Seattle Regionals Red Decks Top 8

This is pretty reasonable. The one of Shadow is the card with the least amount of testing behind it.

Good to know. Iā€™ll keep you posted with how my testing goes. Also, while Iā€™m not around this week, Iā€™ve finally gotten OCTGN set up (same username, but I havenā€™t played any games yet).

I personally feel like the shadow is kind of weak. Sometimes you might get somebody facechecking it early, in which case itā€™s pretty damn good, however, if they have a sentry breaker out, itā€™s just a really crappy pup or worse if theyā€™re floating tags anyway. Shinobi is a pretty sweet idea. I worry that you wouldnā€™t get TOO many people with it, and giving up BP is not something you want to do in a taxing deck, especially if you have to defend multiple servers, but in a tournament setting, I could definitely see it ending some games quickly, and that is definitely worth something.


My plan for using it would be identical to Yellow Jackets: only install if you donā€™t expect stuff like FAO, and only rez if itā€™s a guaranteed kill. Iā€™d only run one. It probably goes on the scoring/bluffing remote, so they tax themselves on one of your centrals and then die to the Shinobi.

I put in a one-of Wraparound instead of the Shadow. Enjoyed it much more, and instilled more ā€˜GodDAMNit!ā€™ into the Runner if they saw it early, meaning there may be more.

Interns is too good. I run two, and sometimes wish I had 3 in RP.


Do you run Chimera? Wraparound and Chimera seem like they would overlap in this deck.

I tried Chimera in RP. Was OK, but seems pretty weaksauce.


I am a pretty big advocate of cutting Chimera with a righteous fury.

It is also worth noting that the Shadow was originally a Wraparound.


Currently Iā€™m not using that last influence, but running Snare! instead. Thinking Closed Accounts might be nice. Got hit with one from an RP deck the other day and it was brutal (and unexpected).

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That does sound good. I would ALMOST love to get a Scorched in there. People will throw away Plas and tag float at some point v. RP, as the financial desperation sets in. Any surprise could help (perhaps some Bad Times?).

Weā€™ve tried closed accounts, shadow, ice wall, marked accounts and wraparound in the 1inf slots, wraparound performed the best; however, we also donā€™t run quandries.

closed accounts is such dead weight in most matchups, itā€™s not even a great draw a lot of the time when you are playing nbn and have breaking news in your deck. Paying 1 inf for it in this deck feels like too much and sucks up an operation slot you could use for another interns.

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Whatā€™s your second code gate?

On a related note, I assume people have also tested cutting a Jackson or (heavens forbid) an Eli for the third Tollbooth and found it isnā€™t worth the trade?

Datapikes are working out for me right now.

Jackson is completely uncut-able in this deck, you can squeak by with fewer elis for a third tollbooth, wall of static, wall of thorns, himitsu bako can sort of fill in the gaps. For my gameplan, eli is essential to handle security testings.


Thanks for the pointers.

Iā€™ve got a rough sketch with my desired tweaks from @SneakySlyā€™s list that Iā€™m going to work with this week alongside Yellow Jackets. FFGā€™s July monthly is on Monday, so that should be a good trial run for whatever deck I decide on.

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Iā€™ve tried Rototurret, as well, in that 1 INF slot. A third Tollbooth seems like overkill. Eliā€™s are much more important. I run 2 Enigma, 'cause taxing Clicks seems more important than 2 Creds in RP.

Whatever you do, when playing against this deck, DONā€™T Parasite Himitsu-Bako.

How helpful is that Himitsu-Bako? I havenā€™t seen it in a game yet.

You want ETR on the interior of a Central, or on a remote. I run 1. Seems OK. Cheap.

I had a pretty decent JRP build early in the SC season that got mileage out of Himitsu-Bako strictly for itā€™s ETR ability. You need a couple cheap ETR ice inside of your taxing ICE.

I was very proactively trying to kill corroder in that list, though.


Generally youā€™ve got the space for a Bako or some other hard ETR anyway. Most of these decks run around 17 ICE, and with 2-3 Eli / Thorns / Bako / Wraparound (Roto/whatever), you can get the 2 Tollbooths and 2 ETR Code Gates, to go with your ~9 Sentries. Thereā€™s certainly space, and a 1-of Bako works fine when youā€™re out of Influence.

Running an RP before it was cool :stuck_out_tongue: (but not nearly as good), and then a Tennin taxing deck I think the sweet spot for number of ICE is 19, like Slyā€™s. You do end up throwing away ICE later in the game, but it gives you more chance to get set up and start the taxing earlier. First turn ICE, ICE, ICE (all centrals) is pretty good.