7-point CI shutdown puzzle thread


BL 4 ****
PS 5 ***
sfmm (EC, JH, JH) 6 **
AD (RO(AD), SM, sfss) 7 **
AD (sfss, interns(CVS), sfmm (JH, Vit)) 9 *
res CVS, score, take clicks, 12 ****
AD (interns(GFI), sfss, RO(sfk)) 14***
sfk x3 to win

3 (beat the official spoiler by 4 credits)

BL 4****
PS 5 ***
JH 5 **
AD sfmm (JH, JH, EC), sfss, RO(AD)) 8*
AD (sfss, interns(CVS), BL) 13 **
res CVS, score, take clicks 16 *****
AD (interns(GFI), sfss, RO(sfk)) 18 ****
vit 18***
sfk x 3 to win


no clot
sfmm (JH, EC, vit) 1**
PS 2*
AD (sfss, BL, sfss) 7**
score, take clicks 7*****
interns JH 7***
AD (interns(GFI), SFSS, SM) 7***
sfk x3 to win

with clot
sfmm (JH, EC, vit) 1**
PS 2*
AD (sfss, BL, SM) 6 ***
interns JH 6 *
AD (sfss, BL, interns (CVS)) 11 **
res CVS, score, take clicks 14 *****
AM JH, install 14 ***
AD (interns (GFI), biotic, sfss), 19 ****
sfk x 3 to win, 19 credits and one click spare.


BL 4 ****
sfmm (JH JH EC) 5 ***
PS 6 **
AD (sfss, interns (CVS), BL) 11 ***
AD (interns (JH), BL, SFSS) 16 ****
if clot, res CVS & click-purge, score, gain clicks, otherwise just score, gain clicks: 19 **** or 16 *******
AD (sfmm (GFI, Vit), sfss, RO(sfk) 22 *** or 19 ******
sfk x 3 22 / 19 ***
score, or res CVS, click-purge, score.


BL 4 ****
PS 5 ***
sfmm JH JH EC 6**
AD (RO AD, BL, SFSS) 12***
AD (BL, interns(CVS), sfss), 17****
res CVS, purge with clicks? 20 * or 20 **** if they don’t fire saccon
score & take clicks, 20 **** / 20 *******
sfmm (JH vit GFI) 21 *** / 21 ******
AD (interns(CVS), SM, sfss) 21 /21***
sfkx3 21 / 21 ***
res cvs, purge if didn’t before. 24 win.


sfmm JH JH EC 1 **
PS 2 *
AD (BL, RO(AD), sfss) 8**
AD (SM, SFSS, interns(JH)) 8**
res and use jackson, score EC and take clicks 8*****
install EC 8****
AD (sfss, sfss, RO(sfss)) 10, ***
score and take clicks 10, ******
install GFI, *****
SFSS x 2 *
SFK, score, win

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I had only the 5 cards in RD. I think I might have been able to combo out next turn without runs anyway, so he pretty much had to go right then.

That’s pretty awesome. Stacking the deck to just play ADs is brilliant. :slight_smile:

ps $1 **
mirror JJE $2 *
ad $3 → reuse (trash interns, all 5 shipments for $12), biotic, biotic = $4 (credits remaining) ****
reclamation order for ad $3 **
ad → interns (jackson), sfss, sfss $2 *
score EC $2 ****
ad → mirror (pv gfi), sfss, RO (kaguya) $0 ***
3x kaguya

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One problem is that in this you play Blue Levels straight when you draw them, so a solution that requires two in hand will be rarely used in true games. Working on a solution now where I have no Blue Level or Subliminal in hand (not sure if possible but think yes).

Greetings combo nerds, i see you have put a ton of work in solving multiple permutations of the 7pt CI combo puzzle. I am not interested myself in imitating your parlour trick, but I would be interested in distilled advice from the experts on how to play against this monstrosity. Do you have any generic advice and also specific hate advice e.g. I heard noise and employee strike were good counters. Cheers

No, this is the best kept secret in Netrunner history. It must not be shared.

CBI Raid is good for Crim, Imp for Anarch, and just being a shaper (aka clot) is enough defense.

People keep saying this, and I don’t understand it. Can you tell me the story of how you, or someone you know, landed CBI raid against CI (or anyone!) and it was great?

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Umm, 18 cards back on R and D isn’t good enough?

Well, yeah. The entire gameplan of CI revolves around assembling the top 9 cards of R&D in the order of their choice, and here you are doing it for them and then some.

