How FFG killed the Netrunner fanbase

See my tl;dr post in the other thread :fearful:


It was. So. Long.

Well, now you can use FFG coreset 1.0 box, and Bako, GLC, and other cards like Li just escaped from it :wink:

Isn’t it obvious? Boggs read @moistloaf post and felt the pain and passion of his beloved community. Boggs heart melted and he declared ‘no more’. Boggs then proceeded to his cubicle, hanged up a sign saying do not disturb and started working like he had never done before! Night and day he worked until he finally rose up from his cubicle, with stacks of cards and designs he walked into his boss office and proclaimed ‘I have seen the light, we can save them all’ and behold, the new core set was sent to the printer.

Yes, Boggs is that good. But the building of his Ark is a couple of days behind thanks to this.