European Nationals 2016 thread

For the Czech and Slovak Nationals, everything up to Blood Money will be legal. Will put it up on the website tomorrow.

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Cool, thanks for confirming :slight_smile:

Yay, we finally settled on a date!

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6 rounds Swiss + top 8 on a single day with shortened time limit, seems endurance will be most important skill :wink:


just to be double sure:
any problems for prticipating with german/english cards?
any problems if I just speak german/english?

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No and no.

Additional prizing for the belgian national :

Winner : The World of Android
Top 4 : Print from the World of Android premium pack

Side event Harlequin : Exclusive playmat from the World of Android premium pack

Participation prize : Fan made AA Ele “Smoke” Scovak


What’s Harlequin?

I believe it’s a format where you make a legal deck, then swap the ID with one of another faction.

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I’ll post the details on the facebook page this evening but it’s pretty simple :

Same rules. Only difference is you must take your ID out of faction (Jinteki NEH, NBN ETF etc).
You cannot play an in faction ID (No NBN NEH), you cannot play NBN Titan (for obvious reasons).

So you can build a deck for the side event or just play your regular deck and just swap your ID.

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Blood Money is officially the last legal pak for polish nationals.


“We dont need your stinking rules!” as France embraces Germany’s CTM/Slums ruling!


Wait, honestly?

Yes, honestly.

Damon just posted this to his twitter…


The issue is not what Damon has or hasn’t has twitted onto social media. The issue is that social media pronouncements are not sources of rules, and it has apparently even been stated by Organised Play that they ought to be ignored when adjudicating.

Until such sources are at least stated to be useful if unofficial guidelines (and at a very minimum that they oughtn’t be expressly ignored!), it matters not a fig what anyone says anywhere unofficial.


A good way forward might be to find out who has made the decision - get an understanding how they came to it - and explain the whole Damo retweet thing.

From what I’ve seen so far, there is a lack of clarity on who it is (specific person) that made the decisions and thus were the definitive announcement. It would be nice for someone involved in the French Nationals to have that conversation.

An education piece here might resolve the issue. I’m not going to the French event, so I’ve no horse in this race, but if anyone else knows who the head judge / TO is, then might be worth having a quiet word.


Since Damon posted his piece on twitter, there maybe change for the french national regarding this ruling. At least I know that they will discuss it again this evening. :slight_smile:



It makes no difference if Damon’s tweet/ruling at NANats/Word is official or not because:

  1. Any other ruling the TO makes will be similarily unofficial.

  2. There is no need for an FAQ in this matter as the ruling as made by Damon can be derived through the official game rules and official presedence, so any other ruling will be objectively wrong. Tell that to the French TO and ask them to support their erraneous ruling with resources instead of making things up :rage:

Do we really need every instance/variation of every rule to be written in an official document for people to accept them? No we don’t it would be absurd since it is impossible.

“Hey the rules only state that a runner steals an agenda when accessed, this new agenda came out after the rules were written I need it FAQ:d that this agenda explicitly follows the same rules as the rest of the game, otherwise the runner can not steal this agenda from me ever” is a similarily silly thing to say/judge.

How can the communities even allow these people to be TOs/judges ???


Yes, where there is no official ruling, you will get an unofficial one. What else exactly do you expect?

What is needed is not necessarily every possible thing to be written up. Rather, what is needed is an acceptance that anything that isn’t written up might not necessarily be ruled the same way in different situations. This area of intepretation will always exist at the edge of the ruleset, the real question is how big it ought to be. If more consistency is desired in a greater number of situations, this will naturally involve writing more stuff up. There is no way around that!