Where are all the "Big" names?

I enjoyed the Durham Regional. Meeting some of the Peachhack crew was rewarding and connecting faces to handles from stimhack was great (I got to play next to Ahmed v.crfluency). But like most players the amount of time and energy keeping up with the meta has burned me out. I’m going to enjoy some of the GMT Games I bought but never played. I know I’ll return to competitive A:NR soon. I just need to decompress.


It’s always fun to chat with Netrunner peeps and the Durham regional was no exception for me. I enjoyed most of my games (mostly because I brought decks I enjoyed over my tryhard ones), but I enjoyed socializing even more and it was a great environment for that. Getting to chat with a bunch of Florida players was a treat. I thought the TO/staff kept everything running smoothly as they always do, and Atomic is a fantastic store.

With that said I was part of the group that played Brew Crafters after swiss with @Legate_Damar and yeah, it was probably a better gaming experience. I chalk that up to playing a well designed euro with friends after an entire day of Netrunner though. I still intend to play in all the events around here if only to hang out with everybody. We’ve got a really great community.


The bulk of discussion moving to Slack is definitely bad for this forum’s health and bad for the wider community too.

The main issue is that on this forum when we had thoughtful, informed opinions being shared on the forum, a new player can come by weeks or months later and benefit from reading through the thread - posting here creates an enduring resource for the community.

Slack is designed to be addictive - instant gratification and if you don’t check it all the time the content is gone forever because there’s only a day of backlog. So I get why people are on it, but it’s way less helpful to new players as a result of being ephemeral, disorganized, and unsorted.


It’s the difference between a forum and a chatroom.

The chatroom will get you more immediate responses and honest opinions, but the Forum is where you go for nuanced discussion and critique.

I see them both as useful and good things and I don’t think the Slack is cannibalizing Forum participation.

I think you make great points here, and I’ve been trying to discuss more on here because it’s more accessible and a better forum for discussion.

One thing though is I like the slack cuz I like to talk about things other than netrunner with people’s. It’s a good place to talk about whatever with people who you have ckmmkn interests with, and I think that helps bind community together when the game goes through slumps in meta or play quality.


In the face of the evidence? There are demonstrably less posts here from a bunch of people who are highly active on slack on a daily (hourly) basis. I’m not making a value judgement on whether that is a good or bad thing, but it is defintely a Thing.


Obviously correlation doesn’t imply causation, especially since many of the big names listed have pretty much dropped out of the game. If there was no slack, I’d have expected post volume to drop here anyway.

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Obviously it doesn’t, but there is clear evidence of people who always have been involved in Netrunner discussion and are still very much involved in the game not posting here anywhere near as much and posting by the hour on slack. There could be other factors, but come on Rob.


Well, the names listed are:

  • @mediohxcore : Still streams, still posts on NetrunnerGeeks FB group (:disappointed_relieved:) and still plans to built a bigger fireplace for his 3rd World Chamnpionship trophy.
  • @spags : Still plays, makes jokes on stream sinc he is at the top tables, is a nice guy and tries to be a “bad” guy on the forums, to no avail…
  • @Calimsha : Still plays, makes the French furious, and tries to built the most quick NEH FA and various hated builds.
  • @bblum : Still … ok you are right for this one.

the players are still around, the forums are a bit empty though.



I had thought that Calimsha had stopped playing also.

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This is all getting a little unsavoury. People can do what they want with their free time, they are not beholden to anyone/the community.


Whoa! Nobody denies that, I just express my disappointment (thnx @bakashinobi) for not seeing these people posting. Just that. When you really like something, you end up “bitching” about it when you lose it.

Sorry if I walked into someone’s private space m8, did not meant to.



I agree; the Slack is easy and convenient. I loved IRC, and met a ton of my old L5R friends on it in the '90s and early '00s.

I promise to post here more. I just need some areas that excite me. @evilgaz talked about tourney reports. I didn’t take notes or anything, but I did almost win the largest Regional to date in the US last week. Maybe I’ll write something up.


If you don’t write something up, I shall henceforth consider you French.

Have you done a piece or could you get some collected thoughts on running the King of Servers - with the benefit of hindsight?

We’ve got Regionals upon us, but shortly thereafter I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s more ANRPC stuff going to go on around the globe. A Top Ten TO Tips piece or “How I would do an ANRPC event if I could do it all again” article to help other organisers out or give 'Runners a view of what involved would be great.

Similarly, folk who know about the streaming or were doing commentary could give their thoughts on that. There’s lots of content out there - how can we consolidate the best practices and avoid some pitfalls?


Yup. He didn’t show up to any store in Belgium (or elsewhere).

Last time I spoke with him he said ANR was less exciting because he thought the game was more or less resolved.

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I actually wanted to come to Namur but the tournament was sold out :<

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Honestly, if we make a concerted effort, we can increase the quality of posts here to what it was a year and a half ago, by using the slack to vent our random bullshit conversations and jank, and stick to posting good content on the site. Good being tournament reports, strategy articles, card reviews/insights, and other higher level conversation stuff, which has gone by the wayside to goofy or beginner stuff. While not dis positive for the community, it has hurt the premier feel and intent of the site to allow noise along side the good stuff. Just my $.02


Yup. Agreed. I’m back. Fuck the Slack.

…well, except when I’m at work. Or on my phone. Or in a JNET game.


So, the loo and the bedroom is left…

Please do not post while driving. We want you alive.


Will we see you tomorrow at Liege then ? :smiley: