Valencia, the combo Anarch?

John Masanori should also be a standard in these builds, maximize the cheap runs.

It is quite a rig that needs to be set up: Eater, an MU solution, Datasucker, Keyhole, Investigative, some long term econ solution (Katie would be perfect), maybe another virus like Hemorrhage, Masanori for draw, Itinerant at some point. We may be bordering on full on jank.

I think Eater will be pretty balanced, and not as amazing as expected.

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TBH, I never really thought of her with Silverware (or even Eater really). I mean, if you are trashing all the ice then what’s the Bad Publicity good for?

I almost feel like just doing something really boring like 3x Special Order (or Self-Modifying Code) is a better direction.


First John Masanori is not a good Valencia card and its for the same reason as why is better tonot play Kati (probably).
The reason is that both of those cards dont want you to run a lot, they want you to run consistently every turn(normaly only one run needed) and that is more or less what Andy does.
Valencia on the other hand wants to run no matter what as she gets 1c per run so what happens is she would get a good ammount of money and keep running till the money ends whenever she feels the run dont cost much(1 run ID like Kit can spend a lot of money in one big run with a lot of acess), vigil helps that a lot by giving a click(draw) to spend on the run basically.
Its the difference between a pistol and a submachine: you shoot with the pistol in your own pace and precisely, on the other hand you just hold down the submachine trigger until there are no more bullets.
Though seeing 9 cards in a turn from 3 runs sounds really amazing.
Silverware will be used not to get rid of all ice, but to make the run cheaper forever and so you only gonna need a couple credits to finish a keyhole run.

Do you guys really think a rig of only Eater+Keyhole is really that bad? For Eater rigs you kinda HAVE to play Wantonx3 for HQ threat(though nowadays going for HQ without Legwork is not that good anymore, so its basically the same).
You will probably play Parasite anyway because there is no reason to cut parasite in anarch so thats already 4MU, you could run DataSucker as a money card, BUT do you really need more money? OFC vigil gives you one more MU but not sure DataSucker are worth the inclusion because it will make you get Suckerx3+hardware for MU and what are the chances you will have the MU at the right time?
The only problem with Eater is that you kinda NEED to pair it with Keyhole to do something, Eater alone isnt so threatening…
Do you guys think that Eaterx3 Keyholex3 is enough or too much? The problem is you need both together. Is SMC too much Inf to spend on something like that? Eaterx3 Keyholex3 SMCx2 maybe?

PS: Do you guys think that Eater+Keyhole is viable in big money shaper? Eater x1Keyhole x1 is only 6 inf for a big RnD threat(i know shaper have good RnD threat, but it seems so easy to finish a rig with eater though) but what can they do for remotes or HQ to surpass that???

I’d think Masanori would be good in any deck powered by Eater, especially Valencia. The bad pub isn’t worth anything is you’re not running, and Eater guarantees you can break into at least one server for cheap.

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If you really want to run two consoles for whatever reason, you can consider Uninstall. It works for both programs and hardware.


Somebody cut 10 cards, make the econ work, and fuck trying to fit prepaid.

50 cards sounds like a lot but there’s so much fucking silverware.

Knifey Spoony

Valencia Estevez: The Angel of Cayambe (Order and Chaos)

Event (31)
2x Account Siphon (Core Set) ••••• •••
3x Blackmail (Fear and Loathing)
2x Day Job (Order and Chaos)
2x Déjà Vu (Core Set)
2x Forked (Order and Chaos)
3x Inject (Up and Over)
2x Knifed (Order and Chaos)
2x Queen’s Gambit (Double Time)
1x Singularity (Double Time)
1x Special Order (Core Set) ••
2x Spooned (Order and Chaos)
3x Steelskin (Order and Chaos)
1x Stimhack (Core Set)
3x Sure Gamble (Core Set)
2x Wanton Destruction (Order and Chaos)

Hardware (3)
2x Clone Chip (Creation and Control) ••••
1x Spinal Modem (What Lies Ahead)

Resource (10)
3x Daily Casts (Creation and Control)
3x Earthrise Hotel (The Source)
1x Hades Shard (First Contact) •
3x Same Old Thing (Creation and Control)

Icebreaker (6)
1x Corroder (Core Set)
2x Crypsis (Core Set)
3x Eater (Order and Chaos)

Program (10)
1x D4v1d (The Spaces Between)
3x Datasucker (Core Set)
3x Keyhole (True Colors)
3x Parasite (Core Set)

15 influence spent (max 15)
60 cards (min 50)
Cards up to Order and Chaos

Deck built on

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Oh man… so many things wrong with that list :stuck_out_tongue: I see what you’re trying to do there, but I think there’s a better way. Will whip up a list along the same lines of thought and post.


