[Reina] Headlock: How to Make Sure Your Opponent Doesn't Get to Play Netrunner

What was his follow-up play, after locking you?


the Reina siphon denial decks usually ran
3 AS
3 Deja
2-3 Joshua
2-3 DLR

So that’s more than the 6 card slots you give them credit for

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So what sort of opening hand does this deck look for?

K. jones, other econ, maybe scrubber depending on matchup

In order of priority
kati jones, other econ/card draw, parasite/lamprey, knight

I believe he had an RDI for RND lock, and just picked apart my hand, which was flooded with agendas.

I don’t like parasite in the blue sun match up. Compounded with crisium grid, I don’t like the matchup much at all; but rook+crescentus has been doing some serious work; so honestly I’m wondering why no one is playing the card. It’s a death sentence for any player once they’re low in credits. And it often functions as a parasite, anyways.

I’m pretty bad at playing this deck’s type of econ, but otherwise I like it. I’ll continue to try to make it more my own.

Have you encountered deck with Nebulas or Womholes? They are quite popular here as every one is trying to play Weyland now. These ices can establish quite resilient counter to this deck. Pretty easy answer is to add one cutlery set, but hurts consistency. My attempt is below, but it tough call whether to ignore these ices and accept that it is deck which can easily resist this Reina denial deck to have better match up with other corps deck… What are your experiences?

Reina RezzDenial

Reina Roja: Freedom Fighter (Mala Tempora)

Event (15)

Hardware (5)

  • 3x Clone Chip (Creation and Control) ••••• •
  • 2x Vigil (Order and Chaos)

Resource (9)

Icebreaker (4)

Program (12)

15 influence spent (max 15)
45 cards (min 45)
Cards up to Order and Chaos

Deck built on NetrunnerDB.

I could count the dejas, but DLR and Josh aren’t really denial cards. Synergistic sure, but they don’t attack the corp econ other than saying “Trash me Plz”

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Ran Reina in a SC near Seattle yesterday (31 players). 4-1 in the Swiss, timed loss in top 8 to midseasons NBN (Jacob’s traffic accident deck) and then midseasons Titan. The loss in the Swiss was essentially to the deck rather than the opponent - all 3 Eaters were in the bottom 11 cards. Despite that, the deck generally felt very good. Romped over a couple of Blue Sun decks, squeaked past Argus and squished some poor bastard at his first tournament. Top seed into the top 8.

Both the top 8 games were very interesting and the pilots were good. Data Raven was a pain in the ass - you can’t run tags with Kati Reina, so it costs 6 for you to turn it off with Crescentus and you aren’t actually getting ahead on $. Midseasons decks naturally run a ton of cash, so Kati is the only real way you can race them if they aren’t rezzing ice that gives you a cash advantage. She didn’t show up in the Titan game and got Breaking Newsed & Midseasoned to death in the NBN game (full credit to Riley there for excellent play).

Oh, one great play in the NBN game that I haven’t seen too much recently. IAA in the remote behind Raven and Popup, threatening either a lethal Breaking News or 3-point Beale. I run in with just enough $ to clear the Raven tag only to hit NAPD. That’s some Netrunner, ladies and gents.

The Titan player, Stephen, had played a bunch of the Reina matchup, apparently because that was what his testing partner was playing in the tournament. His strategy was to gain money, never actually rez ice and let me access, threatening Midseasons. Then just started scoring behind an ice wall. I got a few points on the board but needed to get lucky on random accesses or draw into Keyhole to force ice rezzes and it didn’t happen.

