How FFG killed the Netrunner fanbase

Thinking about it, Gagarin is probably the closest thing we have to a “fair” asset ID, right? It just adds a light tax to access things, it’s not like you’re going to lose the game if you actually do trash something.

Plus they’re Weyland assets, which probably won’t cause you to lose the game if they’re untrashed, unlike NBN or Jinteki.


Anyone remember NEARPAD? That was probably my first experience with ‘asset spam’ in ANR (not including Cambridge PE). The first time I ran into on OCTGN, I got bodied. I didn’t know what the hell happened. The next time I got bodied as well, but started to learn which cards the deck used. Then I loaded up the deck myself and started playing it. It was a blast; it was different from glacier and full of ballsy, naked agenda installs. Then one day, I finally started beating NEARPAD; patiently and cautiously treading through the muck of remotes, doing my best to avoid the traps. It felt so great to beat the deck; I had learned the match-up!

Experiences like this are important for ANR. Naked asset strategies have to be somewhat viable. Granted, NEARPAD was much weaker than the spam strategies that would come later; and more fragile; but shell games can be fun for both players if the balance is there. The strategies should never be tier 1 IMO; and never with as much raw power and oppression as classic Bio IG, for example.


Ok, naked installs and bluffs and all should be ok. Still, you must not publish Moon which gives credits AND cards. Just the fuel for more assets! Moon really tipped the game for the Asset spam decks. We are not talking prison or bluffs, we are talking a continuous stream of cards that the runner cannot control if something goes wrong. It was one with the sensie, now you also get credits in the process…


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God that would be AWESOME! TBH it doesn’t sound like his thing, he’d be more likely to make up a fictional and even more esoteric and ridiculous version of Netrunner for his characters to play :slight_smile:
But if he did mention Netrunner in one of his shows, FFG would probably never be able to catch up with demand ever again.

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Cool ideas! Hopefully they’ll put them in, much more imaginative than Scrubbers/Wihzzard. Maybe another bad pub mechanic too.

Well no.

You are stating: 1. Netrunner fanbase is dead. 2. Its because of FFG.

I am saying: 1. I dont think so. 2. Netrunner fanbase will stay alive as long as people are playing and doing stuff to make the game fun.

Why shouldn’t I post that? If you dont like people contradicting you, maybe dont start a thread with such a controversial asumption?

Lets just agree to disagree and keep on.


I remember NEARPAD, because I played with it at a regional…

So there’s this thing… Assets were underpowered for a long time, then Mumbad printed overpowered assets. IT Department was a powerful asset, but was ‘underpowered’ in the necessity of needing to defend it. Basically any of the really good assets were Sandburg-level. The issue was that we only had a few, so you couldn’t actually build a deck around Assets, you’d build a deck around IT Department. NEARPAD was the first deck that actually used Assets for their abilities to eke incremental advantages over the course of the game. It was still really really slow, because PAD Campaign being your best asset means you’re gonna be slow. Team Sponsorship was honestly the first Asset that really started to let this style of deck Exist. (Cambridge PE existed, but it was more about the threat of what the facedowns could be, instead of gaining advantage from Assets.)

The problem was never a lack of power in Assets, it was a lack of Quantity. NEARPAD was a High Quantity of Low-Mid Quality Assets. Nowadays, Moons is a High Quantity of High Quality Assets. In theory the Runner can keep Assets down by paying the trash costs. In reality, it costs a Corp a Click and a Card, while it costs the Runner a Click and Credits, plus the cost to break into the server. It’s nearly always against the Runner’s favor by building up these incremental advantages. And then Friends undoes all the Runner’s work for very little investment on the Corp side.


Fang hier esser nicht an zu diskutieren. Einige haben es hier nicht so mit Logik :grin:

if you want to insult people in here maybe don’t hide behind language barriers


I think this is the main problem. So many assets can just set there these days until the Corp is ready to use them which is usually a big effect. Prior to that the runner must trash them paying a click, their trash cost and whatever it cost them to get into the server. For example, Jeeves in a Moons deck - he can sit there until you are ready to fast advance a 4/2 or Vitruvius with a counter. If that happens it is a huge advantage for the Corp and all it cost them was a click (probably gaining Turtlebacks money). Therefore the runner must run and trash it which is still a win to the Corp. And it then get recurred with Friends in High Places.

