New deck testing: NBN: TWiY

Neither you nor Alex apparently bothered to actually read what I said when you came in here to poop all over it. Alex stated in reply to my comments that the deck needed SanSan because it had 9 3/2 agendas in it, even though I said several times my feedback was predicated on making a few changes which included taking out 4 of the 3/2 agendas. Nevermind that I explained afterwards in direct response to Acidburn’s question about SanSan as to why the deck shouldn’t use it with my proposed changes.

You’ve made two posts now misquoting percentages - the deck isn’t 40% ICE after my proposed changes, it’s 50% ICE, and there’s no longer a 30% chance of drawing an agenda on a random access, there is a 22.5% chance. Your comment on 6 of the ICE being too cheap to break is invalidated by the changes having added 5 more ICE to the original list.

Never Advance has nothing to do with this deck other than I brought it up to say that while Pop-ups are pretty crappy for me nowadays, they’re still pretty good for this deck since it’s desperate for money and because the deck puts a big sign on R&D that says “Kick my ass here!” The difference is if you give this one 2-3 credits a turn on R&D runs it can pretty easily get a Flare/Tollbooth on it.

Again though, like I’ve said 3-4 times in here already, a lot of this is pretty irrelevant because my intent on commenting on the deck was never to build the perfect NBN deck, or even to build the perfect TWIY deck, or even to build the perfect NBN rush deck. My intent was only to offer suggestions to improve upon the deck while leaving it in a state where it still felt like the same deck that it was in it’s original state. I think I did a pretty good job of that, and I’m not sure how those comments deserved such a critical tone when the rest of us already had a good time watching the stream w/ the deck both before and after and it was unanimously decided that the changes were improvements as shown by testing.

I’d enjoyed this thread a lot up to this point, and I’d had some hopes maybe the Stimhack forums would be a cooler place to hang out than BGG because of it, but really this is just the same bullshit that I’ve seen everywhere else. Don’t bother to actually read the posts, immediately adopt a critical tone, punish the deck idea for not being in the top 5 tournament archetypes, and irritate the hell out of everyone. Good show!


I agree with @Lluluien about SanSan, and I think he adequately captured why that is the case in this deck. The agenda composition was chased in the revised version.

People need to realize that the point of these kinds of threads is to take a deck idea and modify it for improvement while maintaining the heart of the original idea. I think that was pretty successfully done here, and Lluluien’s proposed changes really made the deck stronger and more focused around it’s theme. :thumbsup:


Just wanted to thank you for the deck idea. I’ve put together something similar, and have been surprised at how well it has performed. The version I’m currently running is:


Agenda (10)

3 Astroscript
3 Breaking News
3 Project Beal
1 Priority Requisition

Asset (3)

3 Melange

Operation (10)

3 Anonymous Tip
3 Hedge Fund
3 Oversight AI
1 Psychographics

Barrier (3)

3 Wall of Static

Code Gate (9)

3 Tollbooth
3 Pop-up Window
3 Enigma

Sentry (5)

3 Archer
2 Data Raven

The one-of Psycho is mainly due to the prevalence of tag-me decks in my meta. My first version had 2 Private Contracts in as I was worried about economy with all the big ice, but it turns out Oversight AI is just really good! I’ve also tried a variant with +2 Sansan -1 Psycho -1 Anon Tip, which worked fairly well also.

If you take the Psycho out, the Data Ravens may not be the best choice, as there is no other tag punishment in the deck at all. I tried Chimera in their place, but found them very lack-luster, but that may be meta dependent also.