid Tracker”. There’s a double R in the text box. I suspect this means we’ll see more defensive upgrades/assets for HB as different models of warroid.

Signal Jamming is laid out as an upgrade and only has about 2-2.5 lines of text. Judging from the requirement (“only during a…”) in the same paragraph as the action text, I’m guessing it’s a triggered ability (probably trashing, maybe credits) that can only be triggered during a run ([EDIT] “on this server”, probably). Whatever comes before “until” on the first line ends in D, so I’m not sure it’s laid out in such a way as to reduce link. I’m trying to think of what could fit in there on just one line and end with, say, “card” or “-ed”.

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So if I remember correctly:
In Worlds of Android and the The Identity Trilogy by Mel Odom
HB has send the golden Project Ares Bioroids to Mars
which could harm humans

finally evilgrin
may be some bad bad AP Bioroids


Maybe “[trash]: Runner cards cannot be installed until the end of the run” or “[trash]: Corp cards cannot be trashed until the end of the run”? Followed by “Use this ability only during a run on this server”? SMC/Clone Chip/Street Peddler hate? Parasite/cutlery hate?

So, we might see Ares 1.0, Ares 2.0, etc., dealing some direct damage (maybe with an “or pay xc” or “or trash an installed card” clause)? That continues the trend of HB moving away from Eli’s simple ETRs to some painful facechecking. I like it.

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Also, most importantly, we might be finally getting a Pat card as a Sunny connection. I don’t think it’s ever been said what her job is on Mars, though. Wouldn’t mind it if she was able to hook us up and help us find resources or bargains while vacationing there.

True, but it’ll be kind of sad when she sells her out to the MCA.


Oh god, I missed this. Not the best techno-word FFG have ever composed: it makes me think of haemorrhoids before it makes me think of bioroids. :confused:


Yea, prefer they stuck to the codenames. Warroids isn’t completely horrible, but it does not roll off the tongue at all.

They finally got Find The Truth as an option to replace Safety First!

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I’d like to see a warroid like this:

Mr Freeze 1.0
HB Ice: Barrier - bioroïd - str 3 rez 4
(use 1 clic to break 1 sub text)
-> etr
-> do 2 meat
-> etr

Mr. Freeze


3 sub-zero-routines

Cool. Something like this would start a new age for ICE.

Ice cream sandwich
With meat inside, mmm, yummy. :slight_smile:

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