It’s also pretty dead elsewhere.


I’m pretty sure Employee Strike is enough to stop these combo decks. Just let them get up over 10 cards and then toss that down.

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Employee Strike sounds great but hasn’t worked that well in practice. Between Bioticing out a 3/2 (or 4/2) and a few CI decks running cerebral static to help with the noise matchup, it’s not guaranteed to last. You need Same Old Thing support to keep it online and it’s still very possible to combo with 5 handpicked cards especially if you only need to score 5pts instead of 7pts.

Play Councilman instead and save it for their final jackson. They’ll either have to combo with 2 or install over the jackson, retrieve the jackson from archives and then install it again. Or do what my friend does and siphon them 4 times in 6 turns.

Combine with Clot and you’re probably right. Except SfM(PV, CVS), Biotic, SfSS, advance, score still gets CI out of this for $9. With the plus of making the combo slightly easier later.

How do you combo win vs leela?

By being careful.

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There’s a puzzle for that and solutions you can read.

I brought 7-CI to a store champ on Saturday. Got to 2nd place with a total of two losses. Highlight was purging 4 times in a turn to get through Clot + triple sac con. :smile:
I think the archetype goes to slumber for a while if people start playing Councilman. At that point there’ll be too many counters being played. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted!


I’ve been practicing this matchup a bit over the weekend. Got in about 30 games, and started tracking my wins/losses for the last 21. At a 2/3 win-rate, and while I’m not an expert at the deck I would say I understand it at an intermediate level now. I have written some heuristics from my experiences. I was playing a minorly modified version of BBlum’s latest list, with CVS + cyberdex trial, and 2 biotics.

Heuristics learnt:

  • JH+JH or JH+EC + 1 other installable + AD + PS + SFMM + 11 credits for base combo.
  • JH+JH+EH or JH+EH+CVS or JH+JH+CVS + 2 installables + AD + PS + SFMM + 15 credits for breaking 1x clot.
  • 6 installables + AD + PS + SFMM + 18 credits for breaking 2x clot.
  • Keeping BL in hand saves 1 credit (replace the BL in first pile with SM)
  • Best options to skip from AD piles are: interns (sfmm for 3 from hand), RO(AD), RO(SFK)
  • BL can be used as a replacement for a SFSS, interns, RO if they are stuck in hand, beware the extra 4 creds.
  • if 2 AD, then you can use SFSS in first pile instead of 2nd (if one stuck in hand)
  • if 2 AD, then can save a credit by using AM on AD in 2nd pile.
  • if 2 sfk, then don’t use AM/RO on sfk, just use sfk directly. Save a credit and a click (maybe cyberdex trial?)
  • Save 2 slots in CVS install pile for BL + SM against saccon (or BL beforehand then you just need +1 BL). Cyberdex trial makes this easier but you will have to recur.
  • cheapest combo: 8 credits. requires JH + JH/EC + 3rd installable + 2 AD + PS + SFMM + BL + 2 SFK. BL, sfmm, PS, AD(interns, sfss, SM), AD(sfss, AM(AD), interns), AD(interns, sfss, sfk), sfk, sfk.
  • Hold reuse in hand if you suspect siphon/vamp. If you don’t know the deck, then suspect siphon/vamp.
  • If you strongly suspect siphon/vamp, then early game consider not ressing HQ ice.
  • Hold BLC in hand if you suspect CBI raid, but you probably won’t have to worry about it.

Runner specific tactics:

  • score 2 EC and then GFI, one at a time.
  • You need go generate one extra click than usual (BL in hand + BL in pile, or BL in pile + SM in another pile)
  • 1 sfk in hand, 2 JH in hand, and 2 EC in hand.
  • Still be wary of siphon. Consider ressing against inside job if you’re worried about ice bouncing.
  • Keep BL in hand so you can run a second AD if the first one gets interrupted.
  • Pray like crazy that you build the combo fast and they don’t get any street peddler/clone chip ready.
  • minimise the number of AD pieces you need to do. 3 AD, 3 SFK and all 6 installables is ideal setup, but unlikely given milling.
  • purge against imp and clot when they come out.
    Hayley saccon:
  • Just gain lots of credits and take extra BL. Cyberdex trial helps a lot here too.
  • Be wary of artist colony, they might surprise you with a saccon after you make your 3rd AD pile. Costs 0 to install if they have any agendas.

Is it possible to win through Leela + The source + 2xfallguy?