If there were an ID or permanent resource that was kind of like a combination between Pol Op and Councilman. Whenever the Corp rezzes an asset, you may access it. It allows the runner to trash it before the effect takes place. It also has synergy with Maw, Aeneas Informant, Salsette Slums and Imp. It does not solve the problem of Friends In High Places but it costs the Corp something. Probably very overpowered compared to cards in the current card pool but something along those lines might be a good card against asset spam.


He’s just gearchecking our language fracter


I think this is the true key. There’s so much unexplored design space in Netrunner, probably stemming a lot from Lukas’s generally conservative designs. All we need are some more cards that interact with asset spam. There’s a dissonance between the printing of Asset-help for the Corp and the lack of printing Asset-Hate for the Runner. It’s baffling, and when players are baffled they get confused, and confusion leads to anger, and anger leads to hate, and then we have entire planets getting blown up by space stations the size of small moons.


I like to think of the asset spam tech question in similar terms to fast advance. Why is there no Clot equivalent for asset spam (i.e. a single low-influence, tutorable slot in your deck that can give you a shot against an otherwise extremely challenging match-up)?

The counters that have been printed so far have generally been too indirect or weak to justify their play over, say, Whizzard (who completely distorts rez/trash costs for non-spam corps). Unlike FA, which generally requires some digging/setup and a pile of cash, assets can start hitting the table and having a high impact from turn one. So even if there was a good silver bullet for asset spam, I think it would be hard to incorporate into decks in a meaningful fashion since it needs to be seen very early to be effective.

While I understand FFG’s desire to open up alternate strategies, they really fucked up on balancing horizontal corp play. Unlike FA or kill, the only reasonable tech-free counterplay is to rack up shitloads of econ (which introduces power creep).


It’s not just econ, though. Even with tons of econ, you still have to run everything. No FIHP on an MWL currently means lots of clicks just checking, TRYING to keep up.

MCA Austerity (how this made it through testing in current rez-trash cost state, wtf) only adds to the issue.


Oh man, Whizzard was an anchor latched firmly on assets as a card type. I get that they wanted to push assets forward as viable, but man you can’t do that with the Master Gamer lurking!

Shoulda rotated first!

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Yeah, the problem is if you print something as strong as wizzard again you not only hurt asset spam but also something like a classic FoodCoats that runs asset econ or some interesting but limited assets. FFG needs to print something like Beth for assets.

It could gain counters every time a new server is created. Those counters could then be converted to clicks or credits. Alternatively it could just give you an extra click for every x remote servers. Design like that specifically targets asset spam without neutering asset assisted strategies.


Credit to whoever designed Aeneas Informant, which is exactly a card that really is good against a deck with lots of assets, but is only okay against a deck just running a few. It scales well.

Whether it is on a good enough power level to make a difference, I dunno, but I really like the design of that card as far as being an anti-asset spam card without being an anti-asset card.


Except the card we were all looking for, in a post-Whizzard world was a unique resource “the first time you access an asset each turn gain 3 credits regardless of whether you trash it or just stare at it blankly for several seconds.” :wink:

Aeneas Intormant doesn’t fight spam, it’s a palliative measure at best.


Starting to drift into the thread addressing asset spam options. Maybe the only way out is a rule change akin to the cost of installing more ICE…


I’m talking more from a design perspective than a development perspective. Aeneas Informant is a bit too slow to deal with asset spam at the moment, but unlike Whizzard, it gets better the more assets the corp has, rather than worse.

Which is really cool.

If we are talking hypothetical abilities, I’m still waiting on a Khondi Plaza-like ability except:

  1. it’s on a runner card
  2. it is good for the runner instead of bad

That’s certainly an easy way to make a card that scales with assets. Or you could even just print some version of diversified portfolio for the runner. The sky is the limit, really.

One thing that is very annoying with Whizzard is the incidental splash damage he has on non-asset spam decks… Basically, if you aren’t going to spam assets, you might as well not even have them, and that’s a bit unfortunate.

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