[Kate] Redefining Shaper Control Decks

Arguably Grim and Archer get dealt with by reoccured sharpshooters.

What do you think about a 1-of atman in here? Set on 4, it deals with a lot of problems, but maybe Lady and cyber-cypher deal with those same problems? This deck certainly gets its rig up fast and cheap, but it looks like it might have a lot of trouble with blue sun.

Morphling, Data Raven, Susano No Mikoto, Snoop, Flare, etc

Well on this list, only Ichi, Grim and archer are regularly played. And even in 'deck who gives the best use of those ICEs, you don’t see them that often. On a serious note, how many time have you seen a data raven or a flare in tournament those last 3 months ?

Not often, but I think morphling is a solid include in blue sun, which we’ll see a lot of. I see susano out of jinteki about 1/3 at this point. Choosing to be locked out sometimes just sounds like a bad strategy. Even if you won’t see these cards up top (questionable if people expect people to be playing singleton mimics) you still have to get past the jank in most tournaments to get up to that level where you won’t see those cards. Whether you can out play those people who are playing jank is another question worth asking.

Its not a point many people on this forum consider, but if you somehow end up in the lower part of the tournament early due to a bad matchup you usually are playing in a separate tournament; one with usually a different meta.Hopefully being a good player will allow you to climb out of that, but if you’re meta’d up for the top you could get stuck.


I love one Atman, even sans the Suckers. I faced 5 Jinteki at Worlds, and hit one Susano.


Maybe one Atman instead of the second dog-breaker then ?

One Atman is absolutely right. I doubt the dog breakers are correct as long as Wraparound is still everywhere. Inti/Snowball/corroder are all better vs wraparound, and Atman always is, and always will be there for Eli.

Str 4 Atman is 6 install cost with the kate reduction, 7 without and 8/9 if you have to use SMC to fetch them. And even if I REALLY love Atman, I still think it’s a huge tempo hit on the install. In comparison, Lady cost 3/4 or 5/6 with SMC and is stronger than Inti / Corroder / Snowball against medium to big Ice. Granted, Wraparound is annoying but it can also be parasited when Lady hit the table and in the NEH matchup, there’s not a lot of ICE i want to parasite anyway: Can’t parasite Architect and Lotus field, Quandary is irrelevant with CC and eli is a joke to break through with Lady.

After testing with this list a little bit versus various decks I came up with some modifications resulting in the list below:

Pre-Paid-Kate II

Kate “Mac” McCaffrey: Digital Tinker (Core Set)

Event (21)
3x Diesel (Core Set)
3x Dirty Laundry (Creation and Control)
1x Indexing (Future Proof)
2x Legwork (Honor and Profit) ••••
1x Levy AR Lab Access (Creation and Control)
3x Lucky Find (Double Time) ••••• •
2x Quality Time (Humanity’s Shadow)
2x Scavenge (Creation and Control)
3x Sure Gamble (Core Set)
1x Test Run (Cyber Exodus)

Hardware (11)
2x Astrolabe (Up and Over)
3x Clone Chip (Creation and Control)
1x Plascrete Carapace (What Lies Ahead)
3x Prepaid VoicePAD (Second Thoughts)
2x R&D Interface (Future Proof)

Resource (2)
2x Same Old Thing (Creation and Control)

Icebreaker (6)
1x Cerberus “Lady” H1 (All That Remains)
1x Cyber-Cypher (Creation and Control)
1x Deus X (A Study in Static)
1x Femme Fatale (Core Set)
1x Mimic (Core Set)
1x Sharpshooter (True Colors)

Program (5)
1x Datasucker (Core Set)
1x Parasite (Core Set) ••
3x Self-modifying Code (Creation and Control)

15 influence spent (max 15)
45 cards (min 45)
Cards up to All That Remains

Deck built on NetrunnerDB

My reasons for the changes:

  • Lady and Cyber Cypher down to one each were enough in all games so far.
  • Test Run + Femme still works as a pseudo Inside Job and thanks to Scavange and SoT a couple of times. I used Scavange to keep the Femme on the table only once.
  • R&D Interface over Maker’s Eye was a tough call but I like to hammer R&D turn after turn if possible.
  • Down to one Indexing did hurt but after changing the Maker’s Eye to RDI it worked out quite well.
  • Adding the single Datasucker actually did a lot even though you might not need it in all matchups but it certainly pulls it weight against others.

