Do we need more ICE?

No, I agree ice is still relevant. But I thought this point was worth making: uf Faust/D4v1d is a problem in the same way Yog.0 was, I don’t want the attempted solution to Faust/D4v1d to be a ton of ice it struggles to break. Printing tons of high strength, low cost code gates has been deeply detrimental to the game.

Oh you charmer you.


I assume you’re speaking as a dedicated Criminal runner here? :wink:

What do you think to cards like Lotus Field?

Lotus Field seems very well balanced, and is deeply underpowered compared to the other recently printed code gates! It’s not super high strength, it costs a ton, and it doesn’t hurt to run into. You pay end-the-run on a code gate, and for its niche effect, which was a pretty big deal when Yog.0 was still being played (and made for a fourth gear check with Net-Ready Eyes). It was frustrating when it utterly screwed Anarch, leaving them only Knight and Force of Nature(!) to break it for a while.

Then they printed Faust, so I think Lotus Field is two cards.

A litlte, but consider Shaper that doesn’t want to run CyCy, or if D4v1d really did get put on the MWL/banned. Code Gates have ended up well out of step, and it’s primarily due to Yog.0.

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Lotus Field is still a gear check… for spooned.
A 2 card tax is fairly solid – its decent remote ICE that cannot be parasited.


The game is in an interesting place when we can legitimately speak about having to tax the runner’s events before we can tax their credit/card pool. Interesting way to look at it. “What’s left in the drawer?”

I honestly believe that the dumble suite is incredibly fragile and wont be around for all that much longer. We will probably look back and see this as the golden age of anarch which was all too brief.

The reason for this thinking is it only take a couple of new cards to invalidate the rig. Navi is going to make a massive dent i think, and then just some other anti ai ice or tools that can slot into most decks will be the nail in the coffin. If that doesnt happen, maybe mwl (or banning, which i dont think should happen) will weaken it enough.

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I have the same hopes for Navi Mumbai as you do, I just don’t want the game to devolve into “do I have the right cards to even attempt to do anything worth while?” I appreciate being able to win off random accesses, but if that’s what I have to do to win a match most times because I’m so screwed I may as well play play something else…well, that’s what I’ll do.

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