It certainly didn’t help that NEH became almost uninhibited as a result. People think Whizzard has a good matchup until they remember what Breaking News and Astroscript Pilot Program do.
My experience in the regionals was different. At least in the west of germany (Cologne, Düsseldorf, “Iserlohn”), Sensie does get played in NEH.
Updated through June 15th, 2016. Added data from 12 more regionals. The full data spreadsheet in the OP has also been updated.
- Genova, Italy
- Sydney, Australia
- Parma, Italy
- Wrocław, Poland
- Adelaide, Australia
- Colorado Springs, CO
- Stockholm, Sweden
- Cologne, Germany
- Cleveland, OH
- Swansea, Wales, UK
- Prague, Czech Republic
- Canberra, Australia
I was thinking of doing a representation breakdown by latest legal pack, though it’s a bit muddy since some of the tournaments outside the US didn’t have the packs legal at the US street date, and I already have 10 different tables in the OP…
Instead, I’ll just add some interesting things that I noticed with the release of The Liberated Mind.
- 23 of Andromeda’s 27 top cut appearances (85.2% of her total appearances) happened after May 26th, 2016.
- When looking only at full top cut data from regionals since May 26th, Whizzard is still the most common runner (32.21%), but 2nd place is now Andromeda (11.06%), followed by Kate (10.1%) and Noise (9.62%).
- When looking only at full top cut data from regionals since May 26th, NEH is still the most common corp (35.1%), but the 2nd most common is SYNC (12.5%), tied with Palana (12.5%). ETF and IG are tied for 3rd most common (8.65%).
- Despite the resurgence of Andy, Anarchs still dominate top cuts, taking up 59.13% of all representation. Crims trail at 20.19%, Shapers just behind them at 19.23%.
- NBN representation has gone up a bit compared to other factions (55.76% of top cuts), likely due to the increased numbers of SYNC. Jinteki is still a distant 2nd (22.11%), then Weyland (11.54%), then HB (10.57%).
- Whizzard is still winning as much as ever, with 40% of wins (Noise 13.3%, Andromeda/Valencia/Kate 10%).
- NEH still has the most wins, but a lower percentage compared to overall (20%). There’s a 5-way tie for 2nd most wins (SYNC/Gagarin/Sol/Palana/ETF all at 10%). IG only had 6.67% of the wins, 2 out of the 30 tournaments that occurred in this time frame.
Stockholm, Sweden
It’s 3 in the morning and they both start with “Sw”
Wait, there’s more Weyland than HB? Not what I was expecting
Everyone loves to bash Weyland, but they’re only a few cards away from being a respectable faction. Good players can win with Weyland, even against other good players.
My guess is that it’s due to a certain Jacuzzi-based time travel vehicle.
I don’t see much Weyland bashing - I see much more in the way of Weyland players to get some decent cards. (The Scottish regional winner recently quipped that he’d play six enigmas if he could - such is the state of Weyland ICE).
Soon the new cycle will hit and we can see what Damon has in store for us. Lots of goodies with any luck.
I was more surprised about the decline of HB than Weyland’s state (get them some decent codegates and a solid defensive upgrade and they could be pretty decent). HB dominated Worlds but they’re down to 10% now. Also, is hot tubs really that popular when IG is only 8% of the cut?
There’s an amount about given the Dan Effect, plus wins from Argus in Scotland and other die hards (Germans and Polish are still keen on Weyland).
After MWL, HB can’t really fit two Caprice in the Food deck (not with the good ICE too) and Palana generates money in similar quantities to HB without the reliance on assets in a Whizzard-heavy meta. I’d posit a lot of “old” HB players are “new” Palana players - it certainly seems to have taken the Glacier top spot. There’s a little bit of CI combo (prevalence of Employee Strike, Clot lock Shaper and Noise makes it challenging) and some Jeeves, but on the whole there aren’t a lot of good HB decks lying about the place. The new ICE and so forth in recent packs may change this?
Our 3 Regionals had IG, IG and Haarp as winning corps, and each of them had just a single Weyland in top 8 (2 Blue Sun, 1 Titan)
Absolutely agree that Palana is the current top Glacier ID. It can fight back from being broke faster thanks
to Celeb Gift, it doesn’t have to spread its ice around to protect assets since it relies on operation econ allowing it to build a scoring server more quickly than HB currently can and its ability to run 3x caprice and or any number of Battys gives it more staying power than Food. Voter Intimidation will make it even stronger as an easy option for trashing plops or many other high value resources.
The amount of hoops you have to jump through with Foodcoats to squeeze out a win is insane. The deck is still very solid, but I often need to trick my opponent in order to win*. The pre-MWL days where you could just dominate your opponent are over, sadly.
*Stuff like hide 4+ agendas in Archives without Jackson, install BBG+agenda in new remote, etc.
Did a little pivoting and excel wrestling after assigning points to various win positions and weighting for event size (placing highly at a large event is treated as better than winning a tiny one), and at least at this first-order look, your eyes do not deceive you. It would be awesome to be able to take this to it’s logical conclusion (e.g. taking representation into account, and breaking down by datapack), but that’s not possible here and my excel skills aren’t good enough to beat these pivots into shape to even calculate within top-8 finishes!
While more data is always great, I’m not sure if this is entirely relevant. Maybe I’m just iffy about this because German regionals are really small, but isn’t this more or less just a representation of US/UK Regionals? I can’t quite put my finger on what I think should be done with the dataset, but without seeing the exact calculations, your data suggests that “Whizzard/NEH wins bigger tournaments”, which might be the same as “Whizzard/NEH wins a lot of tournaments in UK/US”. Also bigger tournaments do not get linearly more difficult, so weighing for tournament size just seems weird to me.
Hope that makes sense? If not, maybe someone understands what I mean and can phrase it better than me.
The data encompasses all worldwide regionals that I have been able to get data for. Here is the complete list of regionals this dataset covers.
To clarify, since attendance count in the US and UK (and maybe Australia?) is much higher, I think weighing towards attendance count is a bit weird, since it seems to disregard other metas.
I did some average top 8 rankings by Faction and by ID (Lower is Better)
Funny seeing Exile, Sunny and Reina as the highest average ranking runner decks (all 3 placed second in their only top 8 appearances).
Without trying to sound like a jerk, do you think we ought to consider a 70+ person win equivalent to a 7-person win? I don’t.