Here’s my current PPvP Kate deck.

Kate’s Voicepads

Kate “Mac” McCaffrey: Digital Tinker (Core Set)

Event (18)
3x Dirty Laundry (Creation and Control)
2x Legwork (Honor and Profit) ••••
1x Levy AR Lab Access (Creation and Control)
3x Lucky Find (Double Time) ••••• •
2x Scavenge (Creation and Control)
3x Sure Gamble (Core Set)
2x Test Run (Cyber Exodus)
2x The Maker’s Eye (Core Set)

Hardware (9)
2x Astrolabe (Up and Over)
3x Clone Chip (Creation and Control)
1x Plascrete Carapace (What Lies Ahead)
3x Prepaid VoicePAD (Second Thoughts)

Resource (8)
3x Daily Casts (Creation and Control)
2x Professional Contacts (Creation and Control)
3x Same Old Thing (Creation and Control)

Icebreaker (6)
1x Cerberus “Lady” H1 (All That Remains)
1x Deus X (A Study in Static)
1x Femme Fatale (Core Set) •
1x Gordian Blade (Core Set)
1x Mimic (Core Set) •
1x Sharpshooter (True Colors)

Program (4)
1x Parasite (Core Set) ••
3x Self-modifying Code (Creation and Control)

14 influence spent (max 15)
45 cards (min 45)
Cards up to All That Remains

Deck built on http://netrunnerdb.com.

It lacks the draw umph that Diesel/Quality time would bring. I use Gordian rather than Cyber-Cypher for the versatility. The Daily Casts could come out, to be honest, and I could use that Space for a few Diesel’s or Q/T’s. I’m finding that I’m quite fond of Lady and have yet to find myself completely out of ways to recur it. I’d been tempted to fit a Datasucker in for my last point, but for whatever reason, I don’t usually find that I want to tutor for it and unless it comes out early by luck, I usually don’t bother with it.

I enjoy the pure “out of hand” mutli-access this deck brings. While I can’t necessarily get those crazy multi-turn digs that the Interface hardware offers, I love the surprise factor the event digs can bring.


A shard or stimhack, perhaps?

@hhooo ran 2 Stimhack at Worlds, and, if you can fit them, they’re a great call. In my first Runner loss of two (back-to-back in T16; only able to Corp once as the Overall #1 seed :expressionless:), I could’ve won the game by coming back to steal a topdeck NAPD if I had one.

Whenever I read this thread now, part of me is like “these are all bandaids until Clot comes out.” Do you guys think anti-FA tech will allow Shapers to slow down some and play the game their faction is best at?

We’ve got a CT build in our local meta that’s backed off of lucky find, going down to 2 of them (and picking up 2 kati) in order to bring in a 3rd Legwork. Deck seems extremely aggressive with the ability to pressure both fast and long games. No, LARLA, though. I’m not sure how it would do against PE, though there’s probably space for Deus X.

I think there’s a singleton stimhack in the deck as well, though I don’t have the list atm.

The shard is nice too, though- its great against scorch and its kind of like a 3rd legwork at half the influence. It works nicely against fast track too.


Here’s the list I’ve been using lately. It’s worked out quite well, bringing me to 2nd place at two recent tournaments (24 and 26 people respectively).

