[Kate] Redefining Shaper Control Decks

Dumb idea which has probably been tried: What if you run both Astrolabe and Nexus with Trade-in?

on the subject of kate decks, that mopus kate list is pretty sweet. That being said in testing it folded to hinkes IG unless it had a really good start…so we will likely try to find room for a feedback filter

Here’s the Temujin Kate /w Beth list that I’ve been running locally and online. The deck is really solid Indexing + FTE control. I’m only on the one Inti right now because people are only playing junk barriers. That might change if I see any Blue Sun (I haven’t, for about six months, around these parts…). The latest cut was PolOp, which is more useless nowadays, since Rumor Mill has scared away all the Caprices. I’ve seen lists with 3x QT or 3x Patron instead of the Colony/Fan Site combo. I didn’t so much mind Patron, but it’s stupidly expensive. I also really like Colony-ing out a Temujin after I’ve passed all the ice on RND during an Indexing run: that feels real good. Feel free to comment on it, but I’ve been testing this since Beth came out, in one version or another, so it’s basically finished.


First, I like the deck.

Second, so I’ve taken it for a spin around Jinteki (casual and Competitive rooms) and, while there’s games that feel like they’re only against me because I’m bad at the deck… I feel like I’m playing poorly but the deck is strong enough that I still have a decent enough game. So that’s good.

And then I play against a CtM Midseasons deck. I felt pretty good until the first HHN, which drained my bank to dodge and let him rez a pair of Bankers the next turn. Unlike other Corp decks, if I make a stumble the deck is usually powerful enough to recover, but against this CtM… (or maybe more specifically, HHN) How should you play against HHN? If I try to keep assets under control and credit count high, they can still dump credit pool down 1-for-1… Should I just not care and take the tags, and then Index the crap out of R&D?

If Midseasons becomes popular again, I’d suggest adding a Film Critic and maybe NACH. Paricia is helpful, cuts are probably R&D Interface, 1 Fan Site, possibly 1 Beth. If you just let them money up, then Beth is great, but if you’re trying to deny them, or if they sit at 0-9 credits, you’re going to have a bad time.

If you take the tags, you have to sac any of your Foods or you’ll just lose the game. Don’t make runs unless you can realistically stay above the corp’s money or just high enough that you can clear tags next turn. I do think that this deck has less room for error than Nexus Kate or Silver Bullet Kate in this regard.

latest version of chameleon kate. still playing it, i feel its still good. in case any of you guys play it at all, even casually.

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Is there any footage of you playing the deck? I might take take it for a spin this weekend.

im planning to stream this week. i gotta start worlds grind. ill be playing etf and this when i do.

just keep an eye out.

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Put together a straight money and breakers Kate deck, if anyone is interested in playing the old Netrunner.

Not really quite as controll-y, given the lack of tech cards and things like Indexing. In fact, it used to be much more controll-y but I took all that out and replaced it with just… better money and better breakers after feeling like all the cruft was slowing me down. It’s been performing pretty well for me.

Throwing an Indexing or two in the Maker’s Eye slots might totally be worth it, especially with R&D Interfaces in there. Might check out doing that.

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I like it. The back to basics, hammer R&D approach with metric buttloads of cash seems real, real good. Temujin is just awesome out of everything.

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its been quite the long time since this thread has had discussion

i assume everyone gave it up, and is either not green anymore, or just playing nexus kate (boooriiing)

here’s my 2 kate lists as of recent

chameleon kate. with too much fucking money.

you can cut the macrodrive engine (free install the clip, and aesops it every turn. gets it the llds bonus too. i like it, but its not needed)

really the core is “play cacheshop and cut david for fucking temujin. roll in bucks. make every corp sad”

reavershop. not a chameleon deck!

very fun. needs refining. not quite tier 1, but you can draw a buttload of cards which is cool! use smc and cc on the opponent turn to get extra draws!. sell and reinstall mkultra for free str, and net gain 1 card 2 creds (after kate discount). smc for reaver as soon as fucking possible.


update - Reavershop Kate - 1st at Trotta's Hobbies SC · NetrunnerDB

its fun to play and pretty good. give it a whirl


Does anyone track how much Kate saves them in most games? She often gets compared to ETF, but my experience is that she pays off at a much lower rate than ETF.

The thing with the Kate discount is not so much about how much it saves you over the course of a game, but rather how much it saves you now. It preserves tempo.

It’s a similar consideration to why people don’t play the “most efficient” big rig breaker suite in every deck - those install costs matter.


When ppvp Kate was a thing it was around 15-20creds per game.
Don’t know for current builds but who cares since Kate sucks nowadays.


Built a boring Kate deck with lots of money and regular breakers. Not much jazz.

The deck has me wondering about when to include or leave out Clone Chips and Levy. When do you slot these cards and when do you leave them out?

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If you primarily have Clone Chip for program recursion and getting SMC out again, I find 2 to be a nice number. I personally never build a deck without a way to get programs back in a pinch, just because I would hate to be locked out of a server permanently due to surprise program trashing.

Levy is best if you can get a lot of value from the events or resources you’re putting back in R&D. But without SOT for protection, the single Levy often ends up being a gamble because you can lose it to a single damage or otherwise feel forced to keep it in hand all game.

For your list, I might suggest dropping Corroder and 1 CC for Paperclip, because it’s a little more efficient and gives you another deck slot. I think Levy isn’t necessary in your deck, so that would give room for 2 more cards. Could consider Freedom Through Equality (tons of Corps run an agenda suite that requires you to steal 4 times without it), Indexing, or maybe Modded. You have a lot of high-costing programs and hardware, and that softens the blow on install.

Edit: I missed Clot in your list. That sometimes makes a good case to keep 3 CC if you have the spare influence. I still think Paperclip and 2 CC might be better than 3 CC, but that’s personal preference.

From my experience 2 CC + 1 SacCon is better Clot protection package than 3 CC.

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With Prepaid coming off the MWL, and Temujin-based economy facing a nerf, is now the time for Prepaid Kate to become great again? How would we go about modernising her? Is Beth worth the include with MCA informant floating around? Does she need any more anti-tag, anti-asset spam or anti-glacier tech? I’m kinda just spitballing here, but it’d be nice to see if we as a community can revive this archetype again


Been trying it out for a few games, seems strong. Not as strong as Temu Smoke, though, yet anyway. That deck did lose a couple inf, but I don’t think that’s a huge issue.