Maybe if you’re running defensive upgrades like product placement maybe? I was going to say Mumbad Virtual Tour but that doesn’t do much as long as they’re under 7 credits.

Yeah, I always try to protect my DBS at least against Whizzard. Because it wins games! So not a fan of Sensei, especially when it is even not taxing real Whizz creds.

Yeah… the reason Pad Campaign is played over Launch Campaign in NEHFA has very little to do with Pad campaign paying out more by turn 8, Sensie Actor’s Union is losing a similar fight against DBS. If you were to use Sensie Actor’s Union it’d have to be one of those cheeky Psychic Field builds that heavily discourage the runner from checking unrezzed remotes. If you can horrify the runner enough that they are intimidated out of checking the facedown union, then it does indeed compare very favorably to Anonymous Tip with just that single proc (drawing an additional card as you install it, taxing a click and 2 credits from the runner to remove it to prevent the second proc, and throwing away an unscoreable agenda from HQ.




This list is baller.

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I like the idea of an operation econ version a lot more than some of the ones leaning more and more toward assets, apocalypse decks just destroy those asset heavy versions…

You just play Hostile Infrastructure if you’re worried about Apocalypse. If you move 4 influence dots over to that, the drop in raw power is still waaaay less than going over to an op econ version.

Lol, don’t play Hostile in NEH that’s a terrible investment of influence…

Just don’t overextend against Maxx, Kate or Val. Are there other IDs that play Apoc with any consistency even?

Not saying Hostile is the correct answer, but I guarantee Hostile > op econ

None of the Op Econ uses influence in this list, so you basically have to drop a Biotic and some other card. And sure, Hostile Infrastructure is better vs Apoc than Op Econ, but Apoc doesn’t even hurt the deck that much. It slows you down a bit, but doesn’t win the game. I think going down to 2 Biotic hurts vs Apoc much more. Plus now you’re choosing to play cards that are dead in every other matchup. God knows I don’t want to spend 5 credits to do 1-2 Net Damage to Whizzard in that matchup, and that’s the next best scenario for this card.

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Arguably @spags deck is not really close to the current NEH assetspam decks, and we are not only talking about the difference between op and asset econ.

I think the Racecar deck is kinda awesome at identifying a weakness in the current timeframe meta (built up by the ridiculous Whizzard presence) with a significantly weaker Clot-threat and capitalizing on the adaptation to assetspam and IG. Really interesting deck from a theorycrafting viewpoint on gaming the meta.


Apex :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s not that op econ is worse against Apoc, op econ is way worse against the field in general. If you deal with anything less than 98% Whizzard, you’re suffering from a much weaker never advance and CVS digging game against Kate, becoming unable to duck Siphons against crim and angry anarchs, and probably I figure losing more to noise too.

Great analysis. You nailed it. I wanted to create a deck situated against an Anarch and slower Shaper meta. Brought it to a major tourney. Almost won.


I have been playing this 3 biotic version and so far its 12-0 against a range of runners. The games just feel, well… easy.
Quickest win is in 5 turns. Cheekiest win was scoring out 4 points in 1 turn with a combination of Biotic, sansan and astro tokens when I was keyhole locked and bound to lose next turn.

Thoughts on working Vanilla into the list?

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Isn’t resistor better against tag me runner and pretty much the same otherwise ?

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For comparison, that’s my take on the “gotta go fast NEH” :

Yellow Deck Wins

Near-Earth Hub: Broadcast Center (Upstalk)

Agenda (11)

Asset (8)

Upgrade (4)

Operation (13)

Barrier (4)

Code Gate (7)

Sentry (2)

8 influence spent (max 17-9☆=8)
20 agenda points (between 20 and 21)
49 cards (min 45)
Cards up to Democracy and Dogma

Deck built on NetrunnerDB.

It placed 2nd and 4th at CT Regional (piloted by @crunchums and @tf34). The idea is the same as @spags racecar deck, trying to exploit the Whizzard heavy metagame but with a slight tradeoff on biotic for more remote game capability. I think it’s actually superior than his build because less one-dimensional :slight_smile:


I placed 2nd with this deck at Gent Regional, losing only one game during the day (winning only one game with my Noise). It’s really strong right now.

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Do you not have serious problems with Shaper with only one CVS? I went up to three, and regretted going back down to two to try out Blacklist (as another angle to hose Clone Chip --> Clot)

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No. You just score on board and score faster than shaper set themselve up. Remember that all your agendas are scorable and you don’t have to rely on fast-advance all the time.