[Noise] Welcome (back) to the Church

I have found the Atmans and Corroder combined with Parasites/Datasuckers to be more than enough to pressure central servers and snipe remotes. My standard Anarch and Criminal builds usually have Knights, and I haven’t missed them with this Noise build yet.

Posted over in the tournament winning decklists, but I took the same deck I posted above to yet another tournament last Saturday and won. Undefeated against fast advance (NEH, TWIY, and ETF variants alike), and I dropped one game to a Supermodernism build.

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I’m running a very similar list with +1 D4v1d and +1 Nerve Agent in place of Dirty Laundry. I forsee straight-up replacing the SOTs with Injects once that’s an option. Only a few games so far, though, so I’m going to play it more before I make any changes.

Have you played many glacier decks with this list? Enhanced Login Protocol was pretty painful for me even after I pawned my Wyldside.

I’ve considered including a single Scrubbed as a Noise-plascrete to counter Enhanced Login, which is a real killer for the Wyldside/Pawnshop business

I played this and found that as opposed to the CT May deck which runs off of events there just aren’t enough clicks.

I would want to get money, play a virus, and run most every turn. I often ran into issues of not enough clicks. If you can make it work let me know, but against NEHFA in particular the click issue was noticeable.

At least CT gets to play an event that starts a run.

Between Replicating Perfection, Engineering the Future, and The Foundry, it feels like I’ve seen Enhanced Login Protocol in about half of my tourney games with this list. It’s annoying, particularly with Wyldside still out, but in the end it just meant that I ran Archives more often than usual to nab an agenda and kill the current.

Scrubbed is worth consideration for some Noise decks for its ability to negate ELP and, heaven forbid you play someone using it, Cerebral Static. Unfortunately, Scrubbed works completely against this list and the Atman rig.


Agreed. I’m impressed that you’ve been beating glacier decks packing 3x Jackson and able to protect him.

I think there are a couple of flex slots in the list – I don’t think the Dirty Laundries are needed, but I could be wrong. I like having 2x D4v1d so far, but I’m not 100% committed to it. I do think I don’t need 2x Nerve Agent, so I’m thinking about what to put in that slot.

Noise was successful in professional play, because the meta didn’t see it coming. The deck on large has half the win percent of Kate and Gabe/Andromeda. It isn’t a solid deck. Don’t get me wrong, Noise is fun as hell to play, but the deck is in no way shape or form a top tier deck. Cache made it viable to play and it’s very strong against a very SPECIFIC type of deck which was heavy in the meta. It is inconsistent as hell; always has been. Fun to play, great if you draw the right cards; but you are going to draw bad hands more often than good ones, and Wyldside eating up that click is suicidal, but necessary. Not enough clicks in a turn.

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I have been running into Cerebral Static on OCTGN, only twice so far but it does suck. It’s not back-breaking, though; generally it just forces me to run really aggressively. I’ll still play necessary viruses and pour out some stim for the lost tokens. Sometimes, I’d rather see CS than ELP; depends on the ID. I have been able to win several games without scoring from Archives at all. Here is the current list I am running, just edited after some games yesterday. This is the third version:

###[Copy of Gorman Sauce (3)][1] (45 cards)

  • [Noise: Hacker Extraordinaire][2]

Event (5)

  • 3 [Deja Vu][3]
  • 2 [Dirty Laundry][4]

Hardware (5)

  • 3 [Cyberfeeder][5]
  • 2 [Grimoire][6]

Resource (6)

  • 3 [Aesop’s Pawnshop][7] ••••• •
  • 3 [Wyldside][8]

Icebreaker (3)

  • 1 [Corroder][9]
  • 1 [Mimic][10]
  • 1 [Yog.0][11]

Program (26)

  • 3 [Cache][12] •••
  • 1 [D4v1d][13]
  • 3 [Datasucker][14]
  • 2 [Djinn][15]
  • 2 [Gorman Drip v1][16] ••
  • 2 [Hemorrhage][17]
  • 3 [Imp][18]
  • 2 [Lamprey][19]
  • 2 [Medium][20]
  • 1 [Nerve Agent][21]
  • 3 [Parasite][22]
  • 2 [Sahasrara][23] ••••

