[Completed] OFFICIAL Stimhack OCTGN League #1

[quote=“Nordrunner, post:358, topic:1478, full:true”]
Why are people upset about players wanting to play their best stuff in what is supposed to be a competitive league?[/quote]

  1. If it were more about playing THEIR best stuff instead of THE best stuff (it’s very easy to get good results with NEH)
  2. Do you seriously not mind at all that the majority of the matchups are NEH?

If the rating system were a little less mercurial, I think top 8 would be right, but as it is, I’d like to cast a vote for top 16 (or maybe even 32). Apart from nordrunner himself, the current ratings show that everyone in the top 20 or so seems to be pretty evenly matched. Staying in the top 8 is basically completely up to chance – just one game of mulliganing a no-ice hand into another no-ice hand can knock you down 25 rating points – while making top 16 seems achievable with careful play (and a healthy amount of metagaming).

Yeah, just lost ~80 elo in 4 games. x_x

Top16 means more players will probably park the bus, not sure if its healthy for the league. I vote for not doing the cut. Cumbersome to organize and also if 100+ games on the league won’t tell who is the best, I doubt that additional cut will. Let’s just try to overthrow Nord, this will be more fun than playing it safe for the TopX finish.


Anyone have a neat little voting app/link so we can take a vote?

Top 16 or 8 a cut knock-out sounds good to me. I anticipate some some exciting material I can record and share if I make it.


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I seriously do not mind. It’s fun to play versus different stuff sure, but every NEH I see, i look at it as practice for the “real world” I.e. world’s.


Indeed. I am currently thinking up something unique for the finalists. (Ideally top 16, but due to time constraints probably top 8)

And yes we have lots of prizes that have been donated by awesome folks! Total details will come later.


These remotes!


Better start playing more D;

Okay then I’m going a step further and asking:
Do you ENJOY facing mostly NEH? I get it’s good practice for worlds. But I still can’t really believe it’s fun for anyone.

I don’t honestly care what other people play.


@Nordrunner @SneakySly I just want to know what rank I need to aim for in order to get prizes / be able to participate in any top X bracket.

Also I really wish challengeboards used Glicko instead of Elo… challengeboards says it’s open source so someone who is not lazy like me should get on that :stuck_out_tongue:

Nords started this madness, and he finished it.

It was all a setup… We were all part of it, except Nordrunner.

Shall we start the real League now?


Actually the easiest improvement for the next edition of the league would be to adjust the K factor thresholds.
Currently no one will ever reach the second K factor bucket (Nord, take this as a challenge and do not park the bus until 1968,75! :smile:).


First Netrunner league when Challenge board launched last year as a point of comparison.


What catches my eye are the win %.

Yeah, that’s interesting. Do you think there was a bigger gap in player skill back then? Or is the game higher variance at the moment?