Account Siphon in the Current Meta

I had about 85% playing corp too.


He’s Dan the Man; his numbers don’t count to the rest of the mortals playing this game. Pretty soon, he’ll get called up to the big leagues (see: MtG; Poker).


Off topic, but online poker getting screwed in the US was pretty depressing a few years back.


Anyways, there’s plenty of game-design theory out there that says higher variance makes a game more approachable for a wider audience. Assuming FFG wants to sell packs ($), narrowing the win-gap between highly skilled players & lower skilled players should in theory expand the game’s popularity making them more money. (Assuming skilled players don’t obtain a platform and start bad-mouthing FFG everywhere and ruining the game’s appeal.) Obviously if that was their intent they failed a bit. I’d expect dan’s win rate to drop only 1%-2% a pack so that he felt like his edge was eroding and he had to try harder at the game.

The helplessness you’re feeling is obviously a bit too far. (Part of me like’s the idea of FFG sitting around going “How will this make Dan feel?” every time they make a new card.)

Fair enough. I’m only a journeyman-troll.

Fucking piggybacking bills. Fuck.

Speaking of higher variance making the game more accessible while simultaneously realizing I’m about to open a can of worms. . .

Push your luck…

Does this card have any play… is a 50% bet with 30 cr and a 2 credit vig have a place in the meta? What if the runner win rate were 35%?

It looks good on a playmat.


I was going to see how this conversation about account siphon was going, but I can’t find it over all this ego.


I don’t think that card is playable if you spot it 2 PPVP.

And thats coming from me.

Truth. Time to transfer part of this thread to a new penis-measuring thread.


If for some reason you’re in a place where you’re ok losing almost all of your credits or doubling your credit pool I think it’d be ok. Which means, to me. You need to find some reason to play jank like bag-biter. Which, really means, probably not. Why snatch defeat from the jaws of victory?