Double Time Set Review & Playtesting Guide

Not really angry or offended, simply annoyed because this happens literally every time I write an article. Some guy will reply saying that I “missed” some interaction between some card and some other card.

Yes, every card has some interactions with plenty of other cards. But you cant write about them all. So every time, some person inevitably has some pet interaction that they really like, and then when you dont write about that specific one, they say that you missed it.

The expectation value of the number of runs required to kill Caprice is 3 (assuming both players have plenty of money, and care enough about the result that they are willing to bid any of 0/1/2).

To find this expectation value, you sum up the results of the possibilities:

1/3 chance of 1 run required (get it first try).
1/3 * 2/3 chance of 2 runs required (the 2/3 is to miss it the first time, the 1/3 is to get it the second).
1/3 * 2/3 * 2/3 chance of 3 runs.
1/3 * 2/3 * 2/3 * 2/3 chance of 4 runs.

(1/3 * 1) + (2/9 * 2) + (4/27 * 3) + (8/81 * 4) + (16/243 * 5) + (32/729 * 6) + …

Its an infinite series, but the sum is already more than 2 at this point.

The key is that caprice doesnt only die after 1, 2, or 3 runs. She might take 10 or even 100 runs to kill!

Usefully, if you have a 1 in N chance of achieving some result, then the expected value of the number of times you’ll have to try before you get that result (the sum of the infinite series) is N.

So we know that in this case, the expected value of the number of times to run in order to kill Caprice is 3.

The number of runs Caprice stops is 1 less than this, so she stops an expected value of 2 runs.

If Gyri Labyrinth actually gear checked it would be good. If it had ‘end the run’ on it also, that would be awesome.

But it doesnt actually stop me from running through and doing whatever I want, unless you have already assembled the kill.

Quandary gear checks, Enigma gear checks. But Gyri only says, ‘if you run me late enough in the game that I have the kill ready, and you dont have the preparation, then it helps me kill you’.

Well, maybe we dont need the killer (maybe we use Knight on unrezzed ice, or maybe we use Sharpshooter to avoid trashing programs. Or Sacrificial Construct.
Maybe the fracter can be an Inti to deal with wraparound, and we can grab it later on, if they have wraparound.

One big benefit of the paintbrush + superYog rig is that the superYog breaks ice for 0.

As suggested, another possibility is simply Paintbrush + Morning Star. Then you have your fracter, and you break things for $1.

Paintbrush lets you find just one card to deal with two new types of ice, making your efficient breaker of choice into a super-AI.

I agree that it requires a lot of testing. I dont really have a good gauge of its power level right now, it could be crazy or simply decent, I dont know. (Thus the rating of 4 with high uncertainty). But I do think it will at least be great in Kit.

i was thinking the professor and chaos theory might get a little use out of painbrush as well. yet again poor anarchs get to watch other factions use their own breakers better than them lol.

[quote=“Alexfrog, post:24, topic:815”]Quandary gear checks, Enigma gear checks. But Gyri only says, ‘if you run me late enough in the game that I have the kill ready, and you dont have the preparation, then it helps me kill you’.[/quote]Gyri Labyrinth is a late game ice. It doesn’t work on its own, but with a Corporate Troubleshooter. There are many cool tricks you can do with it. I think if HB Brain Damage deck will ever be a thing, Gyri Labyrith will be a part of it. Not sure if it’s there yet, probably we need to wait at least for Chairman Hiro.

The best current use for Gyri is in GRNDL Punitive Counterstrike decks, but I think influence is better spent elsewhere.

Yup, already noticed my mistake. Absolutley correct, my bad!
Could she be a useful case for Quest Completed? So that you can reliably access her without running there?

In actual fact, the situation is even worse for the runner. The probability argument counts runs and assumes she’s always destroyed once successful. But there is always the chance that the runner doesn’t have the funds to remove her, or Ash is on hand to make things tricky!

Yeah she is the primary use of Quest Completed. But only if she is placed in a remote server! (Of course, that doesnt make Quest Completed any good).

Yeah I think any Shaper might be able to use it well. (Its just easiest and most clearly useful to Kit).

I guess I should throw away Scorched Earth then since it only works when [quote=“Alexfrog, post:24, topic:815”]
you run me late enough in the game that I have the kill ready, and you dont have the preparation, then it helps me kill you

Not really a fair comparison. If Scorched could be prevented by more than a third of the icebreakers in the game, it wouldn’t see very much play either…


Yeah if Scorched earth was hard countered by having a Yog it wouldnt be great either. :slight_smile:

So, wait a second, now are saying that it’s weakness is that it’s countered? I thought you were saying is weakness is that you don’t care about is effects and you’re just going to yolo three card hand against Tag and Bag?

The fact is you either pass the turn with three cards in your hand or go fish for a decoder. If you fish for the decoder, it does is job as a gear check, if you don’t, it accelerates your kill combo.

So either way it works.

Again, not saying this is lol broke, but it’s far better than you give it credit for.

I’m saying it sucks because of lots of reasons.

But you can feel free to make Gyri Labyrinth decks to your heart’s content, and try to prove me wrong.

I was thinking about Caprice, and the “psi” mechanic. IMO, problem is the O/1/2 creds are mostly irrelevant, so it s impossible to predict or even influence corp choice (ok, not after vamp or siphon).

This could have been better with 0/2/5 creds instead. There, runner could chose to spend 0 cred and force a harsh choice from corp.

0/1/2 is relevant just fine in an economically close game, for which your version would be completely busted.

The problem isn’t the cost (I don’t seem to recall anyone bitching about bouncing off a snowflake), it’s that you can’t get rid of the effect without winning the game first. But I’m sure there’s a card coming for that… one that isn’t Quest Completed that is :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, if caprice is installed on R&D, even quest completed cant access her :slight_smile:

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Caprice in the scoring remote is a bigger problem than on RnD, though - if you’re built to pressure more than one central in a meaningful way.

To me, it feels like Caprice on RnD / HQ vs. Caprice in the scoring remote is the difference between not losing, and actually winning*.

"* unless you’re Cerebral Imaging

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If Caprice is in a remote that you can get into, but with no Agenda, do you run on it for the chance to trash her? Assuming an evenish economy (if you have Magnum, I think it’s a favorable call to run). If yes, at what cost?

It seems kind of a waste, but since getting past her is at least partially luck-based, I see it as being a potentially strong play to mitigate risk.