I think Visage sings in decks with an exhaustible economy. PPVP Kate couldn’t always have events in hand, you can’t click Kati ad nauseam, ST can only fire once per turn, etc. I can click Mopus forever, so you don’t need much more econ.
However you calculate the efficiency (in credits, clicks, or cards) it never felt powerful enough to me. I would install it and then realize it didn’t really pull weight by the end of the game. Then I stopped wanting to install it, so I cut it.
i guess it all depends how early in the game you install it. but yea the nexus deck has a clear ‘im good now’ point so i guess. but if you get it early it seems small, but adding it up its pretty nice. itll give you more dollars than the kate discount will thru a game (if installed early)
Ugh, I’m having a tough choice with this. Been hitting a lot of Grail and Galahad is a bitch without parasite. Is it worth dropping to 1 Nexus and 2 Trade-In?
I’m currently thinking:
3 Clone
1 Lady
1 Faust
1 Mimic
1 Clot
1 Nexus
1 Stimhack/Utopia
@nungunz: Grail ICE, while annoying, is also predictable. Because it takes a lot of influence, you can make reasonable guesses on what the remaining ICE in the deck is. This makes a pre-emptive Atman at 1 to deal with Galahad my usual plan of action. Mimic will likely break all the sentries in the deck (certainly Lancelot). Merlin is easier to play around with the high rez cost. The high rez cost also means they won’t likely get multiple rezzed, making Cyber Cypher an ideal answer. Add in the fact that you can still use Nexus to great effect, and I haven’t had a ton of trouble with Grail. Admittedly all the testing was pre-MWL, but I still suspect Atman 1 will help a ton.
@JTG81: That is a purely meta question that really only you can answer. I think Plascrete is the definite choice above any other Meat Damage prevention, but how many to use depends entirely on how much kill you expect to see. I will likely be playing 2 until I see Haarp or other 24/7 kill decks fall out of favor. Playing only 1 and 1 Trade-in didn’t feel like enough even when Utopia was still in the deck.
Been working with Mason a lot to champion this deck. You’ve stated that you didn’t want to cut Faust, I have cut Faust and haven’t missed it too much. By keeping Faust in what did you decide to drop instead of for the influence?
It really depends on what I see people playing. I haven’t been testing at all post MWL, and I’ll probably wait till the dust settles to start (especially since I will miss almost all of SC season). If you’re going off the last published list, instinctively I’d go -1 Clone Chip, -1 Utopia, -1 Stimhack, -1 Mimic to open up the inf for 2 Clone Chip and 1 Lady. Mimic is in there just because Architect is such a pain, and I suspect we’ll see less of it.
If there is a resurgence of Rototurret and Jinteki sentries then I’ll probably cut something different. It could be that Faust is the right cut, but the meta would have to look pretty spectacularly different from pre-MWL for me to go there. At that point there’s a good chance that Nexus Kate isn’t the deck I want to be playing at all.
Well, this is her last hurrah, but here’s my current anti-Foodcoats list. It did very well at the huge Dark Sphere SC against foodcoats (5-0), but my Corp play let me down when I lost the win-and-in against Youtube caster bewnt in Round 6.
Cheeky Notoriety Kate, the Foodcoats Slayer, 11th London SC
Program (5)
1x Clot(The Valley) [color=#FF4500]••[/color]
1x D4v1d(The Spaces Between) [color=#FF4500]••••[/color]
3x Self-modifying Code(Creation and Control)
15 influence spent (max 15)
46 cards (min 45)
Cards up to Old Hollywood
Did you play against Foodcoats five times? I think the inclusion of Notoriety is brilliant, as the last point is always such a pain to score. Why another RDI over TME though? I have not played the matchup too much, but I feel TME is a stronger choice due to the fact that I often got in once, thanks to David, but could not establish an R&D lock properly, even with RDI.
Here’s a Proco/Aesops decklist that I’ve been working on. It feels faster than ProCo alone, and I think this mixed economy might be close to where Shaper is going post MWL. None of the choices are very complicated. I’m still working on the numbers, and I’d love to find more space for a second Modded. Thoughts and comments appreciated.
They are nice to have. I did like that Book of Kate deck. ProCo takes their spot here in order to smooth out plays; could swap proco for writers and play a couple Quality Times, but I haven’t fiddled with that.
I have been playing with a Kate Doubles deck for MWL meta. So far it looks quite promising.
Only 9 doubles, but all are good. The deck has a very strong card draw, and Power Nap is powerhouse mid- to late- game.
The deck also should be pretty fast, as you don’t need to setup any econ engine. Just a SMC and couple econ cards is all that is needed.
Kate’s Revenge
Kate “Mac” McCaffrey Digital Tinker
12 influence spent (max 15-3=12) ••••••••••••
46 cards (min 45)
Cards up to Breaker Bay
Event (25)
3x Diesel
3x Dirty Laundry
3x Game Day
1x Levy AR Lab Access
3x Lucky Find ••••• •
3x Power Nap
2x Quality Time
2x Scavenge
3x Sure Gamble
2x The Maker’s Eye