[Jinteki RP] Perfecting Perfection: The Best Deck Ever

Recruiting trip to get batty and twins! So many psi games.


What does Batty do?

Looks like Upgrade, 0 rez 1 trash,

trash: during a run on this server, play psi, if you win, resolve a sub on an ice protecting this server.


This is a red card?!


Yes. Three influence.

So fire Architect sub on their last click run, find Nisei MK II, flip identity to score? Damn, thatā€™d be sick if Biotech was RP. But seriously, RP shouldnā€™t be getting another watered down Caprice Nisei. Theyā€™re going to print something to deal with psi game bullshit soon right? And donā€™t say Drive By.


Driā€” er wait, dangit.

I doubt weā€™re going to see anything to deal with psi soon.

Unregisteā€¦ Nervermind.


Well I guess itā€™s good regional season is over. As more people find how easy it is to beat NBN kill variants RP seems like the only Corp that can consistently win and they keep printing more tier one cards to slot into it!


I hate positional ICE with a passion right? BUT chum has been doing some good work turning back on cortext lock when the runner is up to full MU. @Cerberus turned me onto the idea at a GNK last wednesday and in some test games online its not failed at doing some decent work, even if its just forcing the runner to reassess their play. Parasite the ICE behind it and your back to why i dont like positional ICE, but im liking it as one off, with batty that could be pretty brutal, but by then your looking at a potentially a 3 card combo.

Also, agg sec in RP is not as bonkers as i first thought and turns back on cortex and wrap pretty sharpish. I think batty would be a good slot in a deck that can dig at a runners board state like that.

I think Chum would be fine as a one-of. There are plenty of ice in the deck that itā€™s decent in front of ā€“ Susanoo, Excalibur, Cortex Lock, Crickā€¦

I was running it in a random ID tournament out of Medtech rather than RP though.

Chum could be okay in RP as a 1 of, as it works well with Cortex Lock and ice that are traditionally Femme targets such as Susanoo and Tollbooth. But Iā€™m not convinced as many RP decks donā€™t run high ice counts, and it could impact early game ability to defend a Sundew etc

Fair enough i should of qualified that comment by saying it was out of medtech, but i think the 1x include of chum was a good shout all the same. Also my current aggsec build is running 18 ice with only 6 being non-hard ETR, i personally havent found an issue with defense but your correct it could make the suite more porous if your not careful.

In a Whizzard heavy meta do you drop the last DBS? Lately even in other matchups Iā€™ve found myself more credit constrained than anything else and the DBS will sit unrezzed for several turns.

Iā€™d favour EBC in that spot personally (though both have merits, DBS is not to be underestimated either). Having whatā€™s essentially a fourth Sundew and Jackson can be really good. Could be especially good if your main concern is credits.

Why? Ice up, let them spend two clicks and some credits.

So whatā€™s the philosophy behind not including Enhanced Login anymore? Iā€™ve got a friend that still rolls with it and itā€™s still really annoying. Am I missing something in the wider meta that has cause it to fall out of favor? Is it because there are more card-effect based runs like Keyhole and such, that ignore the card? Or is it just a matter of spending the influence on more taxing Ice?

Itā€™s not that good against PPVP Kate, but if everyone is just Anarchs in the meta it could definitely become worthwhile again.

Seems like this rig would be happy: Atman4, Datasucker, Parasite?

Iā€™m pretty ready to add Cerebral Static to wreck Whizz/MaxX/Noise. Hacktivist 1st turn is fucking brutal, and CS even affects Kate a little.