(edit): More notes:

  • I went 2x Scrubber because I was worried about NBN, but I wish I’d gone 3x Kati instead. You really, really want to draw her early.
  • IHW was fantastic either as draw or flatline prevention. Stopped 2 flatlines (Snare + DRT and Traffic Accident + Scorch).
  • You absolutely need at least 2 D4v1d, primarily for Blue Sun and Wraparound.
  • Keyhole was pretty clunky, it seems likely that a plan that gets Medium to work would be better.
  • Vigil was great, I went 3x and felt that was correct. This deck is definitely its natural habitat.
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There were 2 Reina decks in the top 8 at the SC (31 players) @Clamatius mentioned. And I won with…

Reina Roja Freedom Fighter

15 influence spent (max 15) •••••••••••••••
45 cards (min 45)
Cards up to Order and Chaos

Events (17)
3x Account Siphon ••••• ••••• ••
3x Day Job
3x DĂŠjĂ  Vu
3x I’ve Had Worse
1x Spooned
3x Sure Gamble
1x Vamp

Hardware (4)
2x Plascrete Carapace
2x Vigil

Resource (5)
3x Liberated Account
2x Same Old Thing

Icebreaker (8)
2x Corroder
3x Eater
2x Mimic
1x Yog.0

Program (11)
3x Crescentus •••
2x D4v1d
2x Datasucker
2x Medium
2x Parasite

The deck was undefeated all day.


It was awesome to see two Reina decks side-by-side fighting the good fight. :smile:


I like the triple Siphon angle, although double might be more reasonable. Did you encounter any Crisium? What about HB? In my experience it is a really tough match up for the deck, especially if they are all out Biotics with triple Wraparound. Between 3 Eli and 3 Wrap, 2 Knifed is never enough. D4v1d can get thru Wraparound, but only so many times. I always end up running out of economy against HB, even though I can prolong the game to a silly degree


I ran into one Foundry + Twins deck that was doing all the normal HB things, but I was able to manage the remotes and then go in for the lock. Dodged Crisium grids all day, but I did play Blue Sun that HAD them (but never found them + never had the money to rez them, if found). Ran into Caprice (RP Grail) in the top 8, but she went on a remote instead of HQ. That would’ve been a problem.

I mean, Wraparound is sort of annoying, but I play 2 corroder. I usually mulligan for it against NEH, and I found it when it mattered (better lucky than good?). In the quarter finals, I ended up de-rezzing and Eli after breaking for 4 with corroder because the corp was SO BROKE and couldn’t re-rez it. Found the 7th point on a 5-deep medium dig.

I’ve been considering going to 2 Siphon and leaving some space open for the deck to grow. It’s a bit all-in as it stands. Having extra Siphons is great, but it could easily be a e shutdown and a ZU.


You could also go 2x clone chip, 2x siphon. Clone chip was excellent for me, although admittedly I was on “the other Reina”. Mostly you get Crescentus but you can also reuse D4v1d or Parasite. Given that you have Datasucker, instant-speed Parasite ought to be really good.

I don’t think I saw any other HB all day except for that Foundry deck, and that was only there because Matt had done what he wanted at previous SCs and wanted to ride the Janus + Twins unicorn to victory (achievement unlocked 2x apparently).

One thing that I think is interesting in the game as a whole at the moment is that matchups are becoming more and more important. Back in the day, when the card pool was smaller, everyone was essentially playing some kind of midrange “good stuff” deck, but now there is a lot more diversity and your pairings matter a lot.


I agree, but I think many will be hesitant to admit this


Just remembered one other point, relevant to both the matchups thing and Reina. Stephen mentioned that in their testing their Reina deck (presumably the one listed above by @CJFM?) lost the previous 9 games to the Titan Midseasons deck, which did make me feel a bit better about getting crushed.

Pairings definitely mattered. There was an amount of luck in that I never saw Crisium Grid. I’m also worried that seeing more decks like these two Reinas can shift the meta toward Weyland Scorch (easily the worst matchup for this deck - still winnable, but a tough one).

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Yeah we built the Titan deck to specifically kill my deck. It was lucky I never ran into Stephen. I win maybe 1/5 games against Titan Midseasons.


Trash me for a click and 2 credits or else baaaaaad things will happen. If that isn’t denial, what is