Null Signal Questions Thread

From the anonymous question box:

There’s a sharp dichotomy between how you’ve been considering art and writing. Both are creative, difficult jobs that people might do for fun, but due to the nature of netrunner it has been common to pay artists for their alt arts. However as there has been no need for writers to do anything (sure you’d pay for an alt art card but not for an alt flavour text card or for a Netrunner short story) there isn’t the same culture. This has permeated NISEI - you’ve made it clear writers will be volunteers but also that artists will get paid for their contributions. Do you have any plans to address this disparity?

A: The details of how NISEI will interact with artists and writers are up to the not-yet-selected leadership, so we cannot commit 100% to any approach.

We do know we can’t assume artists will work for free and we certainly won’t demand they do so.

This is true of every role, including writers. We’ve clarified it for artists specifically in response to an incident of miscommunication.