Kate “Mac” McCaffrey: Digital Tinker (Core Set)

Event (9)
2x Diesel (Core Set)
2x The Maker’s Eye (Core Set)
3x Sure Gamble (Core Set)
2x Legwork (Honor and Profit) ••••

Hardware (9)
1x Plascrete Carapace (What Lies Ahead)
3x R&D Interface (Future Proof)
3x Clone Chip (Creation and Control)
2x Astrolabe (Up and Over)

Resource (12)
2x Bank Job (Core Set) ••••
3x Aesop’s Pawnshop (Core Set)
3x Professional Contacts (Creation and Control)
3x Daily Casts (Creation and Control)
1x Utopia Shard (All That Remains) •

Icebreaker (8)
1x Mimic (Core Set) •
1x ZU.13 Key Master (What Lies Ahead)
1x Deus X (A Study in Static)
1x Atman (Creation and Control)
1x Cyber-Cypher (Creation and Control)
1x Sharpshooter (True Colors)
2x Cerberus “Lady” H1 (All That Remains)

Program (7)
1x Parasite (Core Set) ••
3x Self-modifying Code (Creation and Control)
3x Cache (The Spaces Between) •••

15 influence spent (maximum 15)
45 cards (min 45)

I’ve moved away from PPVP altogether, replacing it with Aesop’s, supported by Cache, daily casts, and bank job, with sure gamble as backup. I find the econ as strong as PPVP, and slightly more consistent since you can play the econ cards before you find aesops and still get the extra money, unlike PPVP, and you only need to see 1 of your 3 rather than really wanting to see 2 fairly early. Also, I always have the option of turning astrolabe or unneeded sharpshooters or SMC into easy mark’s- not a great play, but its won me some games when I desperately needed the money, and it gives you some nice versatility. You lose the ability to SOT your econ, but you can clone chip a cache, which is almost as good (although the clone chips are admittedly stretched a bit thin in this deck).

The R&D interfaces give you a much better match up against blue sun and RP. Against blue sun, the bank jobs are obviously not great (although sometimes you still get one when they try to start building their scoring server with 1 ice), but the ability to sit back, Pro con, and install R&D interfaces can give you a very strong late game. Plus, they combo with maker’s eye- I’m willing to pay through a curtain wall if I’m seeing 5 cards.

NEH is of course a tough matchup, and the pro cons are mostly dead. But the econ is pretty fast, astrolabe helps, and I have 2 legworks+ shard, and R&D interface helps out too.

Against RP, the bank jobs are helpful, and the multi access helps a lot too. The 1 of parasite (plus clone chips) is key, and it gives you a pretty decent matchup in my experience.

I’m running 2 lady’s as my only barrier breakers, which worried me at first since I don’t run scavenge, only 3 clone chips to recur them, but so far its been great- I’ve never run out of tokens, and you can Pawn used up lady’s and then recur them with clone chip. Even barrier heavy blue sun haven’t used up all my tokens- I just focus on making a few high quality multi-access runs, and its worked fine so far.

I’d love to hear any advice or suggestions on tuning the list.


I played three games with @ff0x’s list last night. I like it a lot. Lady does serious work, and it’s wonderful having Cy-Cy back. I never felt like I wanted a second, but I’m going to keep an eye on that. Surprisingly, I didn’t miss Atman. I installed the Datasucker a couple of times, but never actually needed it and always ended up installing something else over it. I’ll keep it for now, since the deck otherwise relies on DX/Sharpshooter to deal with large sentries, but it may become a Stimhack – I often felt like I wanted just one more economy card. I think the shards are more of a nice-to-have, and the deck just doesn’t have room for nice to haves (e.g. Escher, Tinkering).

Having Femme, Mimic, two Legworks, AND a Parasite felt like living in luxury after all of the influence-hoarding we had to do back when we were running Corroder.

I’m going to keep testing it for a while. I’ve never really liked R&DI – Indexing is my true love – but I’ll play with it for now to preserve deck slots.


Just play my version ( 2 stimhack instead of Sucker/Femme - No RDI but Indexing and TME ) and you should be fine. :stuck_out_tongue:


The version you listed above has no Femme or Sucker, but a Parasite and a Mimic. Why the Stimhacks without mid-run Atman or expensive to install breakers?