Mumbad Cycle

Super glad that HB got an econ operation that is still better in ETF than any other identity. Why shake things up, eh? They just print those other identities for funsies.


yeah, that and Advanced Assembly Lines have me scratching my head a lot.
sure, they’re still good cards in other IDs, but they totally synergise with EtF more than any other


I think linking that video is a major offense in many civilized countries.

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I guess Surat City Grid + Launch/Adonis Campaign is actually pretty sweet in a Blue Sun deck. Funny with 0-cost upgrades like product placement, and lets you put Snares in your scoring server then rez and bounce them for a profit if not run (or even rez them for a profit after the runner has committed to accessing). Can let Blue Sun really leverage only having a single remote.

A clever card I wish had a higher trash cost.

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Gotta appeases the hyper competitive crowd though realistically we are reaching critical mass on cards that work well with EtF, what card does this replace?

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Shipment from mirrormorph obviously

Maybe green level clearance for glacier?

It does reinforce the idea (with full immersion studio) that we’ll be getting some bollywood action! Very excited for more sensies etc as Old Hollywood was one of my favorite packs of the last cycle.

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Give Weyland a chance - according to the pack breakdown on that BGG link, Weyland has the fewest cards spoiled. 12 more chances! They can’t all be Executive Search Firm! Although, as a Weyland player, I have found some of these spoilers frustrating. In particular, I’m finding NBN’s Full Immersion RecStudio is … just… ugh.


I hope so to! On immersion, I don’t think it’s really a problem, and it can never earn you money, but I do wish Worlds Plaza had 1 or 2 more trash cost.

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Dreams of a single server hosting my launch campaigns and public supports, costing 9 to trash… dreams…


It wouldn’t though, as any thing that costs less than three to trash will be trashed first, lowering the cost of the studio. I don’t think it will be worth it just for hosting assets.

In my experience, the second you start dumping things on Worlds Plaza just results in a trashing of World’s Plaza. And it is hard to make an epic-taxing server because it must be on non-scoring remote no. 2. Nine is huge. And it allows you to play Agendas! One remote Blue Sun w/ the Adonis / econ engine… oh it would be glorious. The dreams. But 4 influence. The sadness.

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But the fact it can host anything and doesn’t force rez means you can put an agenda and a trap on it (or two traps ;)) facedown - are they going to pay 9c to trash those two cards without seeing them or are they going to access them first? It’s a hard choice to make, unlike worlds plaza where the most optimal access order will be obvious.


Thinking about studio got me wondering wether anyone has tried worlds plaza in a blue sun shell with adonis. Until they go and trash your stuff you can basically restructure every turn at minimum, and when they do, hopefully you can score some points (possibly from the six agenda suite with punitive). Anyway, seems like a strong use for it.


The big thing with Rec Studio is that because it costs so much, the Runner might try and look at what is on it first. Which means that the thing that would never save Plaza might actually work – an overadvanced Junebug or Overwriter. Get one up to 5, and they have to let you score, pay the huge cost, or die.

I don’t have a big issue with the card in theory, but coming so close on the heels of World’s Plaza, in a faction that hasn’t really fallen from the top since getting there… is a bit of a nuisance.


I have - runners trash it, immediately, for the reason you just pointed out. It is up there with IT Department on the “Okay, no, that is not a thing that I will permit.”

I’m still dreaming up stupid ways to make Rec Studio work in a Vegan BS build - Rec Studio (4), 2X tollbooth (4), 3X JH (3), 2 Ash (4), then 3 EBC and some interns… Maybe…

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In my experience, weyland doesn’t need ash as much as caprice or batty. If I go vegan (which I almost exclusively do until I don’t) I go pay, with interns for days. I also feel going 3 ebc is a little intense with all the Jackson and interns in these decks, so I’ve started to go 2 of, just to find room for more upgrades or ice or tricks. I also only ever put 6 or 7 agendas maximum in my decks as of late

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Corp Install-Advances the winning agenda. You smugly slam down The Black File to get 3 more turns. They don’t bother scoring next turn. Makes sense, they may as well wait until the File is gone. Next turn they score HELIUM-3 DEPOSIT, putting 2 more power counters on your Black File and winning the game.

A man can dream…


btw, Krystian from TeamWorkCast brought up a good point on fb that The Black File actually only buys 2 more turns if the corp gets to 7 during that window (if they don’t, it effectively didn’t do anything). anyway, as soon as you start your third turn, it goes away and corp instantly wins before you can take your first click. i was originally thinking OMG 4 TURNS because i was including the turn you play it… but of course you already had that turn anyway lol.

also, there’s an edge possibility of like, a Jack Sinclair run before BF goes away, but that’s one run, not a whole turn.

btw, in your example if the winning agenda was an H3, they could score right after Black File and win immediately when the runner starts their turn (without having to wait a turn)

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The card has to already have a power counter on it right?

Otherwise Data Raven :scream:

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