Built with [http://netrunner.meteor.com/][24]
[1]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/decks/dRhrQGEY9NC6ZEemm
[2]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/noise-core
[3]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/deja-vu-core
[4]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/dirty-laundry-creation-and-control
[5]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/cyberfeeder-core
[6]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/grimoire-core
[7]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/aesops-pawnshop-core
[8]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/wyldside-core
[9]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/corroder-core
[10]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/mimic-core
[11]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/yog-0-core
[12]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/cache-the-spaces-between
[13]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/d4v1d-the-spaces-between
[14]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/datasucker-core
[15]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/djinn-core
[16]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/gorman-drip-v1-opening-moves
[17]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/hemorrhage-fear-and-loathing
[18]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/imp-what-lies-ahead
[19]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/lamprey-upstalk
[20]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/medium-core
[21]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/nerve-agent-cyber-exodus
[22]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/parasite-core
[23]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/sahasrara-creation-and-control
[24]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/decks/dRhrQGEY9NC6ZEemm

Haven’t played yet with Hemorrhage; it’s the newest addition. I am still not sold on Nerve Agent or Dirty Laundry. I am so rarely running HQ. I dropped Sure Gamble and don’t miss it. The deck definitely is inconsistent as hell, but even with the most terrible draws, I can usually finish with 5 or 6 AP. The econ in this deck is incredibly low, but against everything but glacier I can usually get into any server I want at least once a turn. I’d say it’s a good deck but not inconsistent, which in a tournament setting makes it a bad deck. I think I am going to bring it to the LGS on Sunday for my first (casual) tournament; see what happens. I have been playing only with this deck on OCTGN for the past few weeks so I feel comfortable with it.

Nerve agent and hemmorage don’t seem like they would pair well. With no siphon and no vamp hemmorage is your best fuel for gorman drip.

Hemmorage will require consistent access to really threaten. If they’re not playing naked (or weakly defendex) assets you may struggle to get value out of those cards.

Goo luck with the deck!


If you feel comfortable finding a way to get yog and mimic in then scrubbed is viable as you’ll set your atman to 4

Not sure I understand. How is Hemorrhage fuel for Gorman Drip? Drip doesn’t need fuel. Do you just mean if I am forcing HQ trashes the Corp will be drawing to make up for it? Gorman Drip isn’t the best card, but I have it in for a few reasons: I like it; it’s a 1-cost virus; drawn early it can give me some easy credits, if not oh well. Like I said, Nerve Agent will probably get cut soon. I don’t agree that Nerve Agent and Hemorrhage work against each other, though. Even if I am accessing extra cards from HQ, forcing the Corp to trash from hand is never bad, IMO.

I’ve been thinking about Express Delivery over Quality Time. Credits are tight early and you don’t really need an extra 5 cards after Wyldside is out. If there’s any deck that needs to search out a key card it’s this one.

I also noticed something in my OCTGN stats; in 22 games only 2 opponents won agenda victories, 5 of my losses were flatlines and most of those to Scorched Earth. A Plascrete Carapace might be the right call.


This is not thinking like an Anarch


I went undefeated against fast advance decks and lost to a Jinteki net damage deck and Weyland Supermodernism over the past two tournaments, so Plascrete’s worth considering. That said, I survived multiple glacier decks packing Punitive Counterstrikes (Dead Coats?) and both the Jinteki and Weyland losses were due to the Corp rushing agendas out while I played perhaps too cautiously - Corp won via scoring out in both cases. Maybe I just need to play more reckless. XD

[Quote]Noise was successful in professional play, because the meta didn’t see it coming. The deck on large has half the win percent of Kate and Gabe/Andromeda. It isn’t a solid deck[/Quote]

I think that the noise-variant i played is very consistent. In fact, the reason i play the Quality Times is ofc consistency. So i dont think the reason it won games is that my opponents was suprised about facing a noise.
I went for a defensiv variant with plascrete and some other choices aimed for slow corp decks like RP and redcoats.

One could opt this deck to be better against NEH of course, to be even faster and even more pressure on central servers.
But i really dont think this deck is inconsistant at all.
Its not an andromeda with the four additional cards though.


Could someone point me to articles/posts that go over how to play Noiseshop properly? The deck seems really fun and has a bunch of stupidly powerful cards, but I seem to end up in a rut where I just durdle way too much while with Gabe stuff just flows and I can run run run run like a maniac. Installing Wyldside without Aesop out seems bad at least.

