7-point CI shutdown puzzle thread

No sublim in my deck, but I’ll keep that in mind if I manage to fit it back in.

Speaking of fitting sublim, do we really need 2x BL? That just occurred to me now.

Edit: I guess you want one in hand for the base combo, so playing 2 in the list still makes a lot of sense.

Am I wrong, or is the second card from the left Interns? Unless you’re playing two copies, that seems to be another snag.

Bio **** 4
PS ** 6
AD Reuse (Interns, RO, Paper Wall) AM AD Interns (JH) * 1
AD Biotic AM AD Interns JH ** 6
take EC clicks **** 7
triple Kaguya * 7

I think that works??

Doesn’t work, you’re missing 2 advancements.

Best Reuse line I found–could save creds if he had more dead cards in hand, with 1 more card could combo for 12 but as is ends up at 14:

Biotic **** 4
SfMM JH,PV,EC *** 5
PS ** 6
AD(Reuse(Enforced,Paper wall), Intern(JH), Biotic) 7 ***
RO(AD) 8 *
AD(Biotic, Intern(JH), SfSS(EC)) 13**
AD(Intern, SfSS(GFI), SfSS(EC)) 14*
Score EC, Kag 3x

It’s Enforced Curfew, not Interns.

Also worth noting you can’t reuse interns and then put it in the same ad pile. It has to be in archives when you Jackson

The 2nd BL can be cut if you want. I’d definitely play sublim #1 before BL #2. Having all 3 adds a lot of flexibility in situations where you’re starting with a BL in hand and especially when facing hate, but I guess if ES is the only hate anymore then just another current would be better.

Yeah, I’m on two currents and 7 ice. I’ll try a sublim and see how I like having it back.

A solution without subliminal for 8 credits.

ps 1**
Sfmm : jh, ec , pv 2*
BL 6**
Ad: sfss sfss intern JH 7*
Take clicks 7****
Reclam AD 8**
AD bl, intern jh, reuse sfk ad +2. 5***
AD intern gfi sfss sfk 6**
Sfk sfk


This occurred to me in a game today: If CI gets vamped to 0 and then rumor milled in the same turn, is there any way to combo off the next turn?

Only if they have something else to help them like a previously scored ec or an empty r&d

This is a really slick line. It flows naturally from your previously outlined philosophy of trying to score EC ASAP during combos, but requires exact anticipation of click counts going forward from pile 2. I’m going to try to start thinking about the combo the way you do (outlined here) and see if that improves my ability to detect subtle lines like this in-game.

Very nicely done.

Edit: One tweak is possible for those who might not see your pile 2 trick in game:

Don’t Reuse the 3rd Kaguya, and instead play BL (or Sublim, if you have it) in pile 3 to get the click you need for the third Kaguya. With BL this ends up at a net cost of 10c and still works within the constraints I had at the time.

Puzzle 34: You’ve been playing CI7 at your local league for weeks, so people are starting to slot hate. In this game, your Reclamation Order and both Shipment From SanSans have been removed from the game by a surprise Archives Interface.

34a What is the minimum starting credit total required to win the game? No Sublim.
34b What is the minimum starting number of combo pieces in hand required to win the game?

Basic 34a solution:

[spoiler]Hand: PS ADx3 SfMMx1 JHx3 EC PV GFI & no SfKs
Credit pool: at least $3 before the first chance to play Reuse; at least $10 if you don’t have 2+ Reusable cards (since playing Reuse will force more Biotics)

PS ** 1c
AD SfKx2 EC+GFI, SfK EC+PV * 9c
Score EC, take clicks **** 9c
AD SfK SfK PV + GFI (open slot), 10c

Stranded SfKs can be handled by:

  • playing BL in combo piles + playing SfK from hand
  • pitched via Reuse in pile 1 or 2 using the flex combo slot, but this delays scoring EC, meaning some/all of those Reuse credits have to go into BLs

In the game, I had $27, so I just played BL a bunch of times, put 2x SfK on EC+GFI, then double advanced and scored EC the old fashioned way. Ended up spending $20 but finishing with several clicks floating.[/spoiler]

Just FYI usually the hand it outside of the spoiler solution.

The interesting thing about SFK and SFSS is they actually both place the same number of counters, but SFK loses flexibility because it requires that you have 2 cards installed. During a typical combo you place 4(EC) + 3(PV) + 5(GFI) = 12 advancements, meaning you only have to play SFK six times. The trick is therefore making sure you have everything installed as you need to do it.

Here is a solution with a spare slot for something else for 10 credits, the triple AD and the 6 installables seems to be overkill for saving this:

PS 1 **
sfmm JH JH EC 2 *
AD (BL, SFMM(JH, GFI, PV), SFK(PV, EC)) 8 **
AD (SFK(PV, GFI), SFK(PV, GFI), spare) 10

With BL in hand you can do it with only 4 installables and 13 credits, but you still need all 3x AD

BL 4 ****
PS 5 ***
sfmm (JH, JH/EC, X) 6 **
AD (BL, interns(EC/JH), SFK(EC, X)) 11 ***
install JH/X2 11 **
AD (interns(JH/X2), SFK(EC, GFI), SFK (EC, X2)) 12 *

worth noting that in both of these solutions I’m not using the EC clicks so there are probably much more efficient solutions out there.

Pour one out for Power Shutdown.


Nah, it’s just another Shutdown puzzle now.

How do I combo through Leela and FAQ?