[Noise] Welcome (back) to the Church

Any thoughts about using Corroder to save on D4v1d counters or dealing with barriers in general?

I haven’t found it necessary. Like most here, I’m on 2x Faust 1x Mimic with 3x DS and 3x Parasite and 2x D4. I haven’t had any particular issues and I could occasionally see Memory issues with a Mimic/Corroder/Faust rig.

Ok so I need some help beating NEH asset spam (playing @TheBigBoy’s deck). really struggling to install what I need quickly enough to stop them snowballing.

Just end up finding that lamprey isn’t great if they have mumba temples up, and whatever I imp just comes back with team sponsorship…

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I find that getting a Lamprey/Imp lock to hammer HQ and then going for the Medium dig to be the best way. Once you hit midgame, forget Imping any money assets, just stop the SanSan if you can or hammer the centrals. It’s a race either way.

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If you can’t keep all of the assets, you have to prioritize which ones to trash.

For NEH, DBS, SanSan, Team Sponsorship are the most important ones to deal with. If you have an R&D lock at least 2 deep, you can leave DBS alone. Sponsorships are almost trash on sight, because Breaking News lets them score and recur an asset. SanSans are trash-worthy if you have let their money get out of control, or if they have a DBS up.

Oh, Museum pretty much is 100% trash, all the time.

You can let NEH have money, or the utility cards. Don’t let them have both. (Money alone doesn’t score points, utility cards tend to let them find their way out of whatever hole they’re in, but they can’t score without money.)


It’s a hard matchup for sure, and sometimes you lose because they got a good start and there’s little you can do about it.

But there are definitely ways you can play against it. Generally the best gameplan I’ve found is to get to a state where you can Clot lock them out of the game, and be able to check anything new they put down, while putting Clot back out if you checked a Cyberdex. Keeping Team Spon off the board is more important than pressuring centrals.

That said, it’s OK to pressure centrals a lot early as long as it isn’t harming your development - but as soon as they have SanSan potential, you need to back off and focus on keeping Clot online. Hitting CVS in HQ, R&D or Archives at the wrong time will just lose you the game by giving them a window to start their scoring snowball.

After that it’s a case of checking remotes often, but never so that you can’t replace Clot this turn if it’s a CVS. That usually means checking with at least two clicks remaining, so you can Deja Vu Clot and install it if it gets purged. Often you can win by decking if you lock them out well enough, but it’s not uncommon to be forced to go and take the agendas instead - if you do, HQ is usually the best bet, as they tend to pile up there when they can’t be scored.

Often against these decks it’s easy to get into the mindset of “I have to do something now!”, which usually leads to ill-advised runs. Just focus on staying calm and keeping Clot out, and you should be OK.

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Imp is the key card against this type of asset spam deck.The best plan is to Clot lock,just clot - clot - de javu - clot and so on,meanwhile check their remote to make sure they don’t sneak out astros.Trash museum on sight,also other important assets.By doing this you usually can deck them out before they score enough points,because they draw way more cards than usual Astrobiotics.

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Install vira and at some point Deja for 2 Colots and you will proabboy seal the adel
ps. i am drunk


However I may like the @TheBigBoy Noise list, I am still not sure that the exclusion of the Clone chip in order to accommodate the Levy is the best way to go. Faust is everywhere and you see Komainu almost everywhere. The counters for Komainu are the Mimic and the Parasite on a Street Peddler. And if you do not get these, then you may also lose your levy or other important stuff.

I think that at the current meta, 3 IHW instead of the Injects and 1X parasite instead of 1X Levy is more my cup of tea and more appropriate to face, at least, my local meta.

P.S. Yeah, I.G. is still a beast to defeat… whatever the list.

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I assume you meant 1x Clone Chip over the 1x Levy. I’ve been using Noise exclusively, based on @TheBigBoy’s initial framework before making a few minor tweaks to accommodate relevant IG Hate. I’ve found Levy essential. It isn’t even just essential vs. the Museum or damage decks, but it’s relevant vs. Glacier. I agree you don’t need it vs. NEH, but the risk of decking yourself vs. the damage decks is too great simply for the 1x Clone Chip.

