Where is the MWL? - As of August 20th, 2018 - MWL 2.2 is here (effective 2018.09.06)

This is still stupid. Why not just errata these cards to be Neutral? Why go through the charade of having them still have a color? The entire point of the Influence system was that there were certain cards that cost me nothing because they were a part of my faction. The MWL system now charges you an extra “tax” for you own damn cards.

“Ghost Influence - the Magnum Opus of Damon” was always just extra tacked-on Neutral Influence… at least they’re being honest about it now. Not that I’m going to start playing this again or anything…

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What? That’s a terrible idea! I don’t even know where to begin.


Whilst i don’t think that the MWL really solves all the issues with the game ( as i see them ) and i’d like to see errata ( or bans and replacement cards ) i’m more than happy for cards to have multiple types of influence on them. I’d happily see cards with, for example, one neutral influence, one criminal influence, and one anarch influence ( total cost for anarch = 2 influence / total cost for criminal = 2 influence / total cost for other factions = 3 influence ). I’d also happily see cards give influence discounts for particular identities. I think this is an under utilised area rather than a problem.


Because these cards already have a color and it’s much simpler to put them in a list (with possibility to remove them) than just errata them. Also they still cost less if used in faction.


I had a similar thought. I also think Patron combos well here to maximize the run-based economy. Desperado + Patron + Net Mercur + Dirty Laundry/Cold Read is a nice start.

If you drop 3x Temujin entirely, you can use the influence for 2x Desperado, but then the challenge is finding ways to cheaply get some burst economy. Not a lot of low-influence ways to deal with that; I’m thinking of experimenting with 2x Kati Jones.

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I would prefer if all cards were colourless and blank, allowing me to stare at them endlessly, contemplating the nothingness awaiting beyond death’s door (the fifth, and final door, for those keeping track at home).


I get the feeling like this is a Deep Space Nine joke that is going over my head because I only sparsely watched past season 1.

I’m guessing someone didn’t forward the images to the web team??

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They did, but they just used the same image on two of the same cards :stuck_out_tongue:

Agreed. Your Leela deck is probably strong still. I’ve been testing a control Leela, with Network Exchange, Indexing, Logos, etc. but only playing it at casual nights so it’s hard to say how it stands up. Control Criminal is good at buliding board state, punishing the corp for scoring (Leela, Aaron), and devastating swing turns like Siphon + Indexing or Exploit.

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I finished listening to the latest TWA podcast with Boggs on again to explain the changes to the MWL. Once again, it was was worth the listen. And, there are a few things that stood with me:

  1. The test team seems good and in tune with the current meta!
  2. He re-iterated that he’ll be looking at the MWL every 3-4 months.

Yeah I’ve beaten several ETF on jnet now. We’ll see if I’m able to win a game where the corp puts Caprice on HQ before I can siphon or install PolOp (hasn’t happened yet), but so far it seems like I’m heavily favored if they don’t.

I’d like to test Network Exchange after TD comes out and you can free up 3 influence by replacing Gordian with Abagnale. You’ll have to take Desperado from my cold, dead hands though.

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Don’t underestimate a Sneakdoor or two. Caprice #1 is going on HQ v Crim out of ETF or Jinteki.


Yup, I switched out Medium for RDI to clear up memory for Sneakdoor.

Boggs: ‘we’re not gonna ban things’
(someone from the back) ‘booo’
Boggs: ‘but we are adding 3 universal influence to Faust, Rumour Mill, and Blackmail’
a hush falls over the crowd, then a rapid swelling of cheers; in the front, someone starts crying tears of pure joy; somewhere else: world peace achieved, cures for all types of cancers discovered, a woman gives birth at that exact moment ‘we shall name him Boggs’ elsewhere: someone creates the first perpetual motion device

i suspect he means PPVP’s rotation, but i suspect you are also right that it won’t really matter: it’ll stay in the binder anyway, even when it’s not competing with something else, not that it’s much competition tbh

just quoting this part with no further comment tbh


Boggs said on Winning Agenda that he wants to keep MWL to 20 cards.

Return if Aaron and FiHP went on the list, what would come off?

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Just a thought: can you put Aaron the list leaving out 24/7? With Plascrete phasing out I’d say no, unless we get a new plascrete in TD or some new pack. This option, however, seems silly because it creates yet another chain of silver bullet cards which bog down the game experience. Think for instance about 24/7–>Aaron–>MCA informant; would you regret if these cards were never printed?

FiHP on the list IMHO is excessive, it should be errated to remove itself from the game.

Architect and Lady are like candidates. Lady is super good, but with deckslots being as tight as they are and Eli off, it isn’t as much of an issue.

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It doesn’t have to remain at 20. That’s just his initial number. It makes sense that as the card pool grows, so will the MWL.

Core2 and rotation should create a major seismic shift in the MWL.


Aside from Plascrete, there’s Sports Hopper, Crash Space, Citadel Sanctuary, and the new anarch plascrete-like resource. I think you can put Aaron on the list.