Top Competitive Decks Post O&C

Noise is stoked to be the DJ for this party.


wait how is all of one type diversity? wouldn’t diversity be closer to a 50/50 split?


Should be for Representation.

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Gender roles flip in the future?

I meant it’s diverse compared to most dominant/lead roles in gaming/pop culture/life.

Don’t get defensive due to the loss of the patriarchal society.


Yeah, this. For any new runners, we can get a pretty good idea of their power level simply by looking at their gender.

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Professor must be pretty sexist


lol, not getting defensive just trying to understand why you’d use the term diversity to describe something dominated by one side.

I guess I need to check my cis het male priviledge or something


As a champion of Men’s Rights, I am outraged at the lack of powerful male runners in this game. Outraged!


LOL, oh shee-it. Bring on Netrunnergate!


I love how we have an overweight guy with glasses ‘hero’ option.

If they would print an overweight unattractive female that has a really strong ability that would really be something.


Oh, cool, I wasn’t sure if there were more people from the Santa Clara area was on this forum. I ended 3rd in the Fremont SC (finished first in swiss, won two then lost two in elims).

Some interesting thoughts on ICE for glacier in here. I tended to go for more mid-strength stuff that stays pretty consistent through the game, but it sounds like you are saying a separate set of dedicated early vs late game ICE works better for you. It makes sense, and probably makes it easier to land a full cost OAI if you have more giant ICE with the plan of hard rezzing 1-2 (my plan is usually just to hard rez 1). There is another SC coming up in about a week, I will try switching over to something more like your ICE package bblum and see how it works for me.

I should clarify! I meant that I’ve switched away from Blue Sun, not switched away from running Caduceus. If I go back to Blue Sun, the Caduceus / Errand Boy split will be one of the first things I reexamine. However, I was also on 3x Tollbooth rather than your 2x TB / 2x LF, and in the current D4v1d-heavy climate around here, I think your build would have been considerably better than mine. I just didn’t think it would swing so hard so fast – I thought I could sneak in one more tournament with my list performing well.

Hero? Wait, I thought the Runners were the bad guys… Well, the Runners and NBN, anyway.


Oh sure, I picked EB over cad myself for both my argus mushin nonsense and my titan diagnostics nonsense decks.

This bootcamp list is pretty teched to beat mid-lunar-era cache-pawnshop noise and I haven’t changed the anarch hate package at all since then (unless you count adding crisiums as even more hate). Luckily lotus continues to be amazing against reg-ass too.


Other thing Orion has over Curtain Wall is that its painful to facecheck. Curtain wall you facecheck and bounce, then inside job and shutdown (or D4vid+Knifed). You can’t just force the rez at no cost to yourself as the runner against Orion. Orion also has the fringe benefit of being able to be used as space ice against Nasir.

Orion has some disadvantages of course (all types, unique). I think 2/2 is probably right.


One of the things cyberpunk carried over from noir is moral ambiguity. Everyone is flawed and viturious.


Only JUST? :wink:

I think Caduceus>Errand Boy because you don’t want parasites to be useful at all. Still find Caduceus lackluster though.

Fixed that for you :wink:

By which I mean the early game vs late game ice distribution is very bimodal. By comparison HB glacier expects to need way more than 2 ice on its remote.

[quote]I think Caduceus>Errand Boy because you don’t want parasites to be useful at all. Still find Caduceus lackluster though.
It may lack luster, but I think the role it plays in the early-game consistency and the in-faction mimic gear check are crucial. Weyland needs another good sentry before I’d consider cutting any.

@bblum, I tried out your ICE suite in a tournament yesterday, it does seem much better. I see what you mean with Hive, I had a few awkwardly long early game periods where I would have loved to see one of those. I am going to find a way to move that up to a 3x include.

I also agree on Caduceus. I am never particularly happy with its performance, but forcing a Mimic install seems important and I dislike every other cheap sentry more. I am curious to see if Negotiator could partially replace it when The Valley comes out, but I still think I like Caduceus more.