[Reina] Headlock: How to Make Sure Your Opponent Doesn't Get to Play Netrunner

Lukcy Find is important because Liberated is way better with an extra way to jumpstart your economy. Lucky Find into Liberated Accounts gives you a ton of cash.

Career Fair in Anarch looks really good for this reason. I think this might be a thing - and at 1 inf, I can easily imagine a 3 Clone Chip, 3 Crescentus, 3 Compromised Employee, 3 Career Fair influence plan. Those are a bunch of really strong Criminal cards (in this deck) at 1 inf each.

I love modded, so Career Fair screams to me. I agree it will be good.


A cheaper liberated seems soooooo good. Also, what cards did you chop for the upcoming current? Interested to see what went out. Kinda feel Scrubber might be one of those cuts.

Right now in the deck there are plenty of tempo negative cards, and you also need to dive into any remotes and kill Adonis Campaign and Sundew at all costs. Thatā€™s where Luckyā€™s ā€œ+6 now so I can do thingsā€ is superior to Employeeā€™s ā€œ-2 now, then a buck here and thereā€.

Career Fair is going to the same thing as Lucky - let you afford to get your Earthrises and Liberated rolling in the first place while being able to spend money trashing things as necessary.

I donā€™t think Compromised is a bad card, and itā€™s certainly relevant in the Blue Sun matchup. But I think the deck is tight for slots as-is and itā€™s not the best use of deck space.

For IHW, I havenā€™t had any trouble with damage decks since I usually have more money than them. I think IHW is reasonable but Iā€™d rather get 1 card deeper with Inject and maximize my chance to find that crucial Vigil or Kati.

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i was playing minus one Scrubber and with 46 cards just to test the 2x Hactivist Meeting. i really want to go with 3x, though, just because of how strong it seemed in initial testing. especially since players in my group are now mumbling about adding Enhanced Login Protocols and Lag Times to their decks. itā€™s even strong against bootcamp Blue Sun, deterring Adonis Campaign shenanigans.

Iā€™m pretty excited by Hactivist Meeting too. Crisium Grid, Adonis, Bootcamp, NEH asset spam - thatā€™s all pretty tough to rez if you lose a random HQ card.

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Any advice playing this against blue sun? Iā€™ve had good success against virtually everybody else, but the inability to deny them the minimum rezzing credits on an HQ ice is killing me.

You usually need 2 vamps to get them down, crescentus everything you can during/after the vamp. Itā€™s a very complicated matchup.

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blue sun is actually one of my best match-ups! theyā€™re actually losing credits even if they return ice to hand, and you can Test Run or play a David when they decide to Oversight something big. since so much of their econ often depends on returning rezzed ICE to their hands, Crescentus can also be brutal.

if they have a huge credit lead, though, like Sam said, timing a good Vamp or two paired with Crescentus derezzes can put them in a position where they never recover.

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Alright, Iā€™ll keep trying, my only concern is that if they get a bit ahead, it can be tough to catch up, and of course the scorch threat remains if youā€™re using the non Iā€™ve had worse version.

Sam Iā€™m gonna start putting a single scorch in my deck just so I can hit your 2 vamps with the meat damage.

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1 scorch 1 posted bounty, got em boys

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I was just planning on doing it off the tag you choose to take from my snatch&grab.

Doesnā€™t S&G actually need, like, money to connect, though? :smiley:

It starts at trace 4 and costs 0. Iā€™m not sure itā€™s great against Reina (I find the Weyland matchup pretty good in general) but S&G has merit for surprisingly little cost.

trace 3 actually, which is really 2 against Reinaā€™s link. and not so great if youā€™re playing the Compromised Employee build.


S&G is worth considering in RP and BS glacier just because of Reg Ass and Criminal, I donā€™t think it needs to be an all star in this matchup for it to be worth justifying, (though I suspect it could land pretty hard if you were playing the matchup well and the timing was right).

Iā€™d like it in that RP SE build.

ā€œIā€™ll take the tag.ā€
ā€œExcellent. SE. SE. GG.ā€


So what are we thinking are the cuts for Career Fair if at all?
Some Lucky Finds out of @kiv 's list? Tempted to cut inject but card draw is even better at getting a Career Fair and a resource at same time.

Replacing Compromised out of @SamRS 's? I havenā€™t played with the card but I like the idea of burst>drip to make sure to shut down asset economy.

Donā€™t splash career fair.