Combatting Jinteki: PE Kill Deck - Cambridge Variant

This has been discussed already over in the Psychic Field thread, but here’s a quick summary:

-Play slow. Keep a full hand, only play essential cards. The pressure is on them to kill you. They are running two Future Perfect and chances of scoring out to 7 agenda points is extremely low.
-Advanced stuff is almost certainly either a Ronin or a trap. Giving up a FetalAI to do 3 net damage and try for a kill isn’t unheard of either.
-Most important → Lock R&D. Destroy the traps before they hit their hand or table. Going two deep each turn is recommended. “Hammer HQ” isn’t as effective.
-The single card that wrecks this deck is Keyhole. Other standouts: Lemuria Codecracker, Deus Ex, Medium, Vamp, Siphon, Infiltration, Indexing, Feedback Filter.