Worlds 2017 - Scoops of Hot Rotatoes and Fresh Ruses!

It was here:

Looking forward to the after action analysis when people get back home. I have the impression that this worlds was also much more international. FFGā€™s commentators were ok, but appeared neither emotional nor insightful as a @botounami or @amavric would have been.

@spags was not off the rails. CI won. But he was also wrong, in the streams I think I did not see a Maw doing some serious work. And the new world champions flag has the UK flag within :slight_smile:

What will happen now? Any updated MWL soon? Any rumors from Worlds?

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Speaking for the casual room:

Thank you for losing on purpose with either IT department and Whampoa PU: itā€™s appreciated.

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I told Boggs to ban CI, then I had him sign it


One, I predicted CI and Hayley on the Dead Channel podcast, so I was completely right. I didnā€™t say what Runner in my article, as I didnā€™t want to tip off what I was leaning towards (PRAISE LADY HAYLEY).

Two, I just noted I like Maw. I didnā€™t say it was going to be in the cut, nor did I run it.

Nice! My personal predictions were CTM and Smoke, but Iā€™m only a T2 player.
I like Maw too and I expected to see it more often. What do you think why it did not see so much play? Is that card too balanced?

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I think anything that costs 6 that doesnā€™t also get you into CIā€™s servers and get accesses is probably too slow to make much headway against a field thatā€™s primarily CI. Against CI, a lot of people donā€™t bother to install any console at all, unless itā€™s early and that console is Astrolabe, and itā€™s going to get you a couple free draws (or if itā€™s a kill CI and that consoleā€™s name is Hearbeat =P).

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Iā€™m awarding Worlds 2017 with the ā€œspiciest metaā€ superlative; never would I think to see so many varied decks or Heartbeat Hayley anywhere close to t16.


Agreed! the game seemed to be in a really good place. Seemed like there were more choices than normal what players could choose to build to have a shot at winning.

Iā€™ve said it many times, but Netrunner is probably one of the most difficult games to balance correctly. Not only do you have to balance power levels of different factions (corp v. corp and runner v. runner), itā€™s also a balancing act of corp. v. runner. You donā€™t have to just balance one Rock-Paper-Scissor ā€œwheelā€ but two. And then you have to attach those two ā€œwheelsā€ together.

To see as much diversity as we did in the highest level of competitions is so cool. My brain kind of implodes when I try to think about what it would take to have ā€œtotal diversityā€ where there would be all factions with a highly competitive build.

Anyway, thatā€™s an odd tangent I got on. Worlds 2017 was awesome. Loved the meta we got to see.


Does anyone have the UK Ag list? It looked like a really cool deck (my favourite for the win) and itā€™d be cool to have a look at.


I think itā€™s pretty cool there were so many non-US competitors/champions this worlds, makes it feel like more of an international competition.


Agreed, great to see not only the (expected) Brits in the top cut but Australia and Europe represented as well.

I faced 10 opponents. 3 were American.


Why no preemptive? Deck feels vulnerable to having ITD randomly sniped, and for a deck that wants to go long shuffling 3x econ back in is really good.

Itā€™s not a bad shout, just slots are super tough to find.
We also discussed playing two ITD over the Blacklist, but it was creating too many lock outs against people who donā€™t see it coming.

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