OK, here’s a super-rough draft. Think of it as version 0.1 of an idea, but this is the place I would start iterating from:

Eater Val

Valencia Estevez: The Angel of Cayambe (Order and Chaos)

Event (22)

Hardware (8)

Resource (3)

Icebreaker (4)

Program (13)

15 influence spent (max 15)
50 cards (min 50)
Cards up to Order and Chaos

Deck built on NetrunnerDB.

It’s possible that the PrePaids just want to be Liberated Accounts and the deck will flow infinitely better. Originally I had Cutlery in there as well, but had to cut something to have an actual econ… if two of the Prepaids are LA, then the Laudries and the third Prepaid could become 4 copies of wisely chosen Cutleries (probably Spooned for Lotus Field and Knifed for Eli, 2 each).

edit: I think the Wanton Destructions want to actually be Vamps.

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Hi Guys - been lurking on the forums for a while - but wow these new IDs is really getting me excited as an Anarch/Weyland fan. Thought I would chip in with my humble 2c. This is my attempt so far:
NetrunnerDB deck

Duggars seem necessary for all the combos you want to setup. I want to try the Legwork angle to see if that is viable if you can get bad publicity to 2 vs the Shards Wanton Destruction route. Running the events for econ/access means no space for suckers or parasites without cutting on those. Econ package definitely need some work…probably need to go back to Armitage rather than 2 Daily Cast and 1 Liberated Account.

I am definitely not an expert deck builder so need some advice. I know a lot is theory at this stage…but already some bigger concept are forming around Valencia. Any advice - especially on econ package and if legwork angle is viable?

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Is it just me or is there some bug on netrunnerdb? I can’t see the decklist of decks containing cards from O&C

I really don’t like Pre-Paid outside of Kate. You need to play 5 events to make it better than an Easy Mark, and if you draw them late they’re dead. I think you’re right on Liberated Accounts, or the third Day Job, or more Wanton Destruction (great as a first-click run to make them rez ice on HQ and let you in with Keyhole), or even Daily Casts.

I’m also not sure you want Inject and Self Modifying Code - I’d want my Injects to make me more likely to draw my power cards (which are surely the high-influence imports), not hide them. Special Order is probably better, despite the lack of bad publicity synergy.

Utopia Shard is 1 inf and great with Eater and Keyhole (since you’re want to check Archives at some point).


Agreed, I changed into a LA-powered version about 10 minutes after posting the original list :smiley:

That’s the fun part of this big box though - the power cards are NOT the high-influence imports any longer! If you notice, all my influence is spent on support stuff that just makes the deck run smoother, it could probably work just fine with 0 inf (SMCs become extra copies of Eater, Crypsis and Keyhole, Clone Chips become Same Old Things for Deja Vu recursion.

Injects are there to draw econ. Anything past the first SMC would mostly be a dead draw anyway (Spinal Modem, remember?), I’m just packing three because I like them better than third copies of programs, and don’t feel like spending the inf elsewhere.

If I were worried about the trashing from Inject, I’d definitely go with Inject → Earthrise before I would even start considering SMC → Special Order.

Hades Shard was definitely considered, but I like the third SMC more. Figure I can always Blackmail archives if needed. Definitely one of the things I’ll be looking out for in testing, though.

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Fair points (I mentioned Utopia Shard, not Hades Shard, as it’s strong HQ pressure - I agree Hades Shard isn’t needed or wanted). Probably want 3 Spinal Modem to find it (50 cards!).

People will start playing around Blackmail with Valencia. Dirty Laundry could be a Queen’s Gambit and Blackmail becomes Singularity (at least a couple of copies) if people start using cards to rez ice and/or running many assets behind ice, trying force out your Blackmail. Armitage starts looking like the weakest card at that point.

No Stimhack? You’ve got Clone Chip and SMC, and Crypsis and Eater. It seems like a perfect add.

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That would be because I keep forgetting to include it. Had to cut one Knived and one Spooned to fit them in, though.

Welcome aboard, hope you find the place to your liking!
Onto feedback for you :smile:

First and foremost, you’re way too light on econ. 3 Day Jobs, 2 Lucky Finds, 2 Daily Casts and a Liberated Account with no recurring credits are not gonna cut it. That’s not enough money even for a full-rig anarch, running the efficient breaker suite. Crypsis + Eater will just leave you sitting in the dust, looking all sad. And you’re packing 50 cards, which makes matters worse.