Some tactics I’ve been using:

Get the corp to rez ice so you can parasite it away as soon as possible. Parasite also reduces strength over time which means your fixed strength’s and crypsis’ come to life. Datasucker is also hugely important in this regard. Don’t be afraid to Wyldside as soon as you have the card, and Aesops something away whenever you can. Some sort of installation economy is awesome, I really like Sahasrara, because it makes breakers much cheaper, and most virus’ free or thereabouts, which IMO brings pawnshop efficiency to life.

I play with three each of mimic, corroder and yog. not a popular choice at all, but I like that with sahasrara, corroder becomes free, so when I draw the next one, I can convert a click into 3 bucks by reinstalling it for free and pawnshopping the old one away. With 2 Sahas out, even Yog turn’s a profit.

Try to put pressure through multi-access on all the centrals (medium+nerve agent are great). Don’t think that Noiseshop is about archives and milling, it really isn’t. It’s about hitting the weakest spots. And you CREATE the weakspots with your parasites and imping of ice whenever possible. Spotted some ice on top of R&D? Get a virus out to mill that. This is also why I love Djinn and won’t part with it (but many people will)

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The number one thing I would say is never go into a game looking to win by decking the corp. I never even consider the possibility until the corp has less than ten cards in their deck. Getting into that mindset is the number one reason Noise players end up fertiling around, droping and recyling viruses without actually doing much to change the game state.

Noise’s power is that he can threaten absolutely everywhere, meaning that each individual server has fewer defences. Against non-FA this makes it pretty easy to keep their remotes weak and stop them being able to score. Against FA it means that you will have opportunities to open up centrals completely for a turn or two of mutli-access.

Remember that every virus is like an Imp counter on R&D. Use the trash power tactically. Just busted open R&D and the next card is Eli? Drop a virus - even if you don’t need it. Next card is a Wotan and they have 3 credits? Hold off playing that Cache for a turn.


I don’t really understand how people tout Noise’s strength as being able to threaten everywhere. Every Runner can do that. Noise’s strength is that he can score out of Archives, and trash R&D without accessing. IMO Noise is less scary to play against for the Corp, because he doesn’t have the tricks of Shapers and Criminals. As Corp, you should generally know what servers Noise can and cannot get into at any given point in the game.

As for how to play, I am no expert, but generally play Wyldside as soon as you have it. You desperately need that card advantage; after all, Noise’s ability does nothing for you if you have no viruses to (potentially) install.

You have to run and force them to rez ICE. Otherwise, your Parasites are dead in-hand. They are one of your best tools. Don’t get short-sighted with your Parasite installs. It may be tempting to kill that Quandary immediately, but unless you think it will pay off, it may not be the best play.

I’ve been playing Noiseshop a bunch on OCTGN, and IMO its biggest problem is one that doesn’t have a fix. Mid-game virus purges are difficult to recover from. Perhaps I am not a good Noise player, but I find it hard to win after my 'Suckers get purged. By mid-game, they either have a secure Jackson or a secure Archives. After a purge, it’s tough to get into Archives again. Noise can’t reliably get into servers over and over, especially after a purge. The econ in this deck is so light that Sucker tokens are invaluable.

Anyone have any advice for me on how to recover after a mid/late game virus purge?
Also, Wraparounds are tough early game. What is the recommended answer to NBN with a single Wraparound on HQ and RND? This hurts, because IMO Medium’s strongest early game. If they lock me out of RND from turn 1, it may be mid-game by the time I get Corroder, and even if I do start accessing RND, they are going to purge.

What breakers are you running?

Crypsis + Parasite + Datasucker is a pretty common version of a Noise rig, which is only hurt economically by a virus purge. The plan in this case is to keep ICE thin enough (preferably non-existant) that you don’t really need Crypsis.

D4v1d is 3 breaks then get your money back with Pawnshop vs Wraparound. That seems like adequate value to me. If D4v1d doesn’t work, you don’t have a wraparound problem any more.

I think Djinn is valuable in Noise, then you can be a little more proactive.

I think it’s also important to remember what Jackson Howard does in games where you’re not playing Noise. HQ is often a lot tastier, they can’t pitch the agendas while they get set up if they need Jackson for emergency repairs.