New Updated FAQ & Tournament Rules

Sure, they’re waiting for you now! Go!


When an effect allows the Runner to “bypass” a piece of ice,
he immediately passes that ice and continues the run. All
subroutines (including 0) on the ice bypassed are not broken.

Femme + Chum + Komainu = You take the damage
Isn’t that new?

And no more stashing advancement tokens on Idendity cards with Tennin. (Well you can still do it, but you can’t use them for ToL)

I’m glad they finally got around to reading Trick of Light.

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I think that’s kinda the point. You want the cut to represent the strongest players in attendance and the super-bye is a way to lower the variance, increasing the chances that they make it. It also means that they rise to the top of the draw quicker, which means that the players “find their own level” earlier in the day. Without the byes a lot of the good players could get drawn against each other early on; that means that they can’t both end up on maximum points after one round, so at least one of them will be playing up through a weaker part of the field all day.


Fantastic. WSW was a random, noob-stomp-rewarding piece of crap and I’m glad they got rid of it.

Also glad that they went back on R&D NAPD and Red Herrings; the earlier ruling was pointless. Just do what it says on the cards and it works fine, no exceptions needed.

Hmmm. I think I might actually be out of gripes now… well, I guess there’s always Fast Track.

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What’s wrong with Fast Track?

I was half joking and I’m going off topic here, but I find that Fast Track opens up some … undesirable design space with Astroscript Pilot Program (see: fastrobiotics). One might as well (and perhaps should) point the finger at APP, but the fact is that APP already existed, so simply not printing Fast Track would have been preferable.

Either way, I don’t really care enough to crusade about it, but if any gripe is left to me, that would be it.

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Now I’m wondering if Chum fires if you encounter a Komainu while you have 0 cards in hand. Probably not, but I don’t think it’s a case that the FAQ explicity covers.

No because you broke all subs on the ice, all being 0

Actually it says in the FAQ that 0 subs are not broken when the Ice is bypassed. (bolds are the new additions)

When an effect allows the Runner to “bypass” a piece of ice,
he immediately passes that ice and continues the run. All
subroutines (including 0) on the ice bypassed are not broken.

So you can now Mass Install a Scheherazade with two other programs and host the cards on Scheherazade. Interesting. Cards installed at the same time are done one at a time, not simultaneously.

Installing Multiple Cards
Whenever multiple cards are installed by the same effect, those
cards are installed one at a time.
Example: The Runner uses Mass Install to install three programs,
including Scheherazade. The Runner can install the Scheherazade
first, and then host the other two programs on it.

EDIT: oh turns out the chum komainu femme example is addressed specifically:

The Runner uses Femme Fatale to bypass a Komainu for 0
credits. If there is a Chum installed before the Komainu, are
the 0 subroutines on Komainu broken, or does the Runner take
the 3 net damage?
The subroutines are not broken because the ice was bypassed,
and the Runner takes 3 net damage.


I’m not talking Femme Komainu Chum, I’m talking Komainu Chum with zero cards in hand.

But @SamRS is right; there’s this section under Terminology:
The word “all” includes the number zero."

Oh man I totally missed that you didn’t mention Femme, haha sorry :’)