What's up with Criminal?

This is something I’ve gone for in my Sunny deck, I don’t think splashing for Jak is worth it in crim because it makes your good matchups better and your bad matchups worse.

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Netrunner: Corrupting the youth of today.


I wish I was youth.


This is your brain.

This is your brain on drugs.

Any questions?


“The human brain only uses like a quarter of its capacity anyway, right?”


I use less than 10% of my keyboard at any given instant as well.


Popular myth but not true. Over the course of a day virtually 100% of the brain is used, just not at the same time.


It’s the flavour text of Amped Up, which is what’s being referenced here. It’s glorious flavour text, too.


maxx does cocaiiine

Going back to actual criminals, has anyone been testing Fisk Seminar in Leela? I was using a dumb gimmick deck and one one hand you can really flood out the corp at crucial moments and leave them flooded for your gang signs, on the other I’m pretty sure I accidentally handed someone his kill combo at one point.

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Unless you like helping the Corp, don’t play Fisk Investment Seminar. It’s really good if you Siphoned them down to 0 last turn, but don’t play cards in your deck that are only good in such a case. Almost every other time you’re giving them more of an advantage than you’re getting, since they don’t need to spend any clicks for it.


I don’t think this is the case. There are plenty of times when FIS is good. If the Corp IAAed last turn. If you’re running Medium/a couple of R&DI and R&D is an open goal. If the corp is on 0 creds. If the corp has no cards and you can follow it up with a legwork…

It’s not Diesel, but it’s not unplayable either. 0 inf card draw for Criminal is valuable.


Here’s my dumb gimmick deck that uses FIS:

Bareknuckle Breaking

Leela Patel: Trained Pragmatist (All That Remains)

Event (21)

Hardware (3)

Resource (16)

Icebreaker (2)

Program (3)

14 influence spent (max 15)
45 cards (min 45)
Cards up to The Universe of Tomorrow

Deck built on NetrunnerDB.

The idea being to FIS before they are about to score and then access a bunch of cards when they do. Blackmail to remote lock after frame jobbing a fan site. Combo-riffic but it won a couple games against bad decks on Jinteki.net. Yay?

Could be jankier I was trying to fit Security Nexus into Leela :v

I think Geist is gonna get insane with the next cycle. We have already seen a number of cards that are going to support him more.

What do you think of FIS in tandem with the upcoming Populist Rally? A turn 1 FIS into Rally seems pretty good, or even right after the Corp IA / IAA (FIS already good in this scenario IMO).

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[quote=“moistloaf, post:578, topic:4228, full:true”]
I think Geist is gonna get insane with the next cycle. We have already seen a number of cards that are going to support him more.[/quote]

True facts here, and Geist is already strong with the cards that are out. Mumbad is looking seriously fantastic for Criminal.


At that point you combined two bad cards to create a mediocre effect. Cards that are only sometimes good need to be very, very good when they are good, and FIS is extraordinarily bad in almost every situation and marginal at its best. A lot of the time, the Corp will just spend their next turn spewing cards, even if they just IA/IAA’d. There’s no reason as to why they need to score their agenda next turn. Anyway, how many Corps are IAAing these days?

In short, the card is only marginally okay in a very small subset of situations, like that sometimes it delays a score (which they almost certainly will score anyway the turn after) and gave them three free clicks for the price of your one free click (that you have to play first click as an extra downside). You don’t want to play cards in your deck that are bad most of the time, not unless they have a crazy swingy effect (such as Vamp) when the time is right. FIS is very bad most of the time, and sometimes-better-than-dead against Glacier decks in very specific situations. Diesel effects are good, but not when they give your opponent three free cards.


I agree with this in the main, but i also want to say i think FIS is a super well designed card for filling that “criminal diesel” slot. Criminal cards feel like they’re all about timing and each play having an effect on both sides of the table, and FIS is that in spades. When it comes down to it, though, if my cards are going to be hard to play, i want them to kick ass. 1 bonus card once is not ass kicking.

FIS isn’t the draw card we need, but it’s the draw card we deserve.


I played my above Gabe-Faust deck IRL in the local league for the first time this week and went undefeated, the most notable win being (what I think to be) a fairly decisive win against @Ajar on TS-Turtlebacks Astrobiotics. This is almost certainly where FIS is at its worst, and it still did some good work for me. I had him broke off Siphon after he scored his Astro with Biotic. You just absolutely can never play the card until you have unstoppable access to HQ and at least one HQI out.

Being able to 0-out your opponent with Siphon is really not that hard if you are playing against a fast deck. If you FIS ->Siphon->Shutdown it can be a killer play, even against decks that want to draw a lot. I think a lot of the smarter players in the community have realized that FIS is very overrated and poorly used right now, but that’s just because it takes A LOT of practice to learn when to fire it against each archetype.

After continuing to play this list extensively for the last 2 weeks since I’ve posted it and perfecting my piloting of it, It feels really unstoppable. Similarly to the Anatomy of Anarchy builds that I learned the game on, it requires a total mindset change to play correctly and I think people who are spending influence on “real” breakers still are just not making that change. Knowing when to commit to playing the rest of the game at 0 credits and when to try to sustain a large bank is a TOUGH choice that often alone decides whether you will win or lose.

Edit: List again for people who don’t want to scroll: http://netrunner.meteor.com/decks/uaanugNynZbqNhnvL


I was on 5 points with an Astro token for quite a bit of that game, with two Fast Track in hand, despite having had to blow two Jacksons in the first five turns clearing agendas while looking for any sort of economy beyond a lone Sweeps. I wouldn’t call that decisive. :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit: That’s not to say it isn’t a good deck or that it wasn’t a good, well-played win by you. The deck is really good, and you obviously know what you’re doing with it.

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I guess what I meant is that you got a Biotic Astro off (the Criminal nightmare, since you’re not getting it off a SanSan against me), and I still managed to pull it out.

By decisive I meant that the end of the game wasn’t decided by random access RNG (like many vs. yellow games can be), but by me having HQ and all remotes on lock while seeing the top card of R&D every turn.