As a general rule, I tend to run between 12 and 14 econ cards in Anarch decks. Valencia can afford to go a little lighter because of the BP, but still: you need money to set up, to run, to trash stuff (Adonis, Jackson and Ash at the very least) and possibly to beat traces. There’s several good options for us - Sure Gamble, Armitage, Kati, Cyberfeeder all work reasonably well. Two cards I’m not fond of in Anarch generally (except for specific builds with very good reasons) are Daily Casts and Dirty Laundry. Reason is, neither of them help you pull up from a state where you’re behind, which is something that both tends to happen often (for tempo and consistency reasons) and that you want to have options for, in order to increase your flexibility. Liberated Accounts are good if your other econ is already solid, horrible otherwise. Do you need TONS OF MONEY instead of just lots of money (Vamp, I’m looking at you)? LA is your card.

What are you planning (heh) to pull with Planned Assault? Would the deck be better if those slots were something else, like Duggar’s support or econ? Also, not convinced by the Legworks, it really feels like they should just be two more Wanton Destructions instead. Which brings me to…

… you’re running Day Job, Wanton Destruction, Investigative Journalism and Duggar’s. Seems like extra clicks would be super awesome. Why no Amped, Stim Dealer or even All-Nighter?

There, that’s the first batch. Wait for a second opinion, maybe post a revision, then we’ll talk further :slight_smile:


Sorry to be a moron but do you mind spelling out what you mean here? If you were going to install the thing anyway, hostage only costs one click and one credit. That seems to be the going rate (Special Order, Djinn) and not grossly inefficient.

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The mistake doesn’t necessarily lie in paying that “going rate” for a tutoring, but rather in playing a tutor over a copy of the card you’d be tutoring for… especially if that’s the only card you’d be tutoring with said effect.

You could say “but hey, I’m thinning my deck!”, but this ain’t Magic with its supremely limited card draw. Compared to playing an extra copy, you’re paying a click and a credit to thin your deck by one card. That one dead card could have been drawn and discarded for one click and zero credits.


Yeah, I wouldn’t make the deck thinning argument, but I do sometimes make this choice in order to save influence (when the tutor is in faction but the…uhhh…student (?) is out of faction).

Thanks for the pointers! Good advice all round, much appreciated.

Agree on econ. First had 3 Armitages but then worrying about all the clicks replaced it with Daily Casts. Did not feel good about that. So thinking along these revisions:

-2 PVP and replace with 2 LA (or all the LA for Armitages - will have to experiment; I usually run 3 in all my other Anarch builds because I can recover from beinf broke easier. With 3 LF that should not be too big of a concern);

  • 3 PA and replace with 1 extra LF and 2 Special Order.

The Planned Assualts were there to initially take advantage of the utensils, blackmail and legworks - find/play as required/needed/situational…So for the influence two Special Orders can be added to help tutor that at least guarantees more consistent setups. That means I can probably drop the Duggars to 2 - still think you want to setup asap - for Amped/Stim Dealer (again experiment - but leaning towards stim dealer)

I agree that Legwork might not be the way to go. I just like it as a surprise play especially if click/window to grap that crucial agenda is tight. Also great as an early play against an agenda flooded hand.

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Yes, those are all valid points about Legwork in general, and yet none of them are applicable to Legwork in the context of this particular deck :stuck_out_tongue:

Also, Special Order seems outright bad in a deck with just 2x Eater and 2x Crypsis. I’d rather have Diesel for that inf (and go triples on the breakers, maybe).

@mediohxcore’s list: cut down to 1 silverware each: they’re specialty cards and you have Parasites, Clone Chip, and Deja Vu to kill ice. Also 3 Same Olds… (-3)
1 Blackmail: good players will play around it, and you may not even want it at all. Also, 3 Same Olds… (-2)
2 Keyhole is enough: give up on the dream of Keyholing early unprotected R&D. Deckspace and 50 cards anyway. (-1)
Give up on Queen’s Gambits, deckspace (-2)
Cut down to 1 Wanton, deckspace, and it’s kind of big late game play anyway. (-1)
Cut a Datasucker (-1)

Some ideas:
Replace Spinal with Grimoire: Be nice to have the option to set up Keyhole with Eater, or start Parasucking Ice while Eater is still in play.
Replace Casts with Liberated: Need more potent econ, screw your clicks, and Siphon Tags
Cut a Same Old and replace it with an econ card or an Amped.


I disagree about this. It’s essentially Anarch Siphon/Legwork, the early-game pressure it offers is phenomenal. If they mulligan and fail to protect HQ sufficiently I’d be happy to spend my first turn Wantoning them. So it’s potentially good early – especially since forcing them to ice HQ more seriously means they’ll have a harder time icing everything else.

So long as you can get into HQ at all, it’s useful when you’re behind, in a last-ditch attempt to knock Agendas or combo pieces out of their hand.

If you’re winning, it helps stop them from getting the cards they need to stop you – especially if they’re just digging for a Jackson or some Ice.

If you’re about on even footing, it’s roughly a legwork that targets whatever cards they’ve been holding from turn to turn.

I can see the argument for cutting down on it, but I think you’re selling it short as an all-around powerhouse.