[Video] Cybernetics vs Gabe, Charity Gift Warm Up Vid

Hi all! Last month the Critical Twits attended the Charity Gift tournament and had a great time. We thought we’d bring you one of our warm-up games, Gabe vs Cybernetics, with a bit of deck-building discussion at the end. Charity Gift has the novel idea of players bidding for pairs of IDs, which means the tournament has no sea of yellow/orange but instead means every game is different, against a different ID each time. One ID is also hidden when you bid (there are clues, but they make cryptic crosswords look direct) so, like me, you might end up with an ID for a corp you’ve never played before.

The vid is here. I’d love to know what you think, we really enjoy making these and will carry on if people enjoy them, or get something from them. We’d also love to know if people prefer J.net vids or live vids, as we’ve tried one of each so far.