Restrictions to spice up the meta?

Who’s been complaining about the meta? What exactly is there to complain about? I understand the dislike of FA, Siphon and Parasite, but there’s less of that than ever. Red Coats has made glacier decks an actual top-tier choice, and H&P has seriously helped Jinteki to the point where it’s finally truly competitively viable. Honestly Weyland is the weakest faction right now, which makes me wonder at the idea that people are complaining about Scorched of all things.

On the Runner side, Shapers are splashing for Siphon and Parasuckers less and less. Crims might see more diversity with H&P as well, though I feel that’s less important.

If anything needs to be complained about, it’s the power level of Anarch. The only major issue in the meta is how bad Anarchs have it right now, but honestly I expect FFG to fix that in a cycle or less. They’ve done a good job at fixing problems so far, and I don’t have any reason to think they’ll stop. There are a few minor issues (Weyland being slightly underpowered, Crims being slightly overpowered, and the relative dominance of FA), but those are small, imo.


A MTG Fat Pack sized box would also be cool. It wouldn’t even need to have any cards in it; I just want something prettier than a baseball card box and smaller than the core box.