SanSan Cycle Spoilers

Correct. But there are ways to drop a hand size of 4 to one of 2 in a single card whereas there aren’t from 5 to 2. And the lower deck size to my mind favours decks where the influence is key.


Gyri Labrynth will get them to 2, then 1 Punitive=boom. Now we just need a decent 5/3 in Haas.

Also double overwriter is a genuine threat rather than an inconvenience.

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For the record, I fully intend to build a deadcoats deck out of this ID. I just expect it to work worse than it does out of ETF.

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Double overwriter is the big one. Means you don’t have to wait to draw more copies of mushin no shin after sticking them with 3 BD, as IAA overwriter is lethal (and you can just start to IAA naked agendas under that threat).

I think it will be quite a different deck. But I do agree. It wouldn’t surprise me if it works worse than ETF in the same way that most criminal decks work worse without desperado - the base line is just so high.

Self destruct chips and Bifrost yummy.

Not a comes into play trigger so doesn’t work I’m afraid.

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Yep. Sigh. Bifrost is never going to work with anything it seems heh.


I’m already married to that HB ID, all the ways to do brain damage, and you’re left to just guess. I love it. Yall better start packing +handsize stuff.

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And especially efficient with expensive-to-pump breakers (Femme, Inti, Pipeline, etc)


And Knight can break Orion with it.

yeah, there’s some important math there too.

Femme breaks Architect as efficiently as Mimic. Yog breaks Lotus Field for free. Lady breaks Eli for zero credits and a counter. For that reason, I think Test Run becomes much better as well.

Seems like a Shaper staple.


The meat damage instead of brain is a nice bonus, too. Just pack some plascretes and they aren’t dead draws ever! :slight_smile:

Is 3 credits and a click really worth mitigating 2 intentional meat damage you can choose to recover from almost immediately?


Yeah, it’s the future… who doesn’t go into Achmed’s Kwik Klinik wearing body armor?


Lets not forget the Upcoming Chameleon. That is a very efficient breaker! If you don’t mind reinstalling it over and over :smiley:

If the breaker is in your hand, sure. Assuming a five card hand (counting Net Eyes), you’d have a 50% chance of discarding it.

Also, I’m sure there’s some math where you can figure out which play is better. For example, if I was at 8 credits, Net Eyes, Plascrete, 3x Sure Gamble, I’d probably use the Plascrete to save the Sure Gambles.


And 1 Plascrete will protect you from 2 Net Eyes. Seems pretty good to me, especially since Plascrete will also save you against Scorch

Net Eyes is unique, but hopefully there’s other cybergear that grinds some meat.