I get that sometimes you’re going to eat a Komainu, but if it’s 1st click, you can still draw up, and it’s likely getting parasited on sight right after that. Sometimes that’s worth the 5c trade, particularly if you’re holding an IHW or two, which I swapped in for the Injects given the rise of Jinteki. Until you find your mimic, sometimes the only answer is play out your cards and try to hit Komainu with 2-3 cards in hand vs. 5, or dig for the IHW to recover. It certainly isn’t Game Over.


In hindsight, we all should have realised this - it wasn’t unusual to be almost out of cards against glacier before Global Food Initiative arrived. That agenda has had a big impact on number of accesses needed to win. Combined more net damage subroutines, Faust’s hunger for fuel and less virus recursion with Clone Chip on the MWL, the Levy has actually ended up pretty key.


This. It’s also important to make your probing runs vs jinteki when you don’t have critical cards in hand. Play your good stuff before you start running.


I’m curious on your take on the IHW v. Inject debate in a jinteki heavy meta. Bonus points if you answer before I have to submit the decklist for my first regional of the season in about an hour. :wink:


I mean, outside of the risk/reward of dumping programs for the extra card, what else is there to discuss? IHW is nearly as good in an opening hand and arguably better if you’re looking for cheap programs and not Aesops / Wyldcakes, and it makes you significantly harder to kill vs. IG.

This is my current Noise list -

Noise: Hacker Extraordinaire
45 cards
Influence: 12/12 ●​●​●​●​●​●​●​●​●​●​●​●​○​○​○​
Tournament legal
Event (8)
3 Déjà Vu
1 Hacktivist Meeting
3 I’ve Had Worse
1 Levy AR Lab Access ●​●​●​
Hardware (4)
2 Archives Interface
2 Grimoire
Program (22)
3 Cache ●​●​●​
2 Clot
2 D4v1d
3 Datasucker
2 Faust
3 Imp
2 Lamprey
1 Medium
1 Mimic
3 Parasite ○​○​○​
Resource (11)
2 Adjusted Chronotype
3 Aesop’s Pawnshop ●​●​●​●​●​●​
3 Street Peddler
3 Wyldside

You can cut Hacktivist for the 3rd Lamprey if you want, or a singleton Inject if you wanted more Draw / single Plascrete if you have a Scorch-happy meta, but I like having it vs. horizontal decks that aren’t necessarily IG, though it could be useful if you find it in that matchup anyway. Standard Noise, credit again to @TheBigBoy for the framework.


In the original write-up, TheBigBoy favored Inject for the extra draw/econ. I think the idea is that you most need this card draw when you are looking for wyldside or Aesop’s (maybe also Plascrete or some other tech). Inject helps you dig slightly deeper and generally helps pay for them as well - if you are looking for engine pieces, you may be behind on econ.

Having said that, having an IHW is obviously much better if you are staying down a bunch of facedown possible Komainus…

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His original list was created before Bio-Ethics and the resurgence of IG. Most of these decks aren’t looking to score; their only goal is murder. IHW is superior for survival and only marginally worse for acceleration.

I think a 3/2 split either way is optimal right now

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This is what I do! I went with 3 IHW, 2 Inject for my regionals, but only out of fear of Jinteki decks. Otherwise I prefer 3 Inject.

I am also on 3 IHW 2 inject. I went up to 46 cards and dropped both clots (because i found them too easily countered by neh asset spam). Been experimenting with gravedigger. Its a bit meh because i only want to install it late game post grimoire. Im thinking to swap it for a second medium as these spam decks tend to leave themselves open early and the best way to beat neh is to steal their astros which neuters them totally.


I’m toying with the second medium too - despite what others have said I find keeping clot in play too unwieldy against NEH when they have 3x cyberdex and team sponsorship and jackson to put them back. If you can manage regular accesses with medium it also reduces the amount of stuff you actually have to trash (DBS if they are digging deeper than your lock, anything that shuffles their deck to break the lock like museum, and SanSan to stop fast track plays).

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