Worlds 2015 - Predictions and Useless Banter to Bide Your Time

@mediohxcore What are you playing?

any of the new IDs (NBN or mini factions, also includes chronos, haarp, and fisk i guess) make it to top 16?

I’d love to know the highest placed mini faction…

@mediohxcore has DLR Val and HB Glacier from what I could tell on stream.

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some people were guessing in skype chat that there actually weren’t any.

I can attest that Minh’s MaxX DLR is an absolute beast, completely at odds with such a super nice guy.

I played the Australian National Champ round 2 and we split, he was rocking PE and Whizzard. Somehow, despite us banging on about Junebug for hours at the King of Servers (Groober played it in Weyland) I forgot it was a card and really shouldn’t have killed myself… He wasn’t expecting so much HB and the multiple stacked Turings ended his fun (I had three on a remote at one point).

I’d absolutely love an all Brit final, but its a tall order today. Obviously the quality is so high its going to be rough on everyone - but give us your luck and we’ll see what happens. I’m delighted with Top 16 regardless!


Gary, if you win this, you better damn well know that you owe us Danes one hell of a tax :smile:


By the way, what happened to Calimsha? He seemed so sure that he was the best Netrunner player alive. Did he top 32?


Seven guys from europe in the t16, time to take the title from the yanks :wink:

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Dan is in, so I still think he will reclaim his title.

He’s been an excellent champ, supporting the game with his streams, videos and on this site.


I agree that there is a bit of a disconnect for me as well - watching the stream, I always saw the “DLR pieces” get installed, but the mill itself didn’t seem instrumental in those games.
Now that’s a small sample size and I’m a bad player so I’m certainly missing something more.

I think it’s like how Noise puts the clock on the corp - it forces risky plays to score out quickly. And the runner can capitalise on that.


Adam. Dude had 18 prestiege.


Thanks for the support(?)

he said he wasn’t going to win and would do some brainfart a la typical calimsha. he’s a good player, but i don’t think he has that much of an ego about it.
as for top 32, i’m not sure. i know on twitter he said he split a lot and got swept a couple times. he swept once or twice, so he was probably around the middle.
i know that the 16-34 places all had 22 prestige, so lucas li beat about 20 people by strength of schedule alone (granted, he had the highest SoS in the top 16)

Dan has a great chance of a double crown.
He’s been a great champion, representing the game, doing loads for the community, as well as being boss at playing the game.

Still, I’d prefer a brit to win, ideally me right :wink:

My money, love and hope is with Tim Fowler.


You get my bonuspoints for playing Crim. If you win, I’d be very oke with that :wink:

Yeah that’s exactly what happened.

At the 7th round after crushing my runner game I ended up with a no-ice 3 agendas hand and my opponent just won by turn 4 or 5 by getting agenda everytime he made a run. That actually happened a lot to me today, like my corp deck was pretending to be Oprah and giving agenda to everyone.

Then on my last round I had a dominating boardstate vs à flooded HB. He started to push a GFI behind 3 Ices so I setup some breakers and money myself during my turn so I could get my last breakers by using Clone chip since I had everything in my discard. Then when I actually ran, it seems like my clone chip was still in hand and not on board when I was convinced that I had one.

So yeah # typicalimsha brainfart


Adam Player reporting in! Placed 72 thanks to the unholy satanic jank that is my deck (and the biotech flip flip kill deck i had which actually got me the 17-18th point). Lucas called my name on the speaker and signed my ABR. Best day ever.


congrats to the T16! good luck taking @mtgred down - that MaxX DLR is a monstrosity!