CT String Theory/Doubles/Oracle May (It works)

A good friend of mine was at least one of those three if not a fourth. He loves the deck. We’ve got two local players in Madison who are playing the deck. It’s fun, for sure.


I’ve been hitting one struggle with this deck, and that’s that a lot of its pressure is on R&D. Once my opponents can ice it up 3-4 deep, and a single remote also 3-4 deep, it becomes very hard to win, as any agenda drawn is just going in the remote. This is mostly against RP (especially with ELP), but it just gets frustrating at times. I can make easy credits in a turn, but then I run and gamble with maybe a Maker’s Eye or something, and then I’m out for another round to make money again. Thinking of including an Escher in the deck, just to re-route annoying ice to a different server.

You know what would be a cool card is an event that is a one-time Sneakdoor. I guess Copycat could function a little like that.

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At that point you just money and threaten the scoring remote. Make runs to clear out any upgrades, then money up for another agenda. Then HQ becomes the new target.

Retrival Run has been fantastic for me since I switched it in. It speeds up the deck by a serious amount, turns May “misses” into wins and provides limited insurance against destroyers.

Inject in theory would be amazing. But where would you find the influence? Less than two Legwork feels like conceeding the Astrobiotics match-up to me.

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You could also tutor Retrieval Run with Planned Assault…which is a double!

edit: hrrmmm, but even more influence

That was what was in the slot before RR!

Right. My primary way to get out breakers has been TR/Scavenge, or TR Eureka. I tend to Diesel/QT into my breakers, where spending the money to drop it becomes a harsh call. Conversely, few games had me not see Oracle early. I also had Tinkering over more money cards.

Inject would have to live in some sort of Anarch May deck. 2 inf is a hard call when LF’s are needed.

This makes me proud.

So now that Breaker Bay spoilers are out, there are 2 cards worth consideration to improve the Oracle of Chaos deck :

Game Day could take Quality Time slot in order to boost the Power Nap too.
But what about the console ? Is the ability to gain a click worth the risk of having a misfire from Oracle May ?

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Game Day is vastly inferior to QT in the build as it stands unless you have a hand size boost. Most of the time you are playing with a full hand and discarding stuff. Show me a hand size increasing current though and I’ll be right there. Or you can adjust the build to make it work better.

The console interests me much more. And I guess you’re playing multiple cards more quickly then Game Day has more potential.

Well Comet’s an issue both for a May misfire and becoming unrecoverable from archives. Influence is already thing locked to LF, Garrote, and Legworks. Game Day might be worth swapping something like QT or Diesel out for. Though QT plays against Game Day for the simple fact cards need to be played first.

I think with three copies and QT/Diesel/Opening Hand draws you’ll hit your Comet. You might misfire May once or twice in the game due to the additional copies but I think the tradeoff is worth it. There are some people running PrePaid in the deck already and they reliably get 1-3 copies of it on the table each game.

Game Day: This fits in with the doubles theme, but it’s lacking in the draw potential. Paying 1 and 2 clicks to draw 2-4 cards doesn’t seem good enough. If we can find space for hand increasing effects I’m all in. As mentioned, however, this increases the misfire potential.

Comet: Misfires be damned! This is worth at least a 1 of. Misfires suck and it would suck for this to end up in Archives, but the opportunity value of Comet is so strong because most of the deck is events and clicks are amazing.

Misfires: I’m starting to think that moving toward 1-3 slots of non-events may be worth it certain circumstances. For example, my original answer to PE was infiltration. Infiltration sucks. Feedback filter, on the other hand, is perfect for the match-up because you would have tons of cash and don’t want to take damage. The addition of a single Feedback filter will reduce May’s success rate but will increase the decks win rate vs PE when it enters play astronomically. In order for the deck to progress, sacrifices to misfires may be something we would have to math-hammer.


Seems like Comet can’t abuse Double events. you would avoid standard click to play but would still pay the additional click cost, yes? just wonderin. that would have been broken af

Yeah, it doesn’t say anything about ignoring additional costs. The ignored cost is the click cost of playing the event. Would have been awesome strong in CT Doubles.

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You still save a click, though. So you can Lucky Find > Power Nap and have a click left to run with, or Lucky Find > Maker’s Eye to finance a deep dig.

Sure, it’s not as huge as two clicks saved, but it’s still totally abusable.


1 free, extra click is a really big deal. I’ve been screwing around with Autoscripter and you’d be surprised what a big deal an extra click is.


I think Game Day might be worth replacing one of the Eurekas. Most of the time I find myself pitching the Eurekas to overdraw, and I only really keep them around for Power Nap. Replacing one of them for more card draw that doesn’t hurt the doubles count seems like it might be a good choice.

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Autoscripter… sooo lovely…