Philadelphia Regionals 2014 1st Place Report

Awesome writeup, @mediohxcore. I hope we get a chance to play in the OCTGN League. Are you planning on Worlds or Nationals?

Well, personally if I was playing the deck, and I drew the Mr Li, I would refuse to ever play it, so Legwork and Shutdown are clearly better for me. :smile:

I played Andromeda for months with no card draw in the deck (just Special Orders), and it was fine.


I’ll be at worlds but not nationals.


Then do so :wink: it would be great to have you back. Cruyff retiring at 18… /Euro reference

FWIW, is Badtimes a worry for your Crim deck?

I am probably the same.


Just about as bad as getting Scorched twice. I don’t see Badtimes being much of a player outside of maybe a 1-of in CI to punish tag floaters in conjunction with an Archived Memories. If it’s good anywhere else I expect it to be Midseasons, but if they’re tagging you with $8 you have other problems.


netdecked these lists and played em for the first time on OCTGN today. won 1-0 as runner vs MN, 1-1 as Corp vs Prepaid Andy. I should have lost both corp games probably; I need to learn to play RP slower

“Slamming the table dude” ? Now I am curious.

Excellent write up. What a turn out for the tournament.(91 players!!!). Congrats, you should be extremely proud of yourself, that is a huge accomplishment.

I saw you streaming/practicing a bunch on OCTGN, and it really paid off for you big.

Personal side note, On the other hand, I can’t wait for this Upstalk cycle to start, we have been on this same format for Honor and Profit for several months now, and I really am excited for new things to come along.


One of the players at the top table for a few rounds during swiss was very expressive and would slam the table with the punchline to his jokes. It was jovial, but still annoying when your dice start jumping mid-game.

Unbelievably annoying. Other stuff he was saying irritated me as well, but I won’t get into it here.

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95% sure he tried to grab an extra credit against me on purpose, (used single credits on a kati jones to indicate multiples of 3, took money off her when she had 1 credit, signifying 3 credits, took 4 from the bank). He definitely counted the money before taking it; it’s sort of hard for a human being to fuck up 4 vs 3 by accident even if I didn’t see him count them. I just told him not to fucking do it again. Wasn’t going to call him out in the article but if we’re all railing on him here, why the fuck not.


Was he from New York City?


I am not sure, I got the impression he was from the Philly area, but Dan didn’t know him. He kept going on about how it was “his regionals” and that he had heard there were two other regionals winners there (me and Chris Hinkes) and how we were pussys/jerkoffs etc. for already winning and then coming to HIS regionals. Never mind that Philly is literally the closest regional for myself, and I believe Chris as well. Again, I wasn’t going to bring any of this up, but fuck it, he was annoying. I was playing @jerklin (who is one of the most calm, level headed people I have met) and he had to ask the kid to stop carrying on and hitting the table because it was disturbing our dice. I am glad he said something, I was about to go ballistic.


Sounds almost like a real-life troll; doesn’t sound like a real person. Now, I applaud his trying to dissuade people from using dice, but his other behaviour is ridiculous.


Don’t anyone dare to come to MY worlds. :smiley:


Agree re the dice thing. I really consider using dice to track credits and other variables to be a form of soft angle-shooting. Attempting to opacify, whether intentionally or not, what is explicitly stated as shared information, increases the cognitive load for the opponent in a cheap fashion. I don’t want to have to constantly monitor whether your credit dice are in the correct position. It ain’t hard to track stuff with tokens, and it’s harder to screw up and much easier to detect mistakes and/or cheating.

Sorry Team Covenant et al, but I feel the same about the multi-denomination bullshit. Ones and fives, people. There’s a reason poker chips exist in the denominations they do (in fact, I use whites and reds to track my creds because those little cardboard chits are a tad annoying for a ham-fisted ogre like myself). I can look at a stack of red and white poker chips and quickly know the total. Let’s all try to provide that convenience to each other and let play skill, deckbuilding skill, and Lady Luck decide the results, as intended.

Or we can just all play on OCTGN all the time…


If my opponent is using dice I can see how much money they have all the time. If they are using tokens I have to ask them. I know which I prefer to be sitting across from. It’s a taste thing. It’s nothing to do with trying to pull a fast one.


The worst? Those broken egg ones. Guy who won WI Regional was using them. He stacked them in groups of 5, but, still, they were a panoply of confusion to most.