Announcing the First Annual Stimhack Store Champions Invitational!

Yeah there’s a huge chance for european to not have the datapack yet.
That blow a bit but we can still playtest on OCTGN =)

Well, its starting middle of the afternoon Saturday UK time so I’m hoping we’ll be finished before 8am Monday… :wink:

It’s Sunday afternoon not Saturday, and given longer rounds for OCTGN play it’ll be going on til well into the night. Not sure if round length has been confirmed yet but I think there was talk of ~90mins, and given the number of entrants I guess we’re looking at 6+ swiss rounds, so well after midnight before those are done let alone any top cut.

Oh really? I may have got my EST and GMT the wrong way round.

I’m planning on getting a sound beating early on. I can always look at having Monday off. cough feel sick… :wink:

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Not sure on the exact difference what with us being in the middle of clock changing season but US east coast is usually 5 hours behind us so it’s probably due to start 3pm Sunday?

It’s a shame this wasn’t arranged for a week earlier, Easter Monday is a holiday pretty much Europe-wide.

Personally, I’m glad - some of us have traditionalist families and, as a result, some obligations that could only be dodged at the cost of two bad pub.


Would it be cool if we record our games and upload them to YouTube afterwards for:

a.) Games that aren’t streamed, and
b.) Games that are (in case I happen to get there?)


I see no reason why not

I filled in the registration form, but I never got any confirmation after I hit ‘Submit’. Just making sure it got through.

Yes, of course

You’re in


I may have given incorrect information for my OCTGN username. It’s “cthaeh” just in case.

I hope I don’t have to play you, I’d be afraid to look at the chat window.


Apologies for asking this, but is there some kind of TO system for disputes?

My experience of the Netrunner scene in general is that everyone is super cool (with one or two exceptions - “there’s always one”) and presume everyone who’s won a SC is even more likely to be on the ball with the rules and generally a good sportsman - but occasionally things do come up. Is there a hotline or Panic Button for getting an independent arbiter if something goes awry?

I’m not expecting there to be any drama, but you know how it is, every now and then two people (especially strangers online) can get stuck on a point and it helps to have someone not involved to be able to point in the right direction.

Fingers crossed there’ll be no need, but it’d be good to know in advance if that option is available.



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Yes, there will definitely be something like this. We’re still working on how the system will work, (who you’re going to bring your concerns to) but it will probably involve a screenshot and a PM on OCTGN. We will, however, encourage the players to try to work everything out between one another before coming to us.

I know the qualifier will be up to O&C but will this have the new set? or still undecided?

Assume for now that it will be legal for the actual tournament. Barring any ridiculous delays from db0 we should be good to go. I don’t mind hosting a big invitational tournament where people have to work to decipher a new meta; in fact, I think it’s better that way.


I haven’t thought about having to decipher the new meta, but it could certainly bring about some interesting decks.

I was about to say something along the lines of having someone available on Skype, but that might be too much of a hassle.

Any chance this could have a “Voice comms highly encouraged” policy? Ideally Mumble (as it’s easy to have a “common room” and then individual small rooms where people go off to with their opponent for the current round), but Skype would do in a pinch.

My GF would be encouraged to kill me if I play with voice in the middle of the night.

Another thing, how will we deal with disconnects? I have 1-2 during nearly every OCTGN session.

While a change in the cardpool in desirable, there is a problem of accessibility. Until The Valley is rezzed on OCTGN there’s no way to practice outside of paper proxies. Especially for those outside the US since The Valley will not be available before the invitational.