If Midseason ever becomes a problem, the build might change. I can see a time when that might come , but since it’s pretty much all NEHFA all the time for right now, I think the Crash Space is still the better call. Besides, you could still use them to avoid some meat damage, maybe not as much as Plascrete, but still a fair amount.
I’ll be honest, as an HB player myself, HB has fallen out of favor here. Most people that were playing HB switched over to some combination of NEH, RP, and Blue Sun. A lot of player think HB Glacier just takes too long to play. Many players follow the online trends and whatever’s popular from Worlds. There are still a few EtF and Foundry players, and maybe NEXT Gold will help out a bit, but HB has been abandoned for the most part. As for specifically dealing with an Ichibar on Archives, the answer is probably to either go somewhere else or click through. Just depends on how bad you need to hit Archives… LOL
I don’t think you really mean anything negative by it, but you sound a bit dismissive of the deck (and my brother’s) success.
That write-up I linked to was done right after the Event Horizon SC, and yes, it was pretty much all Jinteki. An important point I forgot to make is that our meta has been absolutely infested with Jinteki for a long time. In fact, this deck was originally designed to beat Jinteki, because that was the only way to do well at tourneys in our area. So yes, dealing with Jinteki has been a major influence on this build.
However, the Game Theory SC was almost entirely NEH, and he only lost one total game (Corp, I think) all day. Additionally, Atomic Empire had a good variety of Weyland represented, such as Blue Sun, Titan and Argus. Also, I’ve seen this deck handle Foundry and RP quite well, and it’s won with some difficulty against HB Glacier decks.
Is it some perfect, unstoppable juggernaut? Not at all. However, I think my brother’s skill has compensated for bad matchups, and he’s come out on top quite a lot.
Isn’t that the hallmark of a good player?
@Korrigan I think the logic is that a third Desperado/Sec Test is kind of redundant, as you usually don’t want to do Sec Testing more than twice a turn max, and with Masanori draws they show up fairly quickly anyway if they weren’t in the opening hand. You could drop one SOT and add something in, I think.
@bahram. And why is an Andysucker list good? Because an Andy Sucker list couples all the best Criminal tricks with what are widely considered the best programs in the game. Is that not what this deck does? I’ll admit it doesn’t really do anything drastically different from that aside from use a few more run events and maybe make a few more credits off Ken’s ability, but is that perhaps because Andysucker lists were already using
If you’re that set on using Prepaid, go right ahead and switch out the Public Terminals for them. However, I don’t think the money they save on the few events that aren’t runs offsets the cost by that much…
Implying that being a really good player isn’t the most important part of this game… 
@Ilza , @Kore : Did I imply that it was really anything other than that? I never said it was this groundbreaking thing that has never existed before in Netrunner… I just said it was the best Ken Tenma deck I’ve seen. Look, I don’t want to engage in some heated debate with you guys, but your pat response to this is always, “Well, it’s just Andysucker…” Well, that’s because somebody figured out that if they combine the breakers that are the most optimal with the money-making and tricks of Criminal that it works out pretty good… and that’s exactly what this deck does. Are there matchups that it’s better than Andy against? Perhaps NBN… since Sweeps Week is a pretty hefty blow against Andromeda, and tons of money leads to tons of Midseasons tags. I personally have played Andy quite a bit and I feel quite often like my first turn is dictated by the fact that I have to dump 4 cards out of my hand or lose them, rather than being able to flexibly respond to whatever the Corp has done on their turn one.
Yes, Feedback Filter was a meta call against Jinteki, because our area is absolutely lousy with Jinteki. As far as I can tell, RP is the number two deck in this game, and PE was incredibly popular for a while after Chris Hinke’s Cambridge win. I’m sorry… was that a bad decision? They could easily be switched out for another Clone